Thursday, April 24, 2014

New Hard Rock Hotel in Ibiza to open the most expensive restaurant in the world|全球最貴餐廳進駐 Hard Rock Hotel

It will certainly make a dent in your holiday budget. As well as world-class clubs and luxury villas, the party island of Ibiza is soon to be home to the most expensive restaurant on the planet.

The new Hard Rock Hotel, opening in Playa d'en Bossa on May 18, will be launching Sublimotion - an ‘unparalleled gastro-sensory venture’ where a 20-course meal will set diners back £1,235 a head.


號稱全球消費最高昂的餐廳 SubliMotion 即將在西班牙度假勝地伊維薩島 (Ibiza) 的 Hard Rock Hotel 開業,一套晚餐20道菜,要價1,235英鎊!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Take a terrifying look at Spring break in the 1980s|陽光、沙灘、比基尼,美國大學生派對演化史!

It's a longstanding American tradition. Around Easter-time each year, young people gather together from all over the country to get reckless and rowdy while schools and colleges are out.

But while these days Spring Breakers are most likely to be found in permissive Panama City, or way down in Mexico where drink and drugs are easily found, way back in the mists of time Fort Lauderdale was the place to be.

These pictures show students going wild Eighties-style in the city on Florida's Atlantic coast.

對於美國的大學生而言,每年的春假 (復活節假期) 都有一項傳統,他們來自全國四面八方,成群結隊的聚集到佛羅里達州,塞爆各大海邊城市,上演一齣齣瘋狂喧鬧的海灘派對戲碼。


Thursday, April 17, 2014

The 14 secrets to a long life|養成14種長壽的好習慣

Want to live a long and healthy life? Ditch those high heels, switch from fresh fruit to frozen — and take off all your clothes. 

According to a new book by one of the world’s top cancer specialists, these small changes could dramatically increase your longevity. Here we reveal some of Dr David Agus’s surprising tips . . .

世界頂級癌症專家 David Agus 提出以下建議,可以讓你盡可能地減少疾病,延年益壽。

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is this the BEST job in the world?|全世界最棒工作,澳洲New South Wales玩樂達人!

It’s a hard job, but someone's got to do it.
Although in this case, most people would probably jump at the chance, for this lucky Californian gets paid $93,000 just to have as much fun as possible.
Andrew Smith won a contest to become Chief Funster in the Australian state of New South Wales as part of a promotional event for the area.

來自美國加州的Andrew Smith在激烈競爭中獲選擔任新南威爾斯「玩樂達人」,在為期半年的工作時間,可獲得高達93,000美元的薪水,而他的任務就是玩遍該州所有好玩的地方!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why you should NEVER keep your mobile in your bedroom|改善睡眠品質:手機別放臥房內!

The next time you can't sleep, your brain whirring over shopping lists, tomorrow's meetings and whether or not you locked the back door, the solution could be simple - move your mobile phone off the bedside table and out of your bedroom altogether.

Eight out of ten of us keep our mobiles on overnight according to Ofcom, and around half use our phone as an alarm clock, a survey found. But experts are concerned about the effect this is having - at the very least it makes us 'hypervigilant' so our sleep is more likely to be disturbed and we end up not getting enough of the restorative sleep we need. But it might also trigger insomnia and other sleeping problems.



Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Baikal Ice Marathon|北極急凍新體驗,貝加爾湖冰上馬拉松挑戰賽!

There's no other race quite like it - 26 miles across the frozen surface of the oldest and deepest freshwater lake on earth. The annual Baikal Ice Marathon is one of the world's toughest endurance challenges, with participants from over 50 countries competing in freezing Siberian temperatures.

The event, now in its tenth year, forces runners to endure the biting northern winds and the harsh, plunging temperatures in remote Russia. The lake's surface is another danger. The course can be hard and uneven because of small hills of ice rubble - while geothermic springs and seismic activity beneath the ice may weaken it to form holes.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

What happened when 20 complete strangers were asked to lock lips|當你被要求要跟陌生人接吻時…

A first kiss is an intimate and sometimes nerve-wracking moment for any two people, but what happens if they have never met each other before?

That's the theme that Los Angeles-based filmmaker Tatia Pilieva explores in her new video First Kiss, in which she asks 20 complete strangers to lock lips on screen - with some surprising results.

知名作家 Marty Rubin 曾經說過:"人生最美莫過於初吻 The first kiss and the first glass of wine are the best.。也許是當初是那麼的羞澀、單純,以至於初吻永遠是最甜的、最刻骨銘心的,值得一再回味,不過如果這一吻發生在兩個素未謀面的人之間,那麼又將會是怎麼一種情形呢?

帶著這樣一個疑問,短片導演 Tatia Pilieva 邀請二十位互不認識的陌生人來為大家解答。

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The sad journey of the Beluga whales|不再是最快樂的海洋生物,不為人知的白鯨悲歌!

They're creatures of the sea that always look happy.But for these Beluga whales their lives are far from it.
Every year in Nilmoguba, a small village on the north of Russia, near the Polar Circle, hundreds are rounded up to begin a sad journey into captivity from which only half survive.
