Friday, June 27, 2014

The FashionGrandpas Instagram Proves Senior Citizens Know How to Stunt|誰說時尚只有年輕人撐得起來?紐約街拍「時尚潮爺」!

A new Instagram account which rounds up the very best-dressed of New York City's over-70 crowd is fast gaining popularity.
Fashion Grandpas has amassed over 13,700 followers since its inception in March, and celebrates the corduroy, colorful socks and cashmere sweaters - not to mention the exceptional array of eccentric hats - worn in dignified earnest by the silver haired seniors of the city.
The photos are snapped by Christina Belchere, a 23-year-old fashion PR based in New York, who tells 'The cute and sassy grandpas in New York City made it too easy to compile a portfolio and create the account.'


帳號使用者 Christina Belchere 是一位具有時裝背景的時尚公關,年僅23歲的她對穿著帥氣有型的潮爺毫無抵抗力,在她分享的照片中,不乏穿著燈芯絨、喀什米爾羊毛、藝術帽等等時尚配件的街頭型爺。

  • Round up 集中
We rounded up some friends to play poker and drink beer. 
  • Amass (v.) 積累
Before he was forty he amassed a large fortune. 
  • Corduroy (n.) 燈芯絨
  • Cashmere (n.) 喀什米爾羊毛織品
  • Array (n.) 一系列;大量 (+of)
The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems.  
  • Eccentric (adj.) 古怪的,反常的
My neighbor is an eccentric young man. 
  • Dignified (adj.) 莊重的;高貴的
  • Earnest (adj.) 認真的;鄭重其事的
such an earnest young man 
  • Sassy (n.) 活潑的;漂亮的
  • Compile (v.) 匯編;編輯
  • Portfolio (n.) (藝術家等的)代表作選輯

Ms Belchere first noticed the wealth of well-dressed senior men in her neighborhood earlier this year, and started inconspicuously capturing them on her iPhone, before building her catalog on Instagram.

'You should always have one aspect of your outfit that shows you have class and one part that makes you look interesting,' she says of her own views on style.
'It is hard for an older man dressed to the nines to not look interesting. If they are wearing a beret or cute bow tie - or if they have a grumpy or confused or sassy look on their face - these things add another dimension to their appeal - then, they go up on @fashiongrandpas.'


  • Wealth (n.) 豐富,大量 (+of)
The dictionary gives us a wealth of phrases and sentences to illustrate meaning.    
  • Inconspicuously (adv.) 不顯著地;不引人注目地
  • Class (n.) 高品質;優異;出色的風度或外表
  • Be dressed to the nines 盛裝打扮
  • Bow tie (n.) 蝶形領結
  • Grumpy (adj.) 性情乖戾的
  • Appeal (n.) 吸引力,感染力
These subjects have lost their appeal for most students.    

The response has been overwhelming, and ultimately unexpected for Ms Belchere, who notes she has a 'love' for menswear and an androgynous personal style herself. 


  • Androgynous (adj.) 雌雄同體的

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