Friday, November 29, 2013

Meet the people who love Disney so much they moved there|住在迪士尼,美夢成真!

For many, a trip to Disney is the holiday of a lifetime, but what if you decided to spend your lifetime at Disney?

There is a select group of people for whom this idea is no fantasyland, but a reality. The Walt Disney Company has created a gated community known as Golden Oak - named after the company's California ranch. It’s the only place in the world where homeowners actually live on Disney park property.

Some 980 acres have been set aside for the company to build up to 450 homes at Lake Buena Vista – some within eyesight of the famous Cinderella Castle fireworks.


美國佛羅里達州的奧蘭多迪士尼樂園正開發房地產,在其附近的美景湖(Lake Buena Vista) 興建一個名為“金橡樹(Golden Oak)”的住宅社區,450棟豪宅,總占地980英畝,是世界上唯一一個地處迪士尼樂園內的房產。

Friday, November 22, 2013

Madonna tops the 2013 Forbes list of highest-paid musicians|富比士評選「年度最賺音樂人」娜姊撂下冠軍寶座

The queen of pop is still on top, as Madonna earns the title of world's highest-paid musician of 2013.

According to Forbes Magazine, the 55-year-old diva earned $125 million from June 2012 to May 2013 thanks to her highly-successful MDNA Tour. The tour, which grossed $305 million, was able to carry the singer all the way to the bank, despite lackluster album sales and the inability of her single Give Me All Your Luvin to chart in any significant way.


Get ready to sob... it's the John Lewis Christmas advert|英國百貨 John Lewis 超溫馨聖誕廣告《熊與兔》

Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without mince pies, roast turkey, crackers … and a tear-jerking advert from John Lewis.

The department store has long made it its mission to convert even the most avowed Scrooges, and this year is no exception. The £7million Disney-inspired advert, which makes its TV debut tomorrow, tells the story of a selfless hare who is determined to make sure his best friend, a bear, doesn’t miss Christmas for once.

However, it has a lot to live up to, for its predecessors have become a social media phenomenon with millions of YouTube hits and huge soundtrack sales. The commercial features the tale of two good friends, a bear and a hare, who are sad at the thought of being separated for Christmas.

聖誕節如果少了餡餅、烤火雞、餅乾以及John Lewis賺人淚水的廣告,就不是聖誕節了!Christmas對於歐美零售業來說,絕對是銷售年度一大盛事。John Lewis 是英國倫敦最大的百貨商店,從1864年在倫敦牛津街開辦第一家店鋪算起,已有139年的歷史,主做時裝、化妝品、童裝和家具等生意。近幾年也針對聖誕節,推出主打的電視廣告,並配合行銷活動,來帶動聖誕買氣,而今年也不例外。

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fancy an office romance? More than 80 per cent of British people would say yes...|【研究調查】超過80%的英國人幻想「辦公室戀情」

A staggering 80 per cent of us would prefer to unearth their perfect partner at work, a new study has revealed.

According to the 2,000 men and women polled, hunting for a new partner is easier at work because there's no awkward getting-to-know-you stage involved. But not just any colleague will do. 73 per cent of the women asked said that they would rather date a man in senior role, with 61 per cent revealing that they find a powerful male more attractive than any other sort.



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Being bilingual could slow down dementia|語言真重要,雙語能力可延緩老年痴呆!

Speaking a second language may delay dementia by up to five years – more than powerful drugs, researchers say.


A study suggests being bilingual exercises the mind, so it has greater reserves when disease takes hold. But there are no additional advantages to speaking any more than two languages, according to the study in the journal Neurology. It was carried out by researchers from the University of Edinburgh and Nizam’s Institute of Medical  Sciences in Hyderabad, India.

Thomas Bak, of Edinburgh University, said: ‘These findings suggest that bilingualism might have a stronger influence on dementia than any currently available drugs.’


