Thursday, July 10, 2014

Incredible story of mother who miscarried, only to find out she was carrying twins and the other baby was STILL ALIVE|令人難以置信,媽媽懷了雙胞胎流產,其中一個胎兒仍然活著


When Michelle Hui was told she had lost her baby in a miscarriage after six weeks of pregnancy, her world descended into a nightmarish blur.After enduring five separate scans to confirm the devastating news, she was given abortion drugs to prevent any infection in her body.Mrs Hui was then told she had potentially dangerous blood clots in her womb and would have to have surgery to remove them.

Michelle Hui被告知,在她懷孕六週後流產失去了她的寶寶,她的世界陷入惡夢似的模糊。五個不同的掃描結果確認這個消息,為了預防感染幫她打了墮胎藥。然後醫生告訴她有潛在的危險血塊在她的子宮裡,將通過手術來移除它們。

  • miscarriage (n.) 流產
  • pregnancy (n.) 懷孕
  • nightmarish(adj.) 惡夢似的
  • blur(n.) 模糊
  • devastating(adj.) 毀滅性的
  • abortion(n.) 墮胎

But as doctors prepared to perform this final procedure, a scan picked up a tiny heartbeat.The astonished medical team told Mrs Hui that her baby had managed to survive both the miscarriage and the abortion pills – and she could continue with the pregnancy.They said she had been pregnant with twins, and while one baby died, the other had clung on to life. The blood clots could have created shadows on the scan images, obscuring the surviving foetus from view, doctors said.

但當醫生準備執行最後的程序,一個掃描發現了微小的心跳。驚訝的醫療團隊告訴Mrs Hui她的寶寶從流產及墮胎藥中存活下來了,她可以繼續懷孕。他們說她懷了雙胞胎,一個寶寶死了,另一個還活著。看著模糊的存活胎兒影像,醫生說血塊可能造成掃描影像的陰影。

  •  procedure(n.) 程序,步驟
The next procedure is as follows .  
  • obscure(adj.) 黑暗的,朦朧的
  The room is too obscure for reading .  
  • foetus(n.) 胎兒,胚胎

In February Mrs Hui, 31, and her husband Ross, 33, welcomed their ‘miracle’ daughter Megan into the family. Weighing a healthy six pounds, she has continued to thrive at home with her sister Mya, four, and brother Noah, two.The family have since been told that Megan’s story is so extraordinary that it has been written up in medical journals.
Mrs Hui said: ‘The miscarriage and abortion were absolutely horrific. The ten days between the miscarriage and going back to the hospital were just a blur.But then I saw this little heartbeat. I thought it couldn’t be right. After all we had been through, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The doctor went out and came back in with a more senior doctor and he did the scan again and he said, “You are not going to believe it, we’ve got a heartbeat”. It was the best feeling ever.
Now Megan is fine. She is just a big healthy pudding of a baby. The doctors said it was a blessing. They have never heard of anything like it. Someone had been looking over us.’

今年二月,Mrs Hui(31)和她的丈夫Ross(33),迎接了他們「奇蹟」的女兒Megan進入家庭。健康的六磅,她將和她的姐姐Mya(4)和哥哥Noah(2)一起茁壯成長。Megan的故事因為非常特別被寫進醫學期刊裡。
Mrs Hui說:「流產和人工流產非常可怕,來回醫院的這十幾天間我的印象一片模糊。但後來我看到了微弱的心跳,我想,這不可能。畢竟我們已經經歷過,我不想增加我的希望。醫生走出去,進來一個更高級的醫生,他再次做了掃描,說:『你不會相信它,我們掃描到一個心跳。』這是有史以來最棒的感受。現在Megan很好,像個健康的大布丁,醫生說這是上帝的祝福,他們沒聽過這種事情。」

  • thrive(v.) 茁壯成長,茂盛生長
Rice thrives in this hot weather .   
  • extraordinary(adj.) 異常的,特別的
Her strength of will was extraordinary .
  • horrific(adj.)可怕的
  • looking over 檢查
The auditors are looking over the bank ' s books .  

She was six weeks pregnant when she began bleeding as she walked to work, and feared she was suffering a miscarriage.She went to hospital where two different doctors had carried out five scans before concluding she had lost her baby.
She was given two abortion drugs – known as a medical abortion because it does not involve surgery – to prompt her womb to expel the dead foetus to prevent any infection.Further tests showed there were blood clots in her womb so doctors prepared to perform a surgical procedure to remove them – until a scan showed Megan’s heartbeat.


  • carried out 執行,進行
carry out a promise , a threat , a plan , an order  
  • concluding(adj.) 最後的
  • prompt(adj.) 敏捷的,迅速的
He is prompt in paying his rent .
  • womb(n.)子宮

Although the case is rare, medical abortions have a higher failure rate than surgical terminations – up to 14 in every 1,000, although some studies suggest it could be as high as 4 per cent.And in one in 100 cases, the womb is not entirely cleared and further medical intervention is necessary.
Mrs Hui, of Co Kildare, Ireland, told the Sunday Mirror she was angry that doctors at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin had failed to spot the surviving foetus before they prescribed the abortion drugs, which carry an increased risk of birth defects to any surviving baby.

Mrs Hui受訪時說她很生氣,都柏林Rotunda醫院在使用墮胎藥以前沒注意到倖存的胎兒,這可能會增加胎兒出生的風險。

  • intervention(n.) 插入,介入
The government ' s intervention in this dispute will not help .  


She said: ‘As happy as I was, I was angry they had missed her on the scans. They said with all the blood and clots it must have created shadows so they couldn’t see her.’
Katherine Hales, a spokesman from the Association of Radical Midwives, which campaigns for improved maternity care in the NHS, said it was an ‘extraordinary case’.
She said: ‘I have very, very occasionally heard of rare cases of a miscarriage of one baby, and then seeing another on the scan.But I have never heard of this happening. I can’t think of a medical reason for it to happen – it is just luck.’The Rotunda Hospital was unavailable for comment.

來自Radical Midwives協會的發言人Katherine Hales,說這是一個「特別的情況」,她說:「我非常非常少聽見這種案例,在一個孩子流產的情況底下,然後掃描看到另一個。我不曾聽聞,想不到發生原因,這很幸運。」Rotunda醫院無法發表評論。