Tuesday, June 3, 2014

British teenagers stay 6.7 metres away from 'embarrassing' fathers|英研究:「青少年平均與父親保持6.7公尺距離。」

The tradition of embarrassing fathers is alive and kicking in Britain today a survey has revealed.
In fact British teenagers find their fathers so embarrassing that they stay an average of 6.7 metres away from them if they are out together in public, for fear of being seen by friends.
But maybe the kids should be more grateful as it transpires that the average father also does 627 ‘dad miles’ every year on weekends, ferrying teens to and from parties and other social gatherings, often very late into the evening.



  • Transpire (v.) 透露
  • Ferry (v.) 運送
Two small boats ferry people back and forth. 
  • Gathering (n.) 聚會

One West London father of four, Jeremy Duncan, said that he had taken to answering the phone 'Duncan’s Taxis' after 10pm on Friday and Saturday nights in the certain knowledge that it would be a request for a lift from one of his teenage kids. 

Jeremy said: 'I have noticed that my teenage kids tend to keep their distance when we’re out and about'I don’t take it personally because I remember doing it myself from time to time, as we all do. 'Maybe Father’s Day should be the one day in the year when we agree a bit of a temporary truce and call a halt to No Dads Land in public.'

其中一位受訪者,身為四個孩子的爸 Jeremy Duncan 就表示,每個禮拜從週五晚上十點過後開始,他就必須扮演好稱職的「好爸爸司機」角色,對於孩子的接送需求隨call隨到,不得異議。


  • Lift (n.) 順便搭載
He gave me a lift to the station.  
  • About (adv.) 在四周;到處
She likes to walk about. 
  • From time to time 偶爾 = now and then
I see Tom at the library from time to time. 
  • Truce (n.) 休戰
  • Halt (n.) 暫停;終止

In an attempt to show the lack of appreciation father's usually receive, another father lists a selection of texts from his teenage children which include such gems as: 'Eggs, bacon, butter, bread. Tx', 'Waiting on cod,' 'Is there a meal of sorts?,' and 'Any chance of a lift?'.
Britain’s long-suffering fathers fall well behind their female counterparts in the thank you stakes as well.

Market data from the UK Greeting Card Association reveals that 22 million Father’s Day cards were sent in 2013, less than half the number sent to mothers on Mother’s Day.
Tim Fairs, director at Clinton’s, said: 'Father’s Day is the one day in the year devoted to dads.

'What we’re hoping is that kids will recognise that their dads have their hearts in the right place even if their behavior sometimes leaves a little to be desired. 
'Mums, of course, are the biggest influence in most kids’ lives, but in many families dads are important ‘support staff’ that deserve a bit of thanks from time to time.'




  • Of sorts 差勁的;劣等的
It was a meal of sorts , but nobody enjoyed it.  
  • Counterpart (n.) 相同地位之人
Belgian officials are discussing this with their French counterparts.    

Thing teenagers feel dads could do better 青少年希望老爸改進的地方
1. No dancing 不要跳舞
2. No singing in public 不要在公共場合唱歌
3. More care with clothing 穿衣品味
4. Better jokes or, ideally, no jokes 難笑的笑話
5. Not trying to be cool by using age inappropriate language 不要嘗試亂用年輕人的語言

Things teenagers would most praise fathers for 青少年認為老爸的優點
1. Lifts 專屬接送司機
2. The occasional fiver 偶然給予零用錢
3. Their technical knowhow and DIY 自己動手做的技術
4. Their relaxed attitude 放鬆的生活態度
5. Their readiness to have meals in front of the TV 吃飯配電視主義

  • Fiver (n.) 五英鎊(鈔票)
  • Readiness (n.) 準備就緒,願意
