Friday, December 19, 2014

'Even though you're gay, I will always treat you the same way as I do now' 九歲小女孩寫給老師的信,撼動人心

A heartwarming letter of support written by a nine-year-old to her primary school teacher has swept the internet. 


Friday, December 12, 2014

Tea breaks AREN'T a waste of time at work! 喝茶休息並不是浪費工作時間!

Bosses worried that staff are wasting time on tea breaks could not be more wrong, for a new study suggests drinking a cuppa could unlock their hidden potential. The research found the process of making and drinking a cup of tea boosts mood and tended to enhance creative problem solving.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Air New Zealand named world's best airline|世界最棒的航空公司!

On top: Air New Zealand has been voted best airline in the world for the second consecutive year.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Lack of 'me time' is burning us out!沒有足夠的獨處時間會導致人憂鬱!

Britons are burning themselves out by not getting enough 'me time', suggests a new study.Researchers found nearly two-thirds of adults (61 per cent) aren't getting enough 'down-time' a week - leading to stress, tiredness and even depression.For the study involving 2,000 adults, 'me time' was defined as taking time-out for yourself.

研究者發現,將近三分之二(61%)的英國人,因為沒有足夠獨處的時間,導致他們感到壓力疲勞甚至憂鬱。“ me time “這個詞定義為 獨處的時間

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Plastic surgery so drastic they can't get past airport security! How Chinese women are flying to South Korea for a more 'Western' face. │ 變美了卻回不了家?

Chinese women who are entering South Korea seeking skilled plastic surgeons are undergoing such transformative procedures that they are struggling to get past airport security on their way home.
The extensive surgeries, which can include reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western', are transforming some Chinese women's entire faces, rendering them almost unrecognizable.

到南韓進行整容手術的中國女性現在面臨的最大困難就是 -- 無法過海關! 因為整容手術,他們的面貌有劇烈的改變,包括了讓眼睛變大,變得更像西方人,或者是改變整個臉型,改變之後的她們幾乎難以和原本的樣貌聯想在一起,都認不出是誰了!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

They've been living under a rock! 和石頭一起生活?令人驚嘆的中世紀葡萄牙岩石村莊!

"I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder"
Villagers in Monsanto, Portugal have made their homes around ancient boulders.   

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dream of gorging on a juicy steak guilt-free? 科學家最新發現!大口吃牛排再也不怕紅肉所帶來的危害

As you bite into a juicy steak, is your enjoyment tempered by a nagging thought that all that red meat is damaging your health? Well that guilty feeling may soon be a thing of the past.

For scientists have discovered why eating too much red meat can harm your heart - and think they may be able to solve the problem.They have worked out the mechanism by which nutrients in beef, pork or lamb are transformed into molecules which harden and narrow the arteries.


Friday, September 5, 2014

He’s got his head in the clouds! Daydreaming artist looks to the heavens and sketches what he sees in the sky. │ 藝術家 Martin Feijoo 把他的頭像放到雲上了!他把想像的東西搬上雲端!

An artist has bought to life the visions he sees in the sky.

In a project called Cloud Shaping, Madrid-based Martin Feijoo sketches quirky interpretations of what he sees when he looks up at the sky.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How marriage makes men fat: They consume more cakes and wine after tying knot. | 婚姻如何使人發胖:結婚後他們消耗更多的蛋糕和葡萄酒

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
And it seems that even after a woman has charmed her husband, she just can’t resist feeding him up.
A study commissioned by the Men’s Health Forum has shown that getting married can change men’s eating habits and their waistlines.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Teabags, biscuits and INSTANT MASH: The top 10 things Brits can't do without while on holiday (and 50% miss sleeping in own bed) | 茶包,餅乾和洋芋片:前10名英國人在渡假期間離不開的東西(而50%的人會想念自己的床)

Despite spending most of our working days longing for some blissful days on a sun lounger, almost half of Britons spend their holidays pining for their home comforts.
A new study has revealed that a comfortable bed and a good cup of tea are amongst the things that we miss most when abroad.
The research, carried out by ebookers, found that almost half (42 per cent) of the nation identified that they will miss their own bed more than they will their friends, family or partner this summer, however for one in five of us, it’ll be a good cup of tea that we long for whilst on holiday.



