Friday, November 14, 2014

Lack of 'me time' is burning us out!沒有足夠的獨處時間會導致人憂鬱!

Britons are burning themselves out by not getting enough 'me time', suggests a new study.Researchers found nearly two-thirds of adults (61 per cent) aren't getting enough 'down-time' a week - leading to stress, tiredness and even depression.For the study involving 2,000 adults, 'me time' was defined as taking time-out for yourself.

研究者發現,將近三分之二(61%)的英國人,因為沒有足夠獨處的時間,導致他們感到壓力疲勞甚至憂鬱。“ me time “這個詞定義為 獨處的時間

* burn yourself out = to wear out; exhaust 

The findings from the study, commissioned by relationship website eHarmony, show that despite needing around 20 hours of mental down-time a week to feel relaxed and refreshed, less than two in five Britons (39 per cent) are meeting the requirement.


*requirement  n. 需求;規定
 > Students who fail to meet the requirements of the course will fail.  達不到這個課程要求的學生將不能及格。

Among those who said they don't have enough me time, more than a third (36 per cent) felt more tired, while others felt more stressed (33 per cent), burnt out (22 per cent), and even depressed (14 per cent). One in 25 (four per cent) even said they feel less attractive.


*attractive adj. = pleasing; charming; alluring  

More than one in seven people (15 per cent) say they have no me time at all, while one in nine (11 per cent) have less than five hours a week.


Longer working hours is one of the biggest drains on taking time out, with 42 per cent saying their job gets in the way of their relaxation, rising to 57 per cent among those aged 45 to 54.


For younger adults, browsing social media sites has a big impact, with 10 per cent citing 'FOMO' - fear of missing out - as a real issue.


Other time drains include household chores (41 per cent), personal admin (21 per cent) and thinking about work (18 per cent), while even optional activities, such as group hobbies (14 per cent), can have a negative impact.

其他消耗時間的事務又包括:家務瑣事(41%),個人管理(21%),煩惱工作(18%)甚至是一些自費的活動,例如群體的愛好活動(14%) ……等等都有負面的影響。

*chore(s)  n. 日常瑣事;雜務

Psychologist Doctor Linda Papadopoulos, who assisted with the study, said 'It's important to remember that we're human-beings, not human-doings, and finding the time to simply indulge yourself, whether that be watching a movie, reading a book or even taking a nap, is really important to distress and energise.

協助這項研究的心理醫生Linda Papadopoulos表示:我們一定要記得,我們是人類,而不是我們做的事情,找點時間放縱自己吧!不管是看電影、看本書甚至是睡個午覺等等,都是激發活力或造成憂鬱很重要的原因。

*assist  v. = to give help or support to (a person, cause,etc); aid   
*energise v. = to make someone feel energetic or eager 

'Everyone is different, but typically around 20 hours of me time each week is a good amount to help feel in control of life and evaluate your goals.
'Some people may spread this out over the week, while others in highly-pressured jobs may 'binge' on down time at the weekend to catch up after a busy week.'


* binge  v. 狂吃;無節制地大吃
   > I tend to binge on chocolate when I'm watching TV.

People living in the North East get the most Me Time a week (28 hours) - 10 hours more than the Welsh who have the least (18 hours), according to the research.  Those aged 25 to 34 have the least amount of time to themselves (13 hours per week), eight hours less than the national average of 21 hours.  Given more me time a week, people would indulge in their favorite hobbies and interests including reading (44 per cent), listen to more music (31 per cent), watch quality TV (30 per cent), go for more walks or simply just catch up on sleep (both 29 per cent).


Jemima Wade, of eHarmony, said: 'The findings show that taking some time out for yourself is a necessity these days, not a luxury.
'Busy lives can mean we forget to step back and give ourselves space to relax or take a minute to do the little things that make us happy.'

eHarmony網站的Jemima Wade表示:這個研究顯示,為自己空出一點時間是必要的,這並不是奢侈。

*step back  v. 退一步(考慮問題),跳出原來的圈子(看問題)

'With that in mind, eHarmony is launching 'Love Sundays' - a project encouraging singles to do something that makes them feel good every Sunday - be it trying out a new recipe at home, curling up on the couch with a good book or just taking 10 minutes out to sit and relax, or maybe even chat to a new match.'

考慮到這一點,eHarmony決定推出一個計劃  'Love Sundays',這是一個鼓勵大家在每個星期天做一點讓自己感到開心的事,無論是在家裡發掘一個新的食譜,縮在沙發上看一本好書,或花個十分鐘坐下來休息、放鬆,甚至是和一個新朋友聊聊天!

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