Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Not so happily ever after! Disney characters battle the grim conditions of the real world|當夢幻的迪士尼卡通人物來到現實世界,會是什麼樣子呢?

Disney's motto is 'where dreams come true' but a new art series puts a nightmarish spin on things.

New York-based animation artist Jeff Hong, 35, has imagined some of the company's most popular characters battling the grim conditions of the real world. 
For instance, on his Tumblr, Unhappily Ever After, one image sees Ariel washed up on a beach covered in oil spill - a far cry from the pollution-free ocean she inhabits in The Little Mermaid.

但35歲的華裔紐約籍動畫師 Jeff Hong 要打破大眾對於迪士尼世界的美好幻想,在個人微型部落格發表了《從此不再幸福快樂》系列作品。


  • Motto (n.) 座右銘;格言 = saying, proverb, maxim
Her motto is "Never say die".  
  • Grim (adj.) 無情的;殘忍的
We had a grim struggle before we won.
  • Nightmarish (adj.) 惡夢似的
  • Wash up (浪頭) 把...衝上岸
The tide had washed up cargo from the wrecked ship.
  • A far cry from 與…大異其趣
What you did was a far cry from what you said you were trying to do.

Winnie the Pooh is plucked from The Hundred Acre Wood and dumped in an area of deforestation, causing him to sit in tears.


  • Acre (n.) 英畝
They own 200 acres of farmland.  
  • Deforestation (n.) 毀林 

Mulan wears a face mask as she walks around the smoggy streets of contemporary China.


  • Smoggy (adj.) 煙霧瀰漫的
  • Contemporary (adj.) 當代的
His lecture is on contemporary American novelists.  

Dumbo cowers in the background as a circus master holds a whip in a blood-stained hand in the foreground.


  • Cower (v.) 退縮,畏縮
  • Blood-stained (adj.) 沾血的
  • Foreground (n.) (圖片的)前景

The puppies from 101 Dalmatians are seen locked in small dog pound cages.


  • Dalmatian (n.) 大麥町犬

Oh deer! Bambi gets beheaded and turned into a wall trophy.


  • Deer (n.) 鹿
  • Behead (v.) 把…斬首
He was beheaded for high treason.
  • Trophy (n.) (尤指戰爭或狩獵的)戰利品

Help me! Simba from the Lion King gets locked up in a zoo.


Cinderella lurks in a dirty alley at night with her ball gown in tatters.


  • Lurk (v.) 暗藏,潛伏
  • Alley (n.) 小巷
  • Ball (n.) 舞會
The ladies were all dressed beautifully at the ball.
  • Gown (n.) 女禮服
  • Tatter (n.) 破衣服
  • In tatters 衣衫襤褸的

Alice from Alice and Wonderland wanders around the streets with a suspicious-looking bottle of liquid in her hand - her hollowed-out appearance suggests heroin addiction.


  • Suspicious-looking (adj.) 可疑的
  • Heroin (n.) 海洛因

Explaining the inspiration for his Unhappily Ever After series Mr Hong told the Huffington Post: 'The idea just popped in my head to put Disney princesses into environments that they wouldn't be associated with.
'Once I started putting them together, I realized a lot of social issues that are always important to me could be woven in as well.

'I think that's what has made it really successful and a bit controversial as well, so I'm glad it has started debates and discussions on the issues of racism, animal abuse, drugs, etc.'

關於這項特別計畫的靈感,Jeff Hong 表示:「當初將迪士尼童話人物置入反差情境的主意,瞬間湧入我的腦中,而後我也突發奇想,將我所認為現今重要的社會議題融入其中,我想這就是為什麼這次計畫能夠引起廣大關注的原因,很高興能夠帶給世人們一些對於種族歧視、動物虐待及毒品濫用的反思。」

  • Weave (v.) 編入,插入  (weave-wove-woven)
The author wove the incidents together into one story.  
  • Racism (n.) 種族歧視
  • Abuse (v.) 虐待

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