Friday, May 2, 2014

The world's top 10 greatest wonders|世界十大自然人文奇蹟

They’re the great wonders of the world that every intrepid traveller must have on their wish list. From Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway, Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, to India’s Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China, to not see them, really is missing out.

A new book by Lonely Planet reveals the top 50 must-see world wonders. World’s Great Wonders brings together the most amazing manmade structures and natural creations from across the globe.


  • Wonder (n.) 奇跡;奇觀
  • Intrepid (adj.) 勇敢的;無畏的  = fearless, dauntless, brave, courageous

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe/Zambia 維多利亞瀑布,辛巴威/尚比亞

Explorer David Livingstone named the waterfalls of the Zambezi River after Queen Victoria, but locals call them Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning 'the smoke that thunders'. Located on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, the falls plummet 108m, creating a mist that is visible from 20km away.

英國探險家 David Livingstone 以維多利亞女王的名字命名尚比亞河的瀑布,不過當地人稱呼它為莫西奧圖尼亞瀑布,意為「雷鳴之煙」。該瀑布位於辛巴威與尚比亞的交界處,高度108公尺,與地面碰撞後產生的水霧20公里外就可見。

  • Plummet (v.) 筆直落下
The plane plummeted towards the earth.   那架飛機直向地面墜落。

Great Rift Valley, Ethiopia 東非大裂谷,衣索比亞

Dallol volcano in the Great Rift Valley - the world's largest rift system which stretches 6,000km from the Red Sea down to Lake Malawi. Up to 74km in places, it's cradled by a series of cliffs, rising from the valley floor to the top of the highest escarpments, up to 1.6km above.


  • Rift system 斷裂帶 ﹡Rift (n.) 斷裂;裂縫
  • Cliff (n.) 懸崖;峭壁
  • Escarpment (n.) 陡坡;懸崖;峭壁

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland 巨人之路,北愛爾蘭

Legend claims this rocky peninsula is the handiwork of an angry giant, but the real story behind the striking basalt columns is even more extraordinary.


  • Handiwork (n.) 手工藝;手作
  • Basalt (n.)【地】玄武岩
  • Column (n.) 圓柱
The dome was supported by nine columns.   這圓頂由九根柱子支撐。

Taj Mahal, India 泰姬瑪哈陵,印度

This marble-clad mausoleum, considered the most beautiful building in the world, and said by its creator to have made the sun and moon shed tears, is the jewel in India's crown.


  • Marble-clad (adj.) 大理石鋪就的
  • Mausoleum (n.) 陵墓

Terracotta Army, China 秦始皇兵馬俑,中國

More than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots and 670 horses from this vast, life-size clay army, protecting China's first emperor in the afterlife.


  • Chariot (n.) 古代的雙輪戰車
  • Clay (n.) 黏土;泥土 ﹡feet of clay 致命的弱點
Ex: The president had feet of clay: he drank a lot.   總裁有個致命的弱點:他好喝酒。

Great Wall of China, China 長城,中國

The stone dragon weaves 6,500km across mountaintops and plunges deep into canyons. But its magnificence hides its tumultuous history.


  • Plunge (v.) 急降;驟降
She plunged deep into thought.   她陷入沉思。
  • Canyon (n.) 峽谷
  • Magnificence (n.) 壯麗;輝煌
  • Tumultuous (adj.) 騷動的;混亂的

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania 恩戈羅恩戈羅火山口,坦尚尼亞

At 610m deep and 260sq-km, this is the largest unflooded caldera in the world. A blue-green vision from above, it's a haven for endangered wildlife.


  • Caldera (n.) 火山口
  • Endangered (adj.) 快要絕種的;瀕臨絕種的

Kilauea, Hawaii 基拉韋厄火山,夏威夷

The world's most active volcano has been constantly erupting for over three decades on Hawaii, creating the fastest-growing land on the planet.


  • Erupt (v.) 火山爆發;噴發

Hagia Sophia, Turkey 聖索菲亞大教堂,土耳其

Cathedral. Mosque. Museum. The Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya) has withstood the ravages of war and earthquakes, a testament to Istanbul's tumultuous past.


  • Cathedral (n.) 大教堂
  • Mosque (n.) 清真寺
  • Withstand (v.) 歷經;禁得起  = endure ﹡動詞三態:Withstand - Withstood - Withstood
Explorers have to withstand hardships.   探險者得忍受艱苦。
  • Ravage (n.) 嚴重破壞﹐摧毀  = devastation
  • Testament (n.) 證明,證據
The building is a testament to their success.   這一建築是他們成功的證明。

Potala Palace, Tibet 布達拉宮,西藏

An architectural wonder and the spiritual home of the Dalai Lama, the world's highest palace - at 3,700m above sea level - rises 13 storeys, and contains more than 100 rooms.


  • Storey (n.) 樓層  = floor the top storey 人的頭腦 (有調侃意味)
Ex: He's a bit weak in the top storey.   他的腦袋有點使不上力。