Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Extreme sportsman creates pre-amputation bucket list for his LEG|罹患罕見關節疾病,極限運動員樂觀面對截肢人生

An extreme sportsman has made a heart-warming photo diary charting his agonising decision to have his left foot amputated.
Joseph Pleban, 23, was told he had a rare bone and joint disease which caused recurring tumours in his ankle.
He decided to have his left foot removed by surgeons after realising it would allow him to continue to pursue extreme sports.

美國一名23歲的極限運動愛好者 Joseph Pleban,患有罕見骨骼和關節疾病,病情嚴重到必須截肢。在接受手術前,他計畫發布一系列攝影日記,並在網路上公開自己接受治療的過程,以樂觀心態迎接新生活。

  • Agonising (adj.) 極度痛苦的
  • Amputate (v.) 切斷;截 ()
  • Joint (n.) 關節
  • Recurring (adj.) 再發的;循環的
  • Tumour (n.) 腫瘤

Mr Pleban broke his ankle while wakeboarding the day after he graduated from college in 2008. Doctors operated on the ankle and found that the area was full of small tumours.
It was discovered that he had a rare condition called pigmented villonodular synovitis, which produces malignant non-cancerous tumours which attack cartilage, causing agonising degenerative arthritis.
An operation to remove the tumours was carried out but within six months they had grown back. In 2010 Mr Pleban underwent a second round of surgery followed by radiation therapy and was told he would no longer be able to pursue sports.

He said: 'I was a competition swimmer for 18 years then played rugby through college. Later I picked up American football, soccer and snowboarding.'
'Any sport - you name it, I'd play it. To be told that I wouldn't be able to play sports was the worst thing I had ever heard.'

2008年 Pleban 從事花式滑水運動時傷到腳踝,就醫後,醫生在他的左腳踝發現許多小腫瘤,研判他是罹患了罕見的色素沉著絨毛結節性滑膜炎」,將會導致關節退化,腫瘤經過手術處理,沒想到半年後又復發。
2010年,經過兩次的手術失敗,Pleban 決定鼓起勇氣,接受醫師的建議,切除自己的左腳腳踝。

  • Malignant (adj.) 惡性的,致命的
A cancer is a malignant growth. 
  • Cartilage (n.) 軟骨
  • Degenerative (adj.) 退化的;變質的
  • Arthritis (n.) 關節炎
  • Undergo (v.) 接受 (治療,檢查等)
All the freshmen will undergo a physical examination.  
  • Radiation (n.) 放射線
  • Rugby (n.) 英式橄欖球

Mr Pleban and his girlfriend Johnna Hetrick, 30, decided to create a photo record, beginning three months before he had surgery.
He said: 'We drew up a list of things which we wanted to do while I could. It was heartbreaking to lose it, but that wasn't going to stop me doing things before I lost it.'

在手術前的三個月,Pleban 和女友 Johnna Hetrick 決定進行一項特別的歡送計畫,紀念與左腳的最後時光

  • Draw up 起草;制訂 = rough in
He has drawn up a vacation plan.   
  • Heartbreaking (adj.) 令人心碎的

Activities included go-karting, paintballing, watersliding and skydiving. The couple went on vacation to the Caribbean and went scuba diving and parasailing.
In an expression of Mr Pleban's bravery and sense of humour, he uploaded pictures with electric saws and paintball guns, offering them up as alternative ways to remove his leg.
Just before the operation he asked for a tattoo of a line on his ankle with the words 'please cut here'.

願望清單的項目包括卡丁車、打漆彈、滑水和高空跳傘。他和女友還遠赴加勒比海度假,體驗水肺潛水、帆傘滑翔。同時他們還拍了各種斷腿方法的惡搞照片,例如拿電鋸切斷腿。在手術前,幽默的 Pleban 甚至還在腳踝上刺了“Please cut here”的刺青!

  • Paintball (n.) 漆彈
  • Scuba diving (n.) 潛水
  • Parasailing (n.) 帆傘運動
  • Saw (n.) 鋸子

'Right before the surgery, I freaked out a bit. I realised there would be no way to turn back from my decision once I'd had the surgery.
'But as soon as I woke up from the surgery and looked down, I knew I had done the right thing
He is already planning Hallowe'en costume ideas with his girlfriend. He said: 'I could be a surfer and she could be a shark - maybe we could add a surfboard with a shark bite out of it.
Miss Hetrick said: 'He is an inspiration to me. Him losing part of his leg wouldn't change my feelings for him at all.

Pleban 坦言:「就在手術之前,我赫然了解到一旦我接受了手術,一切就再也回不去了。不過當我醒過來後,看著我的左腿,我明白我的決定是正確的。」
女友 Johnna 說道:「他給了我莫大的啟發,至於他腿上少的那一截,絲毫不會影響我們之間的感情。

  • Freaked out 嚇壞了