Friday, September 27, 2013

Rihanna's Instagram selfie with slow loris leads to the arrest of two poachers in Thailand|蕾哈娜泰國抱懶猴自拍 小販遭緝捕

Pop star Rihanna spent a weekend at the beach in Thailand, leaving behind a trail of racy tweets and incriminating Instagram photographs that led police to arrest two people for allegedly peddling protected primates.

On a break from her Diamonds World Tour, Rihanna stopped in Thailand to visit the island of Phuket, where she befriended some local wildlife.

She posted a link on Twitter to an Instagram photo that showed her in sunglasses snuggling up to a furry primate called the slow loris, and tweeted Friday: 'Look who was talkin dirty to me!



Sun City Poms:The OAP cheerleaders|太陽城啦啦隊奶奶,人老心不老!

If you think cheerleading is synonymous with overly-peppy wholesome American teenagers, think again. A cheerleading group in Arizona is smashing through age stereotypes as they delight audiences with their acrobatics and high-energy routines, despite all being over 55-years-old.

如果你認為啦啦隊是精力旺盛、朝氣蓬勃青少年的代名詞,那麼你就大錯特錯啦!在亞歷桑納州,1979年成立的啦啦啦隊” Sun City Poms”,隊員平均年齡超過55歲,打破這個年齡刻板印象。

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

National flags recreated with food each country is associated with|各國相關食物做成的「食物國旗」

When you think of French food, smelly cheese and grapes are probably the first things that come to mind. As is pasta at the mention of Italian cuisine, or curry when asked about Indian gastronomy. So it's not hard to see why these commonly associated foods have been plated up alongside others to recreate some of the world's national flags in a collection of photographs. Australian company created 17 flags using international delicacies.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Holocaust survivor beauty pageant│大屠殺中生存下來的非凡女性

Miss Holocaust Survivor Beauty Pageant celebrates the remarkable women who survived the genocide of the Jews

Commemorating the atrocities committed by the Nazis is usually a sombre duty, not a cause for joy. But at the Miss Holocaust Survivor Beauty Pageant, the emphasis is firmly on celebrating the remarkable women who survived the genocide of the Jews.


  • Holocaust (n.) 納粹大屠殺
  • Beauty Pageant 選美比賽
  • Genocide (n.) 種族滅絕;集體屠殺
  • Commemorate (v.) 慶祝;紀念
  • Atrocity (n.) 暴行
  • Somber (adj.) 嚴峻的;昏暗的;陰沉的;憂鬱的;悶悶不樂的

Friday, September 13, 2013

A man survived for four months in the Andes on rats|高山失蹤百餘日 男吃老鼠生還

A Uruguayan father who went missing in the Andes four months ago has been found alive after spending a brutal winter eating rats and raisins to survive.

Raul Fernando Gomez Circunegui, 58, was rescued on Sunday after a group of Argentinians who were recording snow levels stumbled across him.


男子 Raul Fernando Gomez Circunegui 現年58歲,他因機車故障,想嘗試徒步橫越從智利到阿根廷的安地斯山脈,不料從此失去音訊。阿根廷聖胡安省的雪量探測人員前天在4500公尺高的登山小屋發現滿臉鬍子的 Circunegui。

Can you believe this picture was taken with an iPhone│令人難以忘懷的照片皆來自iPhone?

Dial P for photo: The award-winning images that capture the haunting beauty of the world... all taken on an iPhone

When the iPhone was first introduced, it revolutionized how we record and document our lives. Suddenly, everyone could carry a small, very high-quality point-and-shoot camera in their pockets, with the ability to instantly upload and share their work.


  • Haunting (adj.) 難以忘懷的
  • Revolutionize (v.) 徹底改革;在‥.方面有突破性大變革
Automation has revolutionized industry. 自動化使工業發生了徹底變革。

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

That would have been awkward│當珍妮佛·安妮斯頓遇上安吉麗娜·朱莉將擦出怎樣的火花?

Jennifer Aniston reschedules flight to avoid Angelina Jolie... who was booked in the same first class section

It would have been a rather uncomfortable run-in to say the least. 
But fortunately Jennifer Aniston narrowly avoided an awkward encounter with her ex-husband Brad Pitt's fiancée Angelina Jolie on Sunday. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Disney Princesses living unhappily ever after│迪士尼系列公主從此過著不快樂的生活?

Fallen Princesses: Cynical photo series shows Disney Princesses living unhappily ever after

Fairy tales would have you believe that every princess has a happy ending, but one photographer's striking series challenges that notion.

Fallen Princesses, a project by Vancouver, Canada-based photographer Dina Goldstein, shows Snow White, Jasmine, Pocahontas and other iconic characters succumbing to tragic fates including cancer, alcoholism and unhappy marriages.

童話故事總讓你相信故事裡的公主們在經過重重困難後,永遠都過著幸福快樂的日子,但有一位加拿大攝影師Dina Goldstein以公主們為主角,拍攝出一系列令人驚艷的作品集《Fallen Princesses》,故事中的代表性人物屈服於悲慘的命運,例如:癌症、酗酒和不幸福的婚姻…等,挑戰我們記憶裡童話故事永遠是美好結局的概念。