Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The naked truth! Tattooed men and women strip off|「刺青的藝術」,表達自我認同的時尚符號

A captivating new photo series reveals the colorful tattoos coating people's bodies underneath their clothes.
Vancouver-based photographer Spencer Kovats took portraits of 30 inked men and women before and after they had peeled back layers of clothing and juxtaposed the two images side-by-side.


溫哥華攝影師 Spencer Kovats 最近請到30位刺青男女,為他們拍攝了一系列生活照與露出刺青照的對比,呈現出驚人的效果。

  • Captivating (adj.) 極為迷人的
  • Coat (v.) 覆蓋…的表面 
The pill is coated with sugar. 
  • Portrait (n.) 肖像;相片
She painted landscapes as well as portraits. 
  • Peel (v.) 除去…的外皮
  • Layer (n.) 層
He pulled off layer upon layer of clothing. 
  • Juxtapose (v.) 將…並列

An illuminating new photography series reveals the colorful tattoos coating peoples bodies underneath their clothes - here a woman displays a sand timer design on her stomach and a skull on her chest.


  • Illuminating (adj.) 使清楚的,容易理解的
I didn't find his reply very illuminating.    
  • Sand timer (n.) 沙漏

This woman's F-hole tattoos suggest she might play a stringed instrument such as the violin


  • F-hole (n.) 小提琴上端成 f 形的小孔
  • Stringed (adj.) 有弦的
  • Violin (n.) 小提琴

The back appears to be a popular spot for tattoos as this man shows.


With his jacket on you would never guess this man has such colorful designs on his arms.


Skull appear to be one of the most popular designs.
According to tattoou.net, while many skull tattoos represent death and darkness, other less obvious meanings include protection and strength.

骷髏頭是最受歡迎的圖樣,一般人認為它代表「死亡」與「黑暗」,但根據 tattoou.net 顯示它也有著「保護」與「力量」的意涵。

  • Skull (n.) 頭蓋骨;骷髏圖
  • Appear to 似乎,看來好像
He appeared to be talking to himself.  

This man simply bends forward to show a skull tattoo on the crown of his head.


  • Bend (v.) 俯身
The nurse bent down and kissed the child.    
  • Crown (n.) 頭頂 

This woman seems more than happy to show her tattoos which go right up to her neck.


This was the only model who had ink on his face, which even a baseball cap couldn't disguise.


Ten other photographers also produced portrait series aimed at exploring how people express themselves through tattoos.
The 200-plus images were later published in a coffee table book called The Tattoo Project: Body, Art, Image.
Mr Kovats decided to display his collection of 60 before-and-after images as a montage six-high-by-ten-wide.

Bob Baxter, former editor-in-chief of Skin & Ink magazine, was present at the photoshoot and praised Mr Kovats' idea. 
He wrote on his blog: 'Spencer Kovats' shots of men and women, one wearing street clothes and, next to it, one with their tattoos exposed [is] a simple idea, but it really, really worked. 
'The sheer joy of seeing thirty people literally come alive, when their ink was exposed, was a powerful and perfectly conceived statement of the significance and tonic of joy that tattoos add to an individual’s life. 
'The ink was the perfect party make-up.'


刺青雜誌《Skin & Ink》前任總編輯Bob Baxter更在拍攝現場對Kovats的點子讚譽有加,並於個人部落格寫道:「Spencer Kovats拍攝刺青系列作品的構想雖簡單,但概念呈現的方式夠明瞭且效果實在非常好!彷彿親眼見證了『刺青』為這30位模特兒增添的生命色彩,這樣純粹的喜悅不禁讓我相信,刺青就是最佳的派對裝扮。」

  • Aim at 瞄準;以…為目的
What are you aiming at? 
  • Montage (n.) 蒙太奇(拼集的照片)
  • Editor-in-chief (n.) 主編;總編輯
  • Present (adj.) 在場的
How many people were present at the meeting ?  
  • Sheer (adj.) 全然的;純粹的
She fainted from sheer weariness. 
  • Literally (adv.) 簡直
  • Come alive 活躍起來
The playground comes alive at four in the afternoon.    
  • Conceive (v.) 表達
  • Statement (n.) 陳述,說明
Their statement was correct.  
  • Tonic (n.) 強身劑,補藥
  • Make-up (n.) 化妝;裝扮
She seldom puts on make-up. 
