For the past six years the daredevil photographer has travelled the world scaling famous buildings and structures and taking pictures from the top.
Among her impressive list of climbs is the Great Pyramid of Giza, Firth of Forth Rail Bridge in Scotland and New York’s Manhattan and Brooklyn bridges. But despite the very real risk of injury and constant threat of detection by security guards, Lucinda takes these challenges in her stride.
大膽的25歲美女攝影師 Lucinda Grange,在過去的六年周遊列國,征服無數世界高樓,並在頂部拍照留念,以不同的視角呈現各個城市的面貌。讓她印象深刻的包括吉薩大金字塔、蘇格蘭的福斯鐵路橋、紐約的曼哈頓和布魯克林橋。儘管冒著生命危險和被警衛發現的重重難關,她依然堅持挑戰,絲毫不畏懼。
- Daredevil (adj.) 蠻勇的;不怕死的 (n.) 喜歡冒險的人;鋌而走險的人
- Scale (v.) 攀登;到達…的頂點
He learned to scale a rock face from his father. 他從他父親那兒學得攀登崖面的技巧。
- Detection (n.) 發現;偵查 = discovering, unearthing, finding out
The detection of crime is not always easy. 偵查罪行並非易事。
- Takes in one's stride 輕易解決;從容應付 ﹡stride (n.) 闊步;進展
Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride.
Adrenaline: Adventure photographer Lucinda Grange surveys the Manhattan skyline - perched hundreds of feet up on the edge of the Chrysler Building.
- Adrenaline (n.) 腎上腺素;一陣興奮(或激動)
- Survey (v.) 俯視、眺望
From the top of the hill you can survey the whole city. 從山頂上你可以俯瞰整個城市。
- Perch (v.) 在較高處暫歇 (n.) 高處 ﹡Come off one's perch 不再驕傲自大
Little birds perch themselves on the branches. 小鳥兒棲歇在樹枝上。
Ex: Come off your perch and stop considering yourself as the most important person here. 別再耍孤傲了,不要自以為你是老大。
Top of the world: Ms Grange on top the Carpe Diem building at night in the central business district of Paris.
夜訪巴黎中央商務區的Carpe Diem酒店頂樓。
Wonder of the world: The Great Pyramid of Giza after scaling the 445ft structure.
Ms Grange and her friend Max sit on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza which they scaled under the cover of darkness despite armed security patrolling the area.
- Patrol (v.) 巡邏;偵察
I saw women patrolling the streets with rifles on their backs. 我看到婦女背著槍在街上巡邏。
Tall stories: Ms Grange poses atop the Fourth Rail Bridge, after scaling the structure at night in Queensferry, Scotland.
- Atop (prep.) 在…頂上
The picture shows us atop a high hill. 這張照片裡我們站在高山頂上。
Climbing high: Ms Grange rappels down the side of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.
- Rappel down 用繩索垂降
- Cathedral (n.) 大教堂