Thursday, July 24, 2014

Has YOUR man ever faked his orgasm? Over 30% of males admit that blissful moment of climax is sometimes just a performance | 超過三成的男人承認,高潮的幸福時刻,有時候只是一種表演。

Women have long been known to weave theatrics into their sex lives - 'headaches' when we aren't in the mood, faked orgasms for a whole range of reasons - but most of us presume men to be far more simple when it comes to sex.
Not according to a recent study conducted by Time Out, which found that over 30per cent of the New York men they polled admitted to faking orgasms.
A separate recent survey by the University of Kansas - as well as several others over time - corroborated this 30per cent statistic exactly. It reported that most men give the same reason for faking it: that a partner's orgasm was imminent so they felt under pressure to climax.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Eat cake and lose weight: Scientists unveil low fat food they say tastes exactly like the real thing | 吃蛋糕從此不怕增加體重?科學家正在研究如何讓低脂食品的味道吃起來跟原本的食物一模一樣。

Researchers may have discovered the holy grail of dieting - low fat cake and cheese.
British researcher say they have created a protein that mimics the taste and texture of fat perfectly.
The proteins will enable food manufacturers to remove much of the fat used in their products without compromising on product quality.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Extreme sportsman creates pre-amputation bucket list for his LEG|罹患罕見關節疾病,極限運動員樂觀面對截肢人生

An extreme sportsman has made a heart-warming photo diary charting his agonising decision to have his left foot amputated.
Joseph Pleban, 23, was told he had a rare bone and joint disease which caused recurring tumours in his ankle.
He decided to have his left foot removed by surgeons after realising it would allow him to continue to pursue extreme sports.

美國一名23歲的極限運動愛好者 Joseph Pleban,患有罕見骨骼和關節疾病,病情嚴重到必須截肢。在接受手術前,他計畫發布一系列攝影日記,並在網路上公開自己接受治療的過程,以樂觀心態迎接新生活。

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Incredible story of mother who miscarried, only to find out she was carrying twins and the other baby was STILL ALIVE|令人難以置信,媽媽懷了雙胞胎流產,其中一個胎兒仍然活著


When Michelle Hui was told she had lost her baby in a miscarriage after six weeks of pregnancy, her world descended into a nightmarish blur.After enduring five separate scans to confirm the devastating news, she was given abortion drugs to prevent any infection in her body.Mrs Hui was then told she had potentially dangerous blood clots in her womb and would have to have surgery to remove them.

Michelle Hui被告知,在她懷孕六週後流產失去了她的寶寶,她的世界陷入惡夢似的模糊。五個不同的掃描結果確認這個消息,為了預防感染幫她打了墮胎藥。然後醫生告訴她有潛在的危險血塊在她的子宮裡,將通過手術來移除它們。

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Man attempts to cycle across Africa after losing his parents to cancer|雙親離世促使他擁抱生命,挑戰騎單車橫越非洲大陸!

There can be all manner of reasons to take a long journey – a desire to expand one’s horizons; a need to re-charge the batteries; an irresistible case of wanderlust.
But for Derek Cullen, his current odyssey has a rather more poignant reason.

The 32-year-old Dubliner is midway through a monumental jaunt that was inspired – if that’s the correct word – by the death of both his parents.

Mr Cullen lost both his mother and father to cancer ‘a few years ago’ – and came to the conclusion that life is too short to waste being ‘crippled by fear and anxieties.’

是什麼原因能夠讓一個人可以不顧一切獨自去旅行?是為了開拓視野、自我沉澱,還是天生就渴望著流浪?對於32歲的愛爾蘭男子 Derek Cullen 來說,這趟史詩般的非洲之旅有著更深層的意義。幾年前,Cullen 的父母相繼因癌症而去世,他感受到生命的短暫,並意識到自己不能再將生命浪費在退縮與畏懼之中,於是萌生了非洲單車行的念頭。

Friday, July 4, 2014

Top 5 Things to do Before You Die|有哪些事情是一生當中非做不可的呢?英國樂透網公布「人生目標清單」調查結果!

Catching a glimpse of the Northern Lights has topped a bucket list of things Britons would like to see or do before they died.
A survey of 2,000 people by the National Lottery placed seeing the aurora borealis natural phenomenon above any other personal desire.
Personal achievements also featured high on the list, with retiring comfortably featuring in second place.


