Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Europe's steepest funicular railway has a gradient of 106 per cent|歐洲最陡登山纜車 - 蓋爾默纜車,你敢搭嗎?

These are the stomach-churning pictures of Europe's steepest funicular which has a gradient of 106 per cent - but not a seatbelt in sight. The breathtaking images show two children clutching onto a single rail as the ground drops away beneath them in Bern, Switzerland.

這些令人覺得噁心的圖片來自於歐洲最陡峭的登山纜車-蓋爾默纜車(Gelmerbahn),位於瑞士首都伯恩(Bern, Switzerland),其坡度有106度,且沒有提供安全帶!你可能認為只不過是纜車,沒有什麼大不了的,但是蓋爾默纜車是「倒退」行駛上山的,所以當地面離你越來越遠,而你又只能抓著一個扶手且沒有其他安全措施時,你就知道這趟旅程是多麼驚險了!

  • Funicular Railway 纜索鐵路;電纜車
  • Gradient (n.) 坡度;傾斜度;梯度
  • Stomach-churning (adj.) 令人厭惡的;讓人噁心的
  • Drop away 離開
The guests dropped away one by one. 客人們一個一個地離去。
  • Beneath (prep.) 在‥之下;向‥下面
The sun is now beneath the horizon. 太陽此刻落到地平線下了。

The Gelmerbahn funicular takes tourists a vertigo-inducing 6,000 feet above sea level to Lake Gelmer and while the journey might be slow it's not for the faint-hearted

Open carriages take 24 passengers up the steep cliff face from Handegg, in Hasli Valley, on scary but scenic ride lasting about 12 minutes. And as these shots show, thrill-seekers have nothing more than a metal bar to grip onto during the invigorating journey.

始建於1926年的蓋爾默纜車,其最初目的是幫助蓋爾默湖大壩(Lake Gelmer Dam)順利施工,直到2001年,才被改建成一條旅遊路線。蓋爾默纜車屬於開篷式列車,每次載客24名,並在12分鐘內,從哈斯利山谷(Hasli Valley)的漢德格(Handegg)出發,直達海平面6000英呎以上的蓋爾默湖(Lake Gelmer)。雖然速度不快,但在沒有其他安全措施,只能握住欄杆,且須爬上陡峭懸崖面的情況下,我想缺乏勇氣的人還是不要輕易嘗試;不過,如果你是尋求刺激的愛好者,那麼千萬不要錯過這趟冒險旅程~

  • Vertigo-inducing (adj.) 導致暈眩的
  • Faint-hearted = Fainthearted (adj.) 沒有勇氣的;膽怯的;懦弱的
She made a rather faint - hearted attempt to stop him fromleaving.
  • Cliff (n.) 懸崖;峭壁
It takes courage and strength to scale these cliffs. 
  • Thrill-seeker (n.) 尋求刺激者
  • Grip (v.) 緊握;緊咬;夾住
  • Invigorating (adj.) 精力充沛的;健康強壯的

The images were taken by Swiss photographer, Monika Flückiger. The 48-year-old said: 'I know the funicular looks dangerous but it's not. Having said that those looking for an adrenaline shot will definitely get one here.

'Strangely though it's not very famous, many of my friends and colleagues don't even know about. 'The children pictured here weren't scared but they were certainly adrenalized.'

The Gelmerbahn funicular was built in 1926 to help with the construction of the Lake Gelmer dam. It was converted into a passenger train in 2001.

拍攝這些照片的是48歲的瑞士攝影師Monika Flückiger,他表示雖然纜車看起來很危險,但其實並沒有想像中可怕。話雖如此,假如你想拍攝一些令人興奮的照片,蓋爾默纜車肯定仍是首選。奇怪的是,蓋爾默纜車並沒有想像中出名,Monika說他的朋友和同事們幾乎不知道這座纜車。


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