Friday, December 27, 2013

'#Selfie' beats 'twerking' and 'binge-watch' to become Word of the Year|2013 年度風雲字:Selfie,你今天「自拍」了嗎?

Selfie has been named the word of 2013, beating tough competition from twerk, binge-watch and showrooming. 

Editors from Oxford Dictionaries, which made it their Word of 2013, said the word has evolved from a niche social media tag into a mainstream term for a self-portrait photograph.

隨著智慧型手機的興起,手機自拍風潮席捲全球,不論是美國第一家庭、大明星還是一般的大眾都流行上傳自拍照到社群網站。英國牛津字典選出,2013年度風雲字:Selfie(自拍),擊敗 twerk(電臀舞)、binge-watch(大量觀看電視)和 showrooming(在實體店家內看到某個商品後不購買,反而到網路上用更低的價錢買到同樣的商品。)

牛津字典(Oxford Dictionaries)的編輯表示,「Selfie今年大受歡迎,由社群媒體的時髦標籤用語,躍居為表達自拍的主流簡略用語」,因而獲選年度風雲字。

My stolen sheepdog turned up 520 miles from home|奇蹟!飼主尋回失蹤七個月愛犬

It's like the plot from a heart-warming family movie. Seven months after Leanda Loosemore’s dog Annah was stolen, she was found bedraggled but unharmed, 500 miles from where she’d disappeared.

After the show dog was kidnapped from outside her home in Newburgh, Scotland, Miss Loosemore spent months appealing on the internet to try to trace her  Shetland sheepdog.


Friday, December 20, 2013

The 10 characters at every staff Christmas party revealed|公司聖誕派對上的10項人格特質,你是哪一種?

There are ten characters at every staff Christmas party - and the 'Kisser' is the least popular of them all, according to new research.

'The faces may change as quickly as the music at these staff parties but one thing is constant - the 10 staff party characters who are present.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Beyonce's back on top!|碧昂絲閃電出輯 震撼回歸樂壇

Her self-titled album debuted at number 1 and ranks 24 on the year's list of best-sellers three days after release. So Beyonce had every reason to shake it up as she took her Mrs. Carter Show World Tour to Washington D.C. on Wednesday.


取得如此傲人的成績,碧昂絲有十足的理由在舞台上又唱又跳,她的《卡特夫人秀 世界巡迴演唱會》於週三來到華盛頓。

Friday, December 13, 2013

'Foodscaper': The landscapes that look good enough to EAT|奇妙的食物造景 任何你看到的都可以吃

At a glance they look like images created by Hollywood CGI wizards – but they’re actually landscapes created entirely from food.

The incredible creations are the work of ‘foodscape’ artist Carl Warner, who makes them using sweets, fruits and vegetables – plus some pins and superglue.


英國藝術家 Carl Warner,擅長用糖果、巧克力、蔬果等食物,做成色彩繽紛、奇幻逗趣的風景畫。Carl Warner 以別針和強力膠,搭造如同建築模型的立體食物造景,再用相機拍下。

Beware texters, 10 new signs that would make British roads safer|低頭族注意!倫敦10種新式交通號誌

Taxi drivers have proposed ten new road signs for Britain’s cities - including warnings about potholes, rickshaws and school run congestion zones. They have also identified ten senseless signs they say should be scrapped such as warnings about horse-drawn vehicles and migratory toads on roads.

And Highway Code updates that cabbies suggest include bans on texting, wearing killer heels and relying on Google Maps while driving.

等紅燈時想用一下臉書;過馬路時想回個Whats app,這些隨時隨地都在低頭玩手機的人被稱為『低頭族』。隨著智慧型手機的普及,低頭族也越來越多,因此由於低頭而頻繁引發的車禍,也漸漸引起人們的關注。


此外,倫敦最近出現9起自行車騎士在公路被撞的意外事故,英國計程車司機聯盟因而向交通法規部提議,新增自行車轉彎警示路標、司機開車時若光腳或穿高於三英寸的鞋子則為非法、開車時依賴 Google Map 或發短信,則會被開單罰款。針對行人,則新增警示標識如過馬路別發訊息、戴耳機聽音樂使注意力不集中等,且亂闖紅燈是違法的。

Friday, December 6, 2013

Is this the world's thinnest building?|史上最薄建築?上海「紙片樓」

This house in Shanghai, China could possibly be the world’s thinnest building.

Located on Ningbo Road in the densely populated Chinese city, the home appears to be nothing more than a brick wall, extending down the road.

The house is part of a triangular shaped block, and at its point becomes so thin that residents cannot fit a chair in front of their windows.



World's most toxic places|世上受污染最嚴重的10個地方

Some governments are working to make life better but in others, the damage has already been done.

A list of ten filthy sites, from Russia to Indonesia to Ghana, has been amassed by the global environmental group The Blacksmith Institute - which says 200 million people are endangered daily in the top ten places alone.

環保組織-布萊克史密斯研究所 (The Blacksmith Institute) 列出世上受污染最嚴重的10個地方,並表示每天都有約2億左右的人口在這些地方遭受威脅。