Friday, March 27, 2015

10 best foods to boost your energy levels 恢復元氣最棒的十種食物!

營養師兼作家Lee Holmes分享十種能讓促進活力與恢復元氣的食物

In terms of eating for energy, I have seen the best results by living a lifestyle that focuses on eating plenty of fresh, seasonal produce and trying to minimise gluten from my diet.
Listening to your body allows you to decide what is best for you.
If you are feeling tired try a few of my top 10 foods to fight fatigue and see what works for you — it may be one of them or it may be all of them!


* in terms of/in ... terms 在…方面;從…方面來說;根據…來看
* seasonal (adj.) = relating to or happening during a particular period in the year
* minimize (v.) = to reduce something to the least possible level or amount
* gluten (n.) a protein which is contained in wheat and some other grains
* fatigue (n.) 疲憊,勞累

By eating raw, unsalted nuts your body is provided with a high-energy boost packed with nutrients and free from any form of processing.
If possible, try and soak your nuts overnight in water to activate them.
Activated nuts starts the germination or sprouting process, increasing the nutrient value of the nuts and allowing the body to more easily digest them.


* raw (adj.) (food) not cooked  生的,未經烹調的
* nutrient (n.) 養分,營養物
* soak (v.) = to make very wet, or (of liquid) to be absorbed in large amounts
* activate (v.)
1. to cause something to start 啟動
2. to make a chemical reaction happen more quickly, especially by heating
* germination (n.) to (cause a seed to) start growing 萌芽,使開始生長
* sprout (v.) = to produce leaves, hair and other new developing parts, or (of leaves, hair and other developing parts) to begin to grow
* digest (v.) 消化

Add a dollop of natural goat’s milk yogurt to your breakfast, favourite salad or on top of the next curry you make to get a great boost of calcium and huge dose of probiotics.
Probiotics are the good bacteria found in yogurt with can help to facilitate changes in the microflora of the gut and enhance the body’s immune system.
Probiotics help to keep your gut healthy, assisting in digestion, which in turn leads to you getting the most of the food you consume and helping to fight fatigue.


* dollop (n.) =a small amount of something soft, especially food
(尤指食物的) 一小團,一小塊
* calcium (n.)
* dose (n.) =a measured amount of something such as medicine 一劑
* probiotic (n.) 益生菌食物或藥片(含對健康有利的有益細菌)
* facilitate (v.) = to make possible or easier  促進,促使,使便利
* microflora (n.) 顯微植物群
* gut (n.) 消化道;腸道,腸
* enhance (v.) to improve the quality, amount or strength of something增加,增進
* immune system 免疫系統
* consume (v.)
1. to use fuel, energy or time, especially in large amounts
2. to eat or drink, especially a lot of something 吃,喝

Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids(ω−3脂肪酸) which have been found to help lower cholesterol(膽固醇), potentially reducing your risk of heart disease.
Not only is it great for the heart, salmon is high in protein, vitamin B6, niacin and riboflavin.


* potentially (adv.) = possibly 潛在地,可能地
* niacin:煙酸(在小麥、牛肉、雞肉和牛奶等食品中含有的一種複合維生素B,對體內能量轉化和保持消化、神經系統健康有著重要作用)
* riboflavinvitamin B2  維生素B2
* convert (v.) = to (cause something or someone to) change in form, character, or opinion  改變,轉變

One cup of mushrooms provides almost 50 per cent of your daily serving of iron - which is essential in transporting oxygen(氧氣) within the bloodstream.
Without an efficient oxygen supply to our major organs, we can often feel fatigued and lethargic.
Consuming mushrooms will boost the level of iron in your body, boosting the cells within the bloods ability to transport oxygen around our body and fuel our organs to function effectively. 


* bloodstream (n.) = the flow of blood around the body 血流
* organ (n.) 器官
* lethargic (adj.) = having little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything

Spinach is extremely high in iron, magnesium() and potassium().
Magnesium plays a vital role in producing energy, and paired with potassium enables effective digestion in the stomach and the regulation of nerve and muscle function.
Add some fresh spinach to your favourite salad, or serve it wilted with some eggs for breakfast.
If you think you have enough spinach, think again Just keep adding it!


Snack on a quarter of a cup of pumpkin seeds and you will get about half the daily recommended amount of magnesium. Like in spinach, magnesium helps in bone, protein and fatty acid formation, helps to relax muscles and maintain adequate calcium levels. 


* snack (v.) = to eat small amounts of food between meals 吃點心,小食(在正餐之間吃少量的食物)
* adequate (adj.) = enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose 合格的,合乎需要的

My favourite source of carbohydrate(碳水化合物), sweet potatoes, contain iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin D - all of which help to increase energy levels and stop your from feeling tired.
Sweet potatoes are hugely versatile and you can enjoy them mashed, grilled, steamed, roasted, in a salad, by themselves or in a curry.


* versatile (adj.) 多種用途的,萬用的
* mashed (adj.) 搗成泥狀的,搗爛的
* grilled (adj.) 燒烤的,烤製的
* steamed (adj.) 蒸的
* roasted (adj.) 烘的,烤的

Without water there would be no life. Sorry to sound so gloomy!
But water is undeniably the most essential substance on earth and is essential for human to function on a daily basis.
Water is needed to help carry nutrients and oxygen to cells, both of which if are in low supply can lead to fatigue and nausea.
On average its recommended adult women have about eight cups of water per day and men approximately ten cups per day.
One good way to ensure you are getting enough water into your diet is having a glass before every meal.


* gloomy (adj.) 憂鬱,愁悶,沮喪
* undeniably (adv.)  不可否認的,千真萬確的
* nausea (n.) 噁心,嘔吐感
* approximately (adv.) 大約,大概

I could happily talk for days and days about why people should eat seasonally: sustainability, cost, health, environment, nutrient value, flavour, colour… the list goes on.
But when it comes to fighting fatigue, seasonal produce is at its maximum nutrient potential that it could possibly be. This refers to the total amount of nutrients that a vegetable could ever have.
As the product is stored and transported - which happens when it is not in season - the nutrient potential rapidly decreases.
By eating in season you are getting the biggest reward from the produce and should feel more alert and awake after eating seasonal produce.
When it comes to fighting fatigue, seasonal produce is at its maximum nutrient potential that it could possibly be.


Eggs are the highest source of complete protein with eggs providing an impressive 30 per cent of your daily requirement.  They are great to help after exercise to ensure your muscles can recover properly and your body feels fresh for the day ahead.
