Thursday, May 15, 2014

The harrowing plight of the ship breakers of Bangladesh - one of the most dangerous jobs in the world|世界最危險工作 - 孟加拉拆船工

The sad beauty of these incredible images cast a light on the shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh, where workers face death and injury from accidents and environmental hazards for just a few dollars a a day.

Chittagong Ship Breaking Yard is the largest of its type in the world. Around 80 active ship breaking yards line an eight-mile stretch of the coast, employing more than 200,000 Bangladeshis and accounting for half of all the steel in Bangladesh.


  • Cast a light on 闡明,使人了解; 映照
   That information may cast light on the mystery.   那項情報可能有助於查明那件疑案。
  • Hazard (n.) 危險 ﹡occupational hazard 職業風險
   A soldier's life is full of hazards.   士兵的生活充滿了危險。
   Divorce seems to be an occupational hazard for politicians.

Ship breaking is the dismantling of ships for scrap recycling. Most ships have a lifespan of a 25-30 years before there is so much wear that repair becomes uneconomical, but the rising cost to insure and maintain aging vessels can make even younger vessels unprofitable to operate.

Swarms of laborers from the poorest parts of Bangladesh use acetylene torches and their hands to slice the carcass into pieces. These are hauled off the beach by teams of loaders, then melted down.



  • Dismantle (v.) 拆卸,拆除
   Chris dismantled the bike in five minutes.   Chris 五分鐘內就把腳踏車給拆了。
  • Scrap (n.) 碎片;廢料 ﹡scrap heap 廢物堆;垃圾場
   The car was eventually sold for scrap.   那輛汽車最後當作廢鐵賣掉了。
  • Lifespan (n.)〔人的〕平均壽命;〔物的〕使用期限
   Men have a shorter lifespan than women.   男人的平均壽命比女人短。
  • Vessel (n.) 船艦
  • Swarm (n.) 一群;人群
   Swarms of tourists jostled through the square.   一群群遊客熙熙攘攘地穿過廣場。
  • Acetylene (n.) 乙炔,電石氣 主要作工業用途,特別是燒焊金屬方面。
  • Torch (n.)【美】(焊接用的)噴燈,吹管
  • Carcass (n.)(車、船、房屋等的)骨架,殘骸
   We saw the carcass of an abandoned automobile by the roadside.
  • Haul (v.) 硬拖,硬拉;拖運,搬運  = pull, drag
   A truck hauled the load away.   一輛卡車將貨拉走。
  • Melt down 熔化
   They melted down metal scrap.   他們把廢金屬熔化掉。

Peter Gwin, writing for National Geographic, visited the region to see it first hand. He described the guards, razor wire-topped fences and signs prohibiting photography there, installed following scrutiny in the ship breaker's operations after a spate of deaths.

He said: 'In the sprawling shantytowns that have grown up around the yards, I met dozens of the workers. Many had deep, jagged scars. "Chittagong tattoos," one man called them.

'Some men were missing fingers. A few were blind in one eye. 'In one home I meet a family whose four sons worked in the yards. The oldest, Mahabub, 40, spent two weeks as a cutter's helper before witnessing a man burn to death when his torch sparked a pocket of gas belowdecks.'

"I didn't even collect my pay for fear they wouldn't let me leave," he says, explaining that bosses often intimidate workers to keep silent about accidents.' 

孟加拉國拆船業始於20世紀60年代,現已成為全球最大的拆船市場。拆船廠多集中于吉大港地區(Chittagong)。美國《國家地理》的撰稿人 Peter Gwin 前往吉大港(Chittagong)探尋詳情。據其描述,在大量死亡事故後,拆船場守衛森嚴,鐵絲網高築,禁止拍照,且安裝監控器監視工人,拆船廠老闆甚至恐嚇工人對事故保持沉默。


  • Prohibit (v.) 禁止;妨礙,阻止  = forbid, disallow prohibit sb from doing sth
   Smoking is prohibited in the office building.   辦公樓內禁止抽菸。
   Nuclear powers are prohibited from selling.   禁止核能出售。
  • Scrutiny (n.) 監視
   Diana resented her private life being under such public scrutiny.
   Diana 對自己的私生活受到這樣的公開監視非常反感。
  • A spate of 一連串;大批的 ﹡spate (n.) 大量,大批;許多
   Doctors have suffered a loss of prestige following a spate of scandals.
  • Sprawling (adj.) 雜亂地延伸的﹐無計劃地擴展的
  • Jagged (adj.) 有缺口的;鋸齒狀的
  • Intimidate (v.) 恐嚇;脅迫  = threaten, menace
   Buildings were bombed in an attempt to intimidate the opposition.