Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kudu tell how African antelope escaped from pack of hyenas|非洲大捻角羚展現過人智慧,擺脫鬣狗群追殺!

This is the moment a quick-thinking kudu tricked his way out of a hyena ambush by losing himself in a herd of zebra.

The lone bull greater kudu - which is a large species of antelope - had been drinking at a waterhole in Namibia's Etosha National Park when he was surrounded by 14 hyenas who had been hunting nearby.


  • Kudu (n.) 有斑紋的大羚羊
  • Hyena (n.) 鬣狗
  • Ambush (n.) 埋伏
Armed police lay in ambush behind the hedge.    
  • Lone (adj.) 孤單的,無伴的
In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.    
  • Bull (n.) 雄獸
  • Antelope (n.) 羚羊
  • Waterhole (n.) 水坑
  • Hunt (v.) 獵食
Wolves hunt in packs.  

After a three hour standoff and with his chances of survival looking slim, the kudu noticed a herd of zebra swimming across the waterhole in his direction, giving him the perfect opportunity to lose himself in the crowd.

As the zebra approached, the kudu dived into the water and forced his way in to the centre of the herd, making it almost impossible for the hyena to single him out.
When the herd of zebra left the water together a short time later, the kudu escaped with them, keeping his head down the crowd until he was far enough away from the hyenas to make his escape..



  • Standoff (n.) 僵局
The political standoff ended when the army took over. 
  • Dive (v.) 跳水 (+ into)
He dived into the river to save a drowning child.    
  • Single sb/sth out 挑出,選出
His article starts by singling out the five key goals of US foreign policy.    
  • Keep one's head down 避免危險

Greater kudu antelopes are much larger than their close relative the lesser kudu, and can be found throughout southern and eastern Africa feasting on watermelons and tangerines as well as leaves and shoots.

Although females live in small herds, male kudus tend to be solitary, avoiding areas without trees or large shrubs as they lack the speed and stamina to escape their natural predators - lions, hyenas, hunting dogs and cheetah - and rely on their cunning and ability to conceal themselves in order to survive.


  • Lesser (adj.) 略小的
  • Throughout (prep.) 遍及,遍布
The National Day was celebrated throughout the country.    
  • Feast on 盡情享受
He feasted on the beautiful scene.    
  • Tangerine (n.) 橘子
  • Shoot (n.) 幼芽,幼枝
The deer were eating the young shoots on the trees.    
  • Solitary (adj.) 喜歡獨處的
A solitary man who never spoke to anyone    
  • Shrub (n.) 灌木(叢)
  • Stamina (n.) 精力;耐力
  • Predator (n.) 掠食者
  • Cheetah (n.) 獵豹
  • Cunning (adj.) 巧妙的,不同尋常的
A cunning little device for keeping out draughts.    
  • Conceal (v.) 隱蔽,隱藏 = hide, cover
He concealed his key under the doormat.    

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2609382/Kudu-tell-African-antelope-escaped-pack-hyenas-Clever-prey-conceals-pack-zebra.html#ixzz31UkvWnyv