Friday, June 27, 2014

The FashionGrandpas Instagram Proves Senior Citizens Know How to Stunt|誰說時尚只有年輕人撐得起來?紐約街拍「時尚潮爺」!

A new Instagram account which rounds up the very best-dressed of New York City's over-70 crowd is fast gaining popularity.
Fashion Grandpas has amassed over 13,700 followers since its inception in March, and celebrates the corduroy, colorful socks and cashmere sweaters - not to mention the exceptional array of eccentric hats - worn in dignified earnest by the silver haired seniors of the city.
The photos are snapped by Christina Belchere, a 23-year-old fashion PR based in New York, who tells 'The cute and sassy grandpas in New York City made it too easy to compile a portfolio and create the account.'


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Nasa reveals incredible 'global selfie' containing over 36,000 pictures taken on Earth Day|NASA公佈最新網友自拍所組成的地球照!

If you thought Ellen DeGeneres's Oscars selfie packed in a lot of people, get ready for a shock.

Nasa has revealed a huge image of the earth made up of over 36,000 selfies. Created to mark Earth Day, the 3.2 gigapixel image can be zoomed so that users can find their own picture.

The project was created to mark Earth Day, and Nasa asked people all around the world a simple question – 'Where are you on Earth Right Now?' We asked people to answer the question on social media, with a selfie.

自拍風潮席捲全球,不僅美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)愛自拍,第86屆奧斯卡典禮主持人艾倫(Ellen DeGeneres)也在典禮上與12位巨星自拍,被外界封為「史上最強自拍照」!

日前美國太空總署(NASA)策畫了一個 #GlobalSelfie 的活動,收集全球各地的自拍照,拼合在一起,成為巨型的著名「藍色彈珠」地球照片。

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The 12 most bizarre hangover cures from around the world|12種世界各地最奇怪的解酒方式


If you regularly reach for a hangover cure, just be thankful you don't live in Mongolia. Instead of a traditional fry up, you'd be reaching for a glass of tomato juice and pickled sheep eyeballs.

That's according to graphic design agency NeoMam in Manchester, which has created a set of infographics describing the strangest hangover cures from around the world.

如果你是一個常需要解酒液的人,那麼你該慶幸你不是生活在蒙古!當地最傳統的解酒方法竟是一杯番茄汁加上醃漬的羊眼球!!快跟著英國曼徹斯特的圖像設計機構 NeoMam 所創建的信息圖表來認識世界各地最奇怪的醒酒方法:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A taste of school lunches all around world|午餐時間!世界各地學校營養午餐!

First lady Michelle Obama is on a mission to make American school lunches healthier by replacing greasy pizza and french fries with whole grains, low fat protein, fresh fruit and vegetables.

The Associated Press helps you compare her efforts in the United States with what kids are eating around the globe by sending photographers to see what kids in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America ate for lunch this week.

美國第一夫人Michelle Obama一直致力於改善美國學校午餐菜單,以健康、有營養的食物如全麥麵包、低脂蛋白質、新鮮蔬果等,來代替那些油膩的披薩和薯條,同時幫助降低美國兒童的肥胖率。


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

British teenagers stay 6.7 metres away from 'embarrassing' fathers|英研究:「青少年平均與父親保持6.7公尺距離。」

The tradition of embarrassing fathers is alive and kicking in Britain today a survey has revealed.
In fact British teenagers find their fathers so embarrassing that they stay an average of 6.7 metres away from them if they are out together in public, for fear of being seen by friends.
But maybe the kids should be more grateful as it transpires that the average father also does 627 ‘dad miles’ every year on weekends, ferrying teens to and from parties and other social gatherings, often very late into the evening.


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Diet of green tea and raw fish is key to healthy, long life|日本人長壽秘訣:綠茶、生魚和蔬菜!

If you are searching for the key to a long and healthy life, it seems Japanese women may have the answer. 

A new study has revealed their diets rich in raw fish and green tea are helping them to live considerably longer than British women. Eschewing the Western staples of dairy and bread sees Japanese women live to the ripe old age of 86.4 years on average, much more than British women who live to just 82.7 years.




Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Not so happily ever after! Disney characters battle the grim conditions of the real world|當夢幻的迪士尼卡通人物來到現實世界,會是什麼樣子呢?

Disney's motto is 'where dreams come true' but a new art series puts a nightmarish spin on things.

New York-based animation artist Jeff Hong, 35, has imagined some of the company's most popular characters battling the grim conditions of the real world. 
For instance, on his Tumblr, Unhappily Ever After, one image sees Ariel washed up on a beach covered in oil spill - a far cry from the pollution-free ocean she inhabits in The Little Mermaid.

但35歲的華裔紐約籍動畫師 Jeff Hong 要打破大眾對於迪士尼世界的美好幻想,在個人微型部落格發表了《從此不再幸福快樂》系列作品。

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Living on a Dollar a Day: 1.6 billion people on earth who live in extreme poverty|全球16億窮人每天生活費不足1美元!

A San Francisco-based law professor who founded an international organization to fight hunger and poverty has teamed up with a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist to compile a collection of shocking images of poverty throughout the world for a new book that puts a face on global poverty and provides a window into the lives of people who survive on little-to-no money.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The naked truth! Tattooed men and women strip off|「刺青的藝術」,表達自我認同的時尚符號

A captivating new photo series reveals the colorful tattoos coating people's bodies underneath their clothes.
Vancouver-based photographer Spencer Kovats took portraits of 30 inked men and women before and after they had peeled back layers of clothing and juxtaposed the two images side-by-side.


溫哥華攝影師 Spencer Kovats 最近請到30位刺青男女,為他們拍攝了一系列生活照與露出刺青照的對比,呈現出驚人的效果。

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The harrowing plight of the ship breakers of Bangladesh - one of the most dangerous jobs in the world|世界最危險工作 - 孟加拉拆船工

The sad beauty of these incredible images cast a light on the shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh, where workers face death and injury from accidents and environmental hazards for just a few dollars a a day.

Chittagong Ship Breaking Yard is the largest of its type in the world. Around 80 active ship breaking yards line an eight-mile stretch of the coast, employing more than 200,000 Bangladeshis and accounting for half of all the steel in Bangladesh.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kudu tell how African antelope escaped from pack of hyenas|非洲大捻角羚展現過人智慧,擺脫鬣狗群追殺!

This is the moment a quick-thinking kudu tricked his way out of a hyena ambush by losing himself in a herd of zebra.

The lone bull greater kudu - which is a large species of antelope - had been drinking at a waterhole in Namibia's Etosha National Park when he was surrounded by 14 hyenas who had been hunting nearby.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Stunning images reveal the beauty of British mammals|英國攝影大賽呈現哺乳動物之美

Incredible images of a beautiful brown hare, a seal gracefully swimming at night and a stoat in a drainpipe are all finalists in an annual photo competition to celebrate British mammals.

The amazing pictures of foxes, ferrets, deer and dormice were snapped in the British Isles and are reminders of the incredible array of mammals which exist around us. They were all selected as finalists in the contest run by The Mammal Society, which is 60 years old this year and aimed to bring awareness of the issues faced by these animals.


Friday, May 2, 2014

The world's top 10 greatest wonders|世界十大自然人文奇蹟

They’re the great wonders of the world that every intrepid traveller must have on their wish list. From Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway, Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, to India’s Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China, to not see them, really is missing out.

A new book by Lonely Planet reveals the top 50 must-see world wonders. World’s Great Wonders brings together the most amazing manmade structures and natural creations from across the globe.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

It's not a dog's life for Ollie the Weimaraner who thinks he's a human|史上最自我的狗?威瑪犬Ollie過著人類般的生活!

When Ollie the Weimaraner realised the dog's life was not for him, he ditched the soggy food and uncomfortable baskets for ice cream and his owners' bed. 

Now the two-year-old dog lives the life of a human, taking showers and sleeping beside his owners Mel Stokes, 39, and Eliot Alexander, 38, at their home in Forest Hall, North Tyneside. 
The pet also enjoys a bowl of Sugar Puffs and will indulge in a cup of tea for breakfast.

