Thursday, March 27, 2014

A REAL Barbie girl! Prototype doll of the average 19-year-old American | 真實版芭比,19歲女孩身材應該是這樣!

A crowdfunding campaign launched today in a bid to get an 'average-looking' doll to market. Artist Nickolay Lamm, 24, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, created a prototype of a plastic figurine last summer based on government measurements of an average 19-year-old American woman. 

Now, in a bid to turn his idea into a reality he is appealing for funds via his website In less than 24 hours, he has already raised more than $28,000 towards his $95,000 goal.

His aim is to produce 5,000 'Lammily' dolls ready to ship out in November 2014. Each model features average proportions of a typical 19-year-old girl (32-31-33), a light amount of make-up, and bendy joints. If the dolls are a success, he plans to extend the range to 'embrace diversity, from race to body type.' 

「芭比娃娃」一直是女孩們最喜愛的玩具之一,但有不少女孩為了擁有芭比夢幻般的身材,減肥減過頭,對身心健康皆有負面的影響。於是美國一名24歲藝術家 Nickolay Lamm 就根據政府公佈19歲女孩的平均身形,製作「現實版芭比娃娃」,並發起募款活動準備量產,藉此宣揚對身材的正確觀念。

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

'I was one of Britain's fattest children'│超激瘦,昔日英國小胖化身型男減肥教練!

A teenager who was 23st at the age of 15 has lost half his body weight - and become a weight loss coach.
Nathan Hewitt was one of Britain’s most obese schoolchildren after bingeing on fast food and sitting around playing video games.

Nathan Hewitt曾是英國最肥胖的兒童之一,平時最愛吃垃圾食物、沉迷電玩,體重大破140公斤。而後決心減肥的 Nathan,八年內經由積極健身與節食,將體重成功的減了一半,現在他已成為一名瘦身教練,透過自身的經驗來幫助更多受肥胖所苦的人們。

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The girl who has dedicated her life to saving elephant orphans in the Zambia|為了大象遠走尚比亞的女孩-Rachael Murton

As she strides purposefully through an African forest in leopard-print Wellingtons, Essex girl Rachael Murton is pursued by six excitable elephants. Together, the lumbering animals weigh a combined 500 stone, but Chelmsford-born Rachael retains her composure.

For these young orphaned elephants, this devoted young British woman is their surrogate mum, and each wants to be first for a cuddle. Tenderly, these colossal beasts — years from being fully grown — raise their trunks to 33-year-old Rachael's face, seeming to wrap her in an embrace.

你這一輩子,願意為了什麼堅持而努力?一名英國女孩 Rachael Murton 為了守護大象遠走他鄉,來到遙遠的非洲尚比亞(Zambia)。非洲盜獵大象的現象一直都很嚴重,如果市場需求不停止,盜獵對於象群的威脅只會與日俱增。Rachael Murton,決定不再只是坐著感傷自己什麼都做不了,而是為了中止這樣殘忍的現象做出具體行動!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The most expensive hotel room in the world – that MELTS│史上最昂貴冰旅館套房,由你自己設計!

It takes two weeks to create, costs £140,000 and lasts for only a few months – but guests who can afford it now have the chance to design their very own suite in Sweden’s Ice Hotel.
Famous for its individually crafted rooms and works of art, which are carved out of ice and snow, the resort is offering the ‘haute couture travel experience’ for stays between December and March, 2015.



Thursday, March 13, 2014

1,600 Pandas on Tour exhibition opens in Taipei|1,600 貓熊世界之旅,在台北


An audience of 'pandas' has appeared in a Taiwan theatre to highlight the plight of the endangered animals. Some 1,600 paper-mache made pandas are on display, designed by French artist Paulo Grangeon, at the National Theatre in Taipei.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chinese year of the horse│馬年之天山雪地萬馬奔騰奇景!

For the Chinese, horses are such an important part of their culture that they have their own Zodiac sign. These pictures of majestic herds of thousands galloping through the grasslands and snowy plains below the Tian Shan mountain range go some way to explaining why.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

American Apparel: Made in Bangladesh│話題品牌「美國服飾」再惹爭議!

American Apparel has sparked controversy once again with a new ad starring a topless former-Muslim model from Bangladesh.

The bold image, which appears in Vice magazine's U.S. and Canada editions, stars 22-year-old Maks, who was born in Dhaka but has lived in California since the age of four.

The words 'Made in Bangladesh' are printed across her chest - referring to the woman, of course, not her jeans, a means of raising awareness about American Apparel's fair labor practices - all its clothing is made in downtown LA.

廣告中只見一名孟加拉裔女模赤裸上身,美國休閒服飾品牌American Apparel再度推出爭議新作。

Thursday, March 6, 2014

World's top ten most significant people EVER|人類史上十大重要人物


Jesus has been named the most significant person in human history, followed by Napoleon and Shakespeare, as ruled by the internet. Based on the impact on opinions certain individuals have had over time, and how that has reflected onto their Wikipedia pages, two computer scientists have come up with the ultimate list.

Professor Steven Skiena and Charles Ward use quantative analysis to rank more than a thousand historical figures and prominent people, from Elvis to Beethoven, Stalin and Queen Victoria. With Jesus as a front runner it comes as no great surprise that the prophet Muhammad is ranked at number four.