這項研究是由愛丁堡大學(the University of Edinburgh)的Thomas Bak和位於印度的醫學科學研究所聯合進行的,Thomas說:「這些發現顯示,雙語可能比任何目前可用的治療老年痴呆症的藥劑更有效。」

Thursday, November 7, 2013

She has survived on a diet of JUNK FOOD|不可置信! 英國女吃垃圾食物長大

She weighs less than 10st and wears a dress size ten. So it might be assumed a diet of fruit and vegetables play a part in Faye Campbell’s lifestyle. But she claims she hasn’t touched either for 16 years.

Indeed, the 21-year-old says she has been diagnosed with a fear of fruit and vegetables.

英國一名21歲女子 Faye Campbell,體重約60kg,穿英國尺碼10號的衣服,這樣中等的身材,你或許認為她的飲食生活應該跟一般人沒兩樣,不過事實上,她已有16年沒有碰蔬果類食物,是名「蔬果恐懼症」患者。

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Best diet news ever? Eating plenty of chocolate can keep you SLIM|最新研究指出「吃巧克力減肥更有效」!

It seems like news that really is too good to be true. Rather than being a major factor in piling on the pounds, eating large amounts of chocolate is one of the best ways to lose weight, a study has found.

Spanish researchers examined the diets and healthy activities of 1,500 teenagers aged between 12 and 17 in nine European countries, including Spain and the UK. They found that people who admitted eating large amounts of chocolate had, on average, far lower levels of fat over their bodies. In particular, they were trimmer around the stomach area - regardless of whether they had an active lifestyle or were on a diet.

Chocolate was also found to have a positive effect on circulation, blood pressure and heart health. The study, from the University of Granada, backs up earlier findings from the University of California that suggested regular chocolate eaters have less body fat. This may be because while chocolate contains more calories than many other foods, it appears to make the metabolism work harder, offsetting the fat that otherwise might hang around.

There's also the issue of denial. A recent poll found that 86 per cent of slimmers who carried on enjoying their favourite treats successfully lost weight.

如果這項消息是真實的話,那麼對嗜甜如螞蟻的我們真的是一大福音啊~ 西班牙研究人員調查歐洲9個國家共1500名12-17歲的青少年,其飲食與健康活動。他們發現承認吃大量巧克力的人,其體脂肪遠低於平均值,尤其是胃部周圍的區域。

Friday, November 1, 2013

A portrait of a modern Royal Family|歷史性的一刻!英國皇室全家福曝光

It is a fascinating blend of well-trodden history and social mobility. Clustered around a Chippendale sofa in the sunbathed Morning Room of Clarence House, this new group photograph of the Windsor and Middleton dynasties is arguably the most intriguing of the christening portraits released yesterday.

Despite the Queen’s presence and the rather Victorian familial grouping, there is a decidedly relaxed air to the picture, a portrait of a Royal Family for the modern age. Indeed, aside from the Queen, the most magisterial figure is the Duchess of Cambridge’s younger brother James, whose beard makes him look uncannily like his nephew’s great, great, great-grandfather, King George V, or even a younger looking Prince Michael of Kent.

Kate’s family - her former air hostesses turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur mother, Carole, genial father Michael, and scene-stealing sister, Pippa - are positioned around Prince William.

In contrast Kate, whose ancestors were Durham coal miners and men of the soil, is grouped with the rest of the Royal Family - a dapper-looking Duke of Edinburgh, belying his 92 years and recent ill-health, grandparents Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, and a cheeky-looking doting uncle Prince Harry.

One can only assume that celebrity photographer Jason Bell, whose previous subjects have included David Beckham and actress Scarlett Johansson, diplomatically chose to place them that way rather than give an impression of ‘them and us’.

當耳熟能詳的歷史與社會的流動彼此交融是一件多麼迷人的事,英國王位第三順位繼承人、出生三個月的喬治小王子(Prince George)於10月23日在爸媽的陪伴下在聖詹姆士宮(St James's Palace)正式受洗,洗禮儀式低調進行,僅21人獲邀出席。這是小王子自出生後第二次公開亮相,也是百年來首見英國四代君王同堂,而英國未來國王的教父母也不再僅限於皇親貴族。