這隻2歲大,名叫 Ollie 威瑪獵犬大概就是最佳映證。Ollie 與主人們 Mel Stokes 和 Eliot Alexander夫婦同住在英國北泰恩賽德的Forest Hall牠似乎不認為自己是條狗,反而過著像是人類一樣的生活,不愛狗食、討厭睡狗窩的牠,平常最喜歡冰淇淋和霸佔主人的床位。更妙的是,Ollie和典型的英國人一樣,早餐一定得來杯英國茶配上甜麥片。

Thursday, April 24, 2014

New Hard Rock Hotel in Ibiza to open the most expensive restaurant in the world|全球最貴餐廳進駐 Hard Rock Hotel

It will certainly make a dent in your holiday budget. As well as world-class clubs and luxury villas, the party island of Ibiza is soon to be home to the most expensive restaurant on the planet.

The new Hard Rock Hotel, opening in Playa d'en Bossa on May 18, will be launching Sublimotion - an ‘unparalleled gastro-sensory venture’ where a 20-course meal will set diners back £1,235 a head.


號稱全球消費最高昂的餐廳 SubliMotion 即將在西班牙度假勝地伊維薩島 (Ibiza) 的 Hard Rock Hotel 開業,一套晚餐20道菜,要價1,235英鎊!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Take a terrifying look at Spring break in the 1980s|陽光、沙灘、比基尼,美國大學生派對演化史!

It's a longstanding American tradition. Around Easter-time each year, young people gather together from all over the country to get reckless and rowdy while schools and colleges are out.

But while these days Spring Breakers are most likely to be found in permissive Panama City, or way down in Mexico where drink and drugs are easily found, way back in the mists of time Fort Lauderdale was the place to be.

These pictures show students going wild Eighties-style in the city on Florida's Atlantic coast.

對於美國的大學生而言,每年的春假 (復活節假期) 都有一項傳統,他們來自全國四面八方,成群結隊的聚集到佛羅里達州,塞爆各大海邊城市,上演一齣齣瘋狂喧鬧的海灘派對戲碼。


Thursday, April 17, 2014

The 14 secrets to a long life|養成14種長壽的好習慣

Want to live a long and healthy life? Ditch those high heels, switch from fresh fruit to frozen — and take off all your clothes. 

According to a new book by one of the world’s top cancer specialists, these small changes could dramatically increase your longevity. Here we reveal some of Dr David Agus’s surprising tips . . .

世界頂級癌症專家 David Agus 提出以下建議,可以讓你盡可能地減少疾病,延年益壽。

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is this the BEST job in the world?|全世界最棒工作,澳洲New South Wales玩樂達人!

It’s a hard job, but someone's got to do it.
Although in this case, most people would probably jump at the chance, for this lucky Californian gets paid $93,000 just to have as much fun as possible.
Andrew Smith won a contest to become Chief Funster in the Australian state of New South Wales as part of a promotional event for the area.

來自美國加州的Andrew Smith在激烈競爭中獲選擔任新南威爾斯「玩樂達人」,在為期半年的工作時間,可獲得高達93,000美元的薪水,而他的任務就是玩遍該州所有好玩的地方!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why you should NEVER keep your mobile in your bedroom|改善睡眠品質:手機別放臥房內!

The next time you can't sleep, your brain whirring over shopping lists, tomorrow's meetings and whether or not you locked the back door, the solution could be simple - move your mobile phone off the bedside table and out of your bedroom altogether.

Eight out of ten of us keep our mobiles on overnight according to Ofcom, and around half use our phone as an alarm clock, a survey found. But experts are concerned about the effect this is having - at the very least it makes us 'hypervigilant' so our sleep is more likely to be disturbed and we end up not getting enough of the restorative sleep we need. But it might also trigger insomnia and other sleeping problems.



Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Baikal Ice Marathon|北極急凍新體驗,貝加爾湖冰上馬拉松挑戰賽!

There's no other race quite like it - 26 miles across the frozen surface of the oldest and deepest freshwater lake on earth. The annual Baikal Ice Marathon is one of the world's toughest endurance challenges, with participants from over 50 countries competing in freezing Siberian temperatures.

