Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Plastic surgery so drastic they can't get past airport security! How Chinese women are flying to South Korea for a more 'Western' face. │ 變美了卻回不了家?

Chinese women who are entering South Korea seeking skilled plastic surgeons are undergoing such transformative procedures that they are struggling to get past airport security on their way home.
The extensive surgeries, which can include reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western', are transforming some Chinese women's entire faces, rendering them almost unrecognizable.

到南韓進行整容手術的中國女性現在面臨的最大困難就是 -- 無法過海關! 因為整容手術,他們的面貌有劇烈的改變,包括了讓眼睛變大,變得更像西方人,或者是改變整個臉型,改變之後的她們幾乎難以和原本的樣貌聯想在一起,都認不出是誰了!

* transformative ( adj. ) 變化的
* excess ( adj. ) 額外的
* eyelid ( n. ) 眼皮
* render ( v. ) 使成為

To combat the issue, some hospitals have resorted to handing out 'plastic surgery certificates' - which include the patient's passport number, the name of the hospital they were treated at and the length of their visit to South Korea - to enable the women to re-enter China.

* resort ( v. ) 求助 ; 憑藉
After careful checks had been carried out, the women were allowed into China but they were all advised to renew their passports immediately.
'After they took off their huge hats and big sunglasses following our request, we saw them looking different, with bandages and stitches here and there,' Shanghai Hongqiao Airport officer Chen Tao told China Daily. 


* bandage ( n. ) 繃帶
stitches ( n. ) 一針 ; 縫紉

Plastic surgery is now such big business in South Korea that it is attracting thousands of clients daily from across the border in China.
And the mostly female clients return to China as 'live adverts' for the South Korean surgeons.
Before and after photos, which feature women who have undergone sometimes numerous procedures, have been drawing attention since they were posted on Chinese news sites.




The photos, which list the type of procedures each woman has had - ranging from Botox to rhinoplasty to jaw contorting - are accompanied by candid captions detailing the features each woman disliked about herself.


* Botox ( n. ) 肉毒桿菌
* rhinoplasty ( n. ) 隆鼻手術
* candid ( adj. ) 坦率的 ; 直言的
* caption ( n. ) 照片說明

South Korea is rapidly becoming world's plastic surgery leader, with more cosmetic procedures per head of population than any other nation, according to global figures released last year by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
One in every 77 people in South Korea now goes under the knife or needle in a bid to improve their looks.
Shockingly, some 20 per cent of women aged 19 to 49 in the capital, Seoul, admit to undergoing cosmetic surgery. One of the most popular procedures involves reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western'.

南韓迅速成為整容手術的領導者,他們擁有比其他國家更多的整容手術客人,在南韓,每77人中就有一人動了大大小小的美容手術,令人驚訝的是,在首爾有20% 的19歲到49歲女性承認有做過美容手術,為了讓自己變得更美麗,而最受歡迎的手術是讓眼睛變大的手術。



It is believed that the rise of the country's music industry is behind the boom, and many patients visit clinics with photos of celebrities, asking surgeons to emulate American noses or eyes.
Some women for example also undergo Intense Pulsed Light treatment, a procedure which can, among other things, be employed to lighten the skin.

 emulate ( v. ) 仿真
*  Intense Pulsed Light treatment 脈衝光

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