Friday, November 14, 2014

Lack of 'me time' is burning us out!沒有足夠的獨處時間會導致人憂鬱!

Britons are burning themselves out by not getting enough 'me time', suggests a new study.Researchers found nearly two-thirds of adults (61 per cent) aren't getting enough 'down-time' a week - leading to stress, tiredness and even depression.For the study involving 2,000 adults, 'me time' was defined as taking time-out for yourself.

研究者發現,將近三分之二(61%)的英國人,因為沒有足夠獨處的時間,導致他們感到壓力疲勞甚至憂鬱。“ me time “這個詞定義為 獨處的時間

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Plastic surgery so drastic they can't get past airport security! How Chinese women are flying to South Korea for a more 'Western' face. │ 變美了卻回不了家?

Chinese women who are entering South Korea seeking skilled plastic surgeons are undergoing such transformative procedures that they are struggling to get past airport security on their way home.
The extensive surgeries, which can include reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western', are transforming some Chinese women's entire faces, rendering them almost unrecognizable.

到南韓進行整容手術的中國女性現在面臨的最大困難就是 -- 無法過海關! 因為整容手術,他們的面貌有劇烈的改變,包括了讓眼睛變大,變得更像西方人,或者是改變整個臉型,改變之後的她們幾乎難以和原本的樣貌聯想在一起,都認不出是誰了!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

They've been living under a rock! 和石頭一起生活?令人驚嘆的中世紀葡萄牙岩石村莊!

"I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder"
Villagers in Monsanto, Portugal have made their homes around ancient boulders.   

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dream of gorging on a juicy steak guilt-free? 科學家最新發現!大口吃牛排再也不怕紅肉所帶來的危害

As you bite into a juicy steak, is your enjoyment tempered by a nagging thought that all that red meat is damaging your health? Well that guilty feeling may soon be a thing of the past.

For scientists have discovered why eating too much red meat can harm your heart - and think they may be able to solve the problem.They have worked out the mechanism by which nutrients in beef, pork or lamb are transformed into molecules which harden and narrow the arteries.
