Friday, June 27, 2014

The FashionGrandpas Instagram Proves Senior Citizens Know How to Stunt|誰說時尚只有年輕人撐得起來?紐約街拍「時尚潮爺」!

A new Instagram account which rounds up the very best-dressed of New York City's over-70 crowd is fast gaining popularity.
Fashion Grandpas has amassed over 13,700 followers since its inception in March, and celebrates the corduroy, colorful socks and cashmere sweaters - not to mention the exceptional array of eccentric hats - worn in dignified earnest by the silver haired seniors of the city.
The photos are snapped by Christina Belchere, a 23-year-old fashion PR based in New York, who tells 'The cute and sassy grandpas in New York City made it too easy to compile a portfolio and create the account.'


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Nasa reveals incredible 'global selfie' containing over 36,000 pictures taken on Earth Day|NASA公佈最新網友自拍所組成的地球照!

If you thought Ellen DeGeneres's Oscars selfie packed in a lot of people, get ready for a shock.

Nasa has revealed a huge image of the earth made up of over 36,000 selfies. Created to mark Earth Day, the 3.2 gigapixel image can be zoomed so that users can find their own picture.

The project was created to mark Earth Day, and Nasa asked people all around the world a simple question – 'Where are you on Earth Right Now?' We asked people to answer the question on social media, with a selfie.

自拍風潮席捲全球,不僅美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)愛自拍,第86屆奧斯卡典禮主持人艾倫(Ellen DeGeneres)也在典禮上與12位巨星自拍,被外界封為「史上最強自拍照」!

日前美國太空總署(NASA)策畫了一個 #GlobalSelfie 的活動,收集全球各地的自拍照,拼合在一起,成為巨型的著名「藍色彈珠」地球照片。

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The 12 most bizarre hangover cures from around the world|12種世界各地最奇怪的解酒方式


If you regularly reach for a hangover cure, just be thankful you don't live in Mongolia. Instead of a traditional fry up, you'd be reaching for a glass of tomato juice and pickled sheep eyeballs.

That's according to graphic design agency NeoMam in Manchester, which has created a set of infographics describing the strangest hangover cures from around the world.

如果你是一個常需要解酒液的人,那麼你該慶幸你不是生活在蒙古!當地最傳統的解酒方法竟是一杯番茄汁加上醃漬的羊眼球!!快跟著英國曼徹斯特的圖像設計機構 NeoMam 所創建的信息圖表來認識世界各地最奇怪的醒酒方法:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A taste of school lunches all around world|午餐時間!世界各地學校營養午餐!

First lady Michelle Obama is on a mission to make American school lunches healthier by replacing greasy pizza and french fries with whole grains, low fat protein, fresh fruit and vegetables.

The Associated Press helps you compare her efforts in the United States with what kids are eating around the globe by sending photographers to see what kids in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America ate for lunch this week.

美國第一夫人Michelle Obama一直致力於改善美國學校午餐菜單,以健康、有營養的食物如全麥麵包、低脂蛋白質、新鮮蔬果等,來代替那些油膩的披薩和薯條,同時幫助降低美國兒童的肥胖率。


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

British teenagers stay 6.7 metres away from 'embarrassing' fathers|英研究:「青少年平均與父親保持6.7公尺距離。」

The tradition of embarrassing fathers is alive and kicking in Britain today a survey has revealed.
In fact British teenagers find their fathers so embarrassing that they stay an average of 6.7 metres away from them if they are out together in public, for fear of being seen by friends.
But maybe the kids should be more grateful as it transpires that the average father also does 627 ‘dad miles’ every year on weekends, ferrying teens to and from parties and other social gatherings, often very late into the evening.
