Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dream of gorging on a juicy steak guilt-free? 科學家最新發現!大口吃牛排再也不怕紅肉所帶來的危害

As you bite into a juicy steak, is your enjoyment tempered by a nagging thought that all that red meat is damaging your health? Well that guilty feeling may soon be a thing of the past.

For scientists have discovered why eating too much red meat can harm your heart - and think they may be able to solve the problem.They have worked out the mechanism by which nutrients in beef, pork or lamb are transformed into molecules which harden and narrow the arteries.


科學家們已經發現,為何吃太多紅肉對你的心臟有害,而且他們認為這是可以解決的問題。他們摸索出了這些在牛肉ˋ豬肉或羊肉內的營養物質會轉化為分子,而這些分子 會使動脈縮小ˋ變硬。

* mechanism(n)結構方式
* molecular(n)分子

* artery(n)動脈

The U.S. discovery creates the possibility of a treatment that would slow down or stop the harmful process, making red meat perfectly healthy to eat.

Research leader Dr Stanley Hazen, from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, said that one day people may be able to ‘have their steak and eat it too’, without worrying about heart disease.

His team found the root of the problem is found in the way one compound found in meat is broken down by bacteria in the gut.One nutrient - called L-carnitine - is transformed into metabolites that contribute to the build-up of hard fat on the walls of blood vessels, raising the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

美國的發現創建了一個治療的可能性,可以減慢或停止有害的過程,使得紅肉可以讓人吃得健健康康。研究負責的醫生Stanley Hazen(來自俄亥俄州克里夫蘭的診所)指出:有一天人們或許可以有自己的牛排吃,還不用擔心心臟疾病。


* compound(n)化合物
* bacteria(n)細菌
* gut(n),腸道,消化道
* metabolite(n)代謝物
* stroke(n)中風

Scientists already knew that red meat could be transformed into a substance called trimethylamine-N-oxide, which causes problems with arteries.But the new research, published last night in the Cell Metabolism, discovered another harmful substance that is produced at rates 1,000 times higher.

The newly discovered chemical, called gamma-butyrobetaine, is naturally produced by bacteria which process the L-carnitine nutrient.The finding, discovered by the researchers after experiments in mice, creates the prospect of a healthy way to eat meat.



They think they may be able to reduce the health impacts by targeting the bacteria that turn the meat into harmful compounds. That could be as simple as taking a probiotic compound - such as that found in yoghurt or drinks - which changes the balance of bacteria in the gut.

Research into providing a solution has not yet started, so may be some way off, but the scientists are confident that it is at least a possibility now they have found the root of the problem.

他們認為可以透過針對那些把肉片轉變成有害化合物的細菌,減少對健康的影響。 這可能很簡單,例如服用益生菌複合物(在優格或飲料中)改變細菌在腸道中的平衡。


* probiotic(n)益生菌優酪乳 

Dr Hazen said: ‘The findings identify the pathways and participants involved more clearly, and help identify targets for therapies for interventions to block or prevent heart disease development.

‘While this is into the future, the present studies may help us to develop an intervention that allows one to “have their steak and eat it too” with less concern for developing heart disease.’ 



* therapy(n)
* intervention(n)干預措施
* block(v) 阻擋 
   ex. A fallen tree is blocking the road. 一棵倒下的樹擋住了路。