The event, now in its tenth year, forces runners to endure the biting northern winds and the harsh, plunging temperatures in remote Russia. The lake's surface is another danger. The course can be hard and uneven because of small hills of ice rubble - while geothermic springs and seismic activity beneath the ice may weaken it to form holes.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

What happened when 20 complete strangers were asked to lock lips|當你被要求要跟陌生人接吻時…

A first kiss is an intimate and sometimes nerve-wracking moment for any two people, but what happens if they have never met each other before?

That's the theme that Los Angeles-based filmmaker Tatia Pilieva explores in her new video First Kiss, in which she asks 20 complete strangers to lock lips on screen - with some surprising results.

知名作家 Marty Rubin 曾經說過:"人生最美莫過於初吻 The first kiss and the first glass of wine are the best.。也許是當初是那麼的羞澀、單純,以至於初吻永遠是最甜的、最刻骨銘心的,值得一再回味,不過如果這一吻發生在兩個素未謀面的人之間,那麼又將會是怎麼一種情形呢?

帶著這樣一個疑問,短片導演 Tatia Pilieva 邀請二十位互不認識的陌生人來為大家解答。

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The sad journey of the Beluga whales|不再是最快樂的海洋生物,不為人知的白鯨悲歌!

They're creatures of the sea that always look happy.But for these Beluga whales their lives are far from it.
Every year in Nilmoguba, a small village on the north of Russia, near the Polar Circle, hundreds are rounded up to begin a sad journey into captivity from which only half survive.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

A REAL Barbie girl! Prototype doll of the average 19-year-old American | 真實版芭比,19歲女孩身材應該是這樣!

A crowdfunding campaign launched today in a bid to get an 'average-looking' doll to market. Artist Nickolay Lamm, 24, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, created a prototype of a plastic figurine last summer based on government measurements of an average 19-year-old American woman. 

Now, in a bid to turn his idea into a reality he is appealing for funds via his website In less than 24 hours, he has already raised more than $28,000 towards his $95,000 goal.

His aim is to produce 5,000 'Lammily' dolls ready to ship out in November 2014. Each model features average proportions of a typical 19-year-old girl (32-31-33), a light amount of make-up, and bendy joints. If the dolls are a success, he plans to extend the range to 'embrace diversity, from race to body type.' 

「芭比娃娃」一直是女孩們最喜愛的玩具之一,但有不少女孩為了擁有芭比夢幻般的身材,減肥減過頭,對身心健康皆有負面的影響。於是美國一名24歲藝術家 Nickolay Lamm 就根據政府公佈19歲女孩的平均身形,製作「現實版芭比娃娃」,並發起募款活動準備量產,藉此宣揚對身材的正確觀念。

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

'I was one of Britain's fattest children'│超激瘦,昔日英國小胖化身型男減肥教練!

A teenager who was 23st at the age of 15 has lost half his body weight - and become a weight loss coach.
Nathan Hewitt was one of Britain’s most obese schoolchildren after bingeing on fast food and sitting around playing video games.

Nathan Hewitt曾是英國最肥胖的兒童之一,平時最愛吃垃圾食物、沉迷電玩,體重大破140公斤。而後決心減肥的 Nathan,八年內經由積極健身與節食,將體重成功的減了一半,現在他已成為一名瘦身教練,透過自身的經驗來幫助更多受肥胖所苦的人們。

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The girl who has dedicated her life to saving elephant orphans in the Zambia|為了大象遠走尚比亞的女孩-Rachael Murton

As she strides purposefully through an African forest in leopard-print Wellingtons, Essex girl Rachael Murton is pursued by six excitable elephants. Together, the lumbering animals weigh a combined 500 stone, but Chelmsford-born Rachael retains her composure.

For these young orphaned elephants, this devoted young British woman is their surrogate mum, and each wants to be first for a cuddle. Tenderly, these colossal beasts — years from being fully grown — raise their trunks to 33-year-old Rachael's face, seeming to wrap her in an embrace.

你這一輩子,願意為了什麼堅持而努力?一名英國女孩 Rachael Murton 為了守護大象遠走他鄉,來到遙遠的非洲尚比亞(Zambia)。非洲盜獵大象的現象一直都很嚴重,如果市場需求不停止,盜獵對於象群的威脅只會與日俱增。Rachael Murton,決定不再只是坐著感傷自己什麼都做不了,而是為了中止這樣殘忍的現象做出具體行動!