Thursday, July 31, 2014

Teabags, biscuits and INSTANT MASH: The top 10 things Brits can't do without while on holiday (and 50% miss sleeping in own bed) | 茶包,餅乾和洋芋片:前10名英國人在渡假期間離不開的東西(而50%的人會想念自己的床)

Despite spending most of our working days longing for some blissful days on a sun lounger, almost half of Britons spend their holidays pining for their home comforts.
A new study has revealed that a comfortable bed and a good cup of tea are amongst the things that we miss most when abroad.
The research, carried out by ebookers, found that almost half (42 per cent) of the nation identified that they will miss their own bed more than they will their friends, family or partner this summer, however for one in five of us, it’ll be a good cup of tea that we long for whilst on holiday.



Thursday, July 24, 2014

Has YOUR man ever faked his orgasm? Over 30% of males admit that blissful moment of climax is sometimes just a performance | 超過三成的男人承認,高潮的幸福時刻,有時候只是一種表演。

Women have long been known to weave theatrics into their sex lives - 'headaches' when we aren't in the mood, faked orgasms for a whole range of reasons - but most of us presume men to be far more simple when it comes to sex.
Not according to a recent study conducted by Time Out, which found that over 30per cent of the New York men they polled admitted to faking orgasms.
A separate recent survey by the University of Kansas - as well as several others over time - corroborated this 30per cent statistic exactly. It reported that most men give the same reason for faking it: that a partner's orgasm was imminent so they felt under pressure to climax.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Eat cake and lose weight: Scientists unveil low fat food they say tastes exactly like the real thing | 吃蛋糕從此不怕增加體重?科學家正在研究如何讓低脂食品的味道吃起來跟原本的食物一模一樣。

Researchers may have discovered the holy grail of dieting - low fat cake and cheese.
British researcher say they have created a protein that mimics the taste and texture of fat perfectly.
The proteins will enable food manufacturers to remove much of the fat used in their products without compromising on product quality.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Extreme sportsman creates pre-amputation bucket list for his LEG|罹患罕見關節疾病,極限運動員樂觀面對截肢人生

An extreme sportsman has made a heart-warming photo diary charting his agonising decision to have his left foot amputated.
Joseph Pleban, 23, was told he had a rare bone and joint disease which caused recurring tumours in his ankle.
He decided to have his left foot removed by surgeons after realising it would allow him to continue to pursue extreme sports.

美國一名23歲的極限運動愛好者 Joseph Pleban,患有罕見骨骼和關節疾病,病情嚴重到必須截肢。在接受手術前,他計畫發布一系列攝影日記,並在網路上公開自己接受治療的過程,以樂觀心態迎接新生活。

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Incredible story of mother who miscarried, only to find out she was carrying twins and the other baby was STILL ALIVE|令人難以置信,媽媽懷了雙胞胎流產,其中一個胎兒仍然活著


When Michelle Hui was told she had lost her baby in a miscarriage after six weeks of pregnancy, her world descended into a nightmarish blur.After enduring five separate scans to confirm the devastating news, she was given abortion drugs to prevent any infection in her body.Mrs Hui was then told she had potentially dangerous blood clots in her womb and would have to have surgery to remove them.

Michelle Hui被告知,在她懷孕六週後流產失去了她的寶寶,她的世界陷入惡夢似的模糊。五個不同的掃描結果確認這個消息,為了預防感染幫她打了墮胎藥。然後醫生告訴她有潛在的危險血塊在她的子宮裡,將通過手術來移除它們。

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Man attempts to cycle across Africa after losing his parents to cancer|雙親離世促使他擁抱生命,挑戰騎單車橫越非洲大陸!

There can be all manner of reasons to take a long journey – a desire to expand one’s horizons; a need to re-charge the batteries; an irresistible case of wanderlust.
But for Derek Cullen, his current odyssey has a rather more poignant reason.

The 32-year-old Dubliner is midway through a monumental jaunt that was inspired – if that’s the correct word – by the death of both his parents.

Mr Cullen lost both his mother and father to cancer ‘a few years ago’ – and came to the conclusion that life is too short to waste being ‘crippled by fear and anxieties.’

是什麼原因能夠讓一個人可以不顧一切獨自去旅行?是為了開拓視野、自我沉澱,還是天生就渴望著流浪?對於32歲的愛爾蘭男子 Derek Cullen 來說,這趟史詩般的非洲之旅有著更深層的意義。幾年前,Cullen 的父母相繼因癌症而去世,他感受到生命的短暫,並意識到自己不能再將生命浪費在退縮與畏懼之中,於是萌生了非洲單車行的念頭。

Friday, July 4, 2014

Top 5 Things to do Before You Die|有哪些事情是一生當中非做不可的呢?英國樂透網公布「人生目標清單」調查結果!

Catching a glimpse of the Northern Lights has topped a bucket list of things Britons would like to see or do before they died.
A survey of 2,000 people by the National Lottery placed seeing the aurora borealis natural phenomenon above any other personal desire.
Personal achievements also featured high on the list, with retiring comfortably featuring in second place.
