Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Man attempts to cycle across Africa after losing his parents to cancer|雙親離世促使他擁抱生命,挑戰騎單車橫越非洲大陸!

There can be all manner of reasons to take a long journey – a desire to expand one’s horizons; a need to re-charge the batteries; an irresistible case of wanderlust.
But for Derek Cullen, his current odyssey has a rather more poignant reason.

The 32-year-old Dubliner is midway through a monumental jaunt that was inspired – if that’s the correct word – by the death of both his parents.

Mr Cullen lost both his mother and father to cancer ‘a few years ago’ – and came to the conclusion that life is too short to waste being ‘crippled by fear and anxieties.’

是什麼原因能夠讓一個人可以不顧一切獨自去旅行?是為了開拓視野、自我沉澱,還是天生就渴望著流浪?對於32歲的愛爾蘭男子 Derek Cullen 來說,這趟史詩般的非洲之旅有著更深層的意義。幾年前,Cullen 的父母相繼因癌症而去世,他感受到生命的短暫,並意識到自己不能再將生命浪費在退縮與畏懼之中,於是萌生了非洲單車行的念頭。

  • Horizon (n.) 眼界;視野
  • Wanderlust (n.) 流浪癖
  • Odyssey (n.) 奧德賽 (荷馬史詩),漫長探索過程
  • Poignant (adj.) 強烈的;深刻的
  • Monumental (adj.) 巨大的;重要的
  • Jaunt (n.) 短途旅遊

To plan, and then set off on a trip across Africa, using pedal power alone – and raise money for a children’s cancer charity at the same time.
I lost both parents to cancer a few years ago, which brought me to fully realise how short life is,” he explains.
As a result, I began questioning whether I was actually doing what I wanted in life. The answer to this question was a very sobering thought.

It got to the point where I was fed up living a life crippled by fear and anxieties.
'But rather than accept it, I decided to do something about it.’
The idea of travelling from one end of Africa to the other by bicycle was, he says, an immediately intriguing one – giving him a chance to see a continent in detail.
The simplicity of the bicycle appealed the most,’ he says.

這趟非洲之旅 Cullen 不但全靠雙腳踩鐵馬,同時還為兒童癌症慈善機構募款。

  • Set off 出發 + on
They have set off on a journey round the world.  
  • Pedal (n.) 踏板 / (adj.) 腳踏的
  • Sobering (adj.) 使清醒的;嚴重的
  • Be fed up 感到厭煩 + with
I am fed up with your grumbling. 
  • Intriguing (adj.) 引起好奇心的;令人感興趣的
  • Simplicity (n.) 簡樸,單純

I figured it would mean having to visit and stay in remote villages that would normally be bypassed by other transport.’
He began his journey in November, starting out from Strandfontein – a beachside suburb of Cape Town which sits due east of South Africa’s most famous city, on False Bay.

His route initially took him due north, through South Africa and on into Namibia.
Here, a sharp right turn helped him to avoid troubled Angola and enter Botswana.
From here, he rolled north-east through Zambia and Malawi, before swerving north again and cycling through the wildlife-rich countries of Tanzania and Kenya.

Cullen表示:「透過這趟長途旅行,我有機會造訪那些遊客到不了的偏遠鄉村,看見最真實的非洲樣貌。」去年11月起,他從南非開普敦的郊區 Strandfontein 開始一路向北進入納米比亞,然後向右轉,避開戰亂的安哥拉,進入波札那。接著朝向東北方繼續前進,穿過尚比亞和馬拉維,再迂回向北穿越充滿野生動物的坦尚尼亞和肯亞。

  • Bypass (v.) 繞過
  • Due (adv.) 正 (置於方位詞前)
They were advancing due west into the desert. 
  • Swerve (v.) 突然轉向;轉彎;偏離方向
The car swerved to the right. 

He is currently in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.
He plans to continue north through Ethiopia and Sudan, before concluding his grand tour on the shore of the Mediterranean in Egypt.

Cullen現在來到奈洛比 (肯亞首都),他計畫繼續往北走,越過衣索比亞和蘇丹,最後以埃及地中海沿岸為終點,為這趟沉澱自我的非洲單車行畫下完美句點。

  • Conclude (v.) 結束
We concluded our meeting at 9 o'clock.
  • Mediterranean (n.) 地中海

The journey, unsurprisingly, has thrown up a few challenges – with solitude proving to be as much of an issue as the physical exertion.
It's hard being alone and being a “stranger” all the time,’ Mr Cullen continues.
The constant language barrier means it is mostly impossible to find stimulating conversation.’

However, he has stumbled across a joke that seems to be widely amusing.
When asked by puzzled passers-by where he is going and why he is doing it by bicycle, he has taken to replying that he has ‘run out of diesel’.

這趟旅途著實面臨了不少挑戰 - 孤獨與體力。Cullen說道:「身為『外地人』,總是獨自一人是一件非常痛苦的事,語言障礙也意味著很難與他人產生更深的交流。」
然而,儘管存在著語言隔閡,Cullen 仍很享受與當地人的歡樂互動時光,他還發明了一個有趣的笑話,當路人困惑地問他為何騎著單車,他就會回答:「沒油了!」

  • Throw up 提起 (問題、想法)
It wasn't a long meeting, but it did throw up some interesting suggestions.  
  • Solitude (n.) 孤獨,獨居
  • Exertion (n.) 費力
He was painting the gate with exertion. 
  • Stimulating (adj.) 使人興奮的,充滿新思想的
We had a most stimulating conversation. 
  • Stumble 偶然碰見,碰巧發現 + on/upon/across
I stumbled upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore. 
  • Puzzled (adj.) 困惑的
  • Diesel (n.) 柴油

Mr Cullen is writing about his adventures at nohangingaround.com.
Here, readers can also donate to his chosen charity, Aoibheanns PinkTie.
I see the trip as a platform to take on further adventures and encourage others to start making the changes that I myself was so afraid to make,’ he says.

Cullen 將他的非洲歷險記分享在網站上,並和兒童抗癌慈善機構合作。