Thursday, March 6, 2014

World's top ten most significant people EVER|人類史上十大重要人物


Jesus has been named the most significant person in human history, followed by Napoleon and Shakespeare, as ruled by the internet. Based on the impact on opinions certain individuals have had over time, and how that has reflected onto their Wikipedia pages, two computer scientists have come up with the ultimate list.

Professor Steven Skiena and Charles Ward use quantative analysis to rank more than a thousand historical figures and prominent people, from Elvis to Beethoven, Stalin and Queen Victoria. With Jesus as a front runner it comes as no great surprise that the prophet Muhammad is ranked at number four.

  • significant (adj.) 有意義的;重要的 =historic
This is one of the most significant studies of the subject.   這是對該課題最重要的研究之一。
  • over time  隨著時間
Like weather, climate also changes over time.   像天氣一樣, 氣候也會隨著時間而改變。
  • ultimate (adj.) 最後的、最終的
Complete disarmament was the ultimate goal of the conference.   全面裁軍是這次會議的最終目標。
  • prominent (adj.) 突出的、卓越的;重要的;著名的 =outstanding / distinguished
Sully had a prominent part in the play.   Sully在這個戲裡扮演一個重要角色。
  • prophet (n.) 先知
The prophet foretold a glorious future for the young ruler.   先知預言年輕的統治者會有輝煌的前程。

Leaders of empires are prominent on the list with Napoleon as number second and Alexander the Great at number nine. Alexander’s teacher and the founder of Western philosophy, Aristotle, is listed as number eight.

The list sees three US presidents, two of which were the founding fathers of the United States, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. However despite their indisputable significance in history, they are both outranked by Abraham Lincoln, who is listed as number five.

  • philosophy (n.) 哲學
He majors in philosophy.   他主修哲學。
  • indisputable (adj.) 無可爭辯的;不容置疑的
The evidence was indisputable.   這個證據不容置疑。
  • outrank (v.) 地位高於;階級高於;重要性高於
Peanuts now outrank cotton as the chief crop.   如今花生是比棉花更重要的主要產品。

The top-ten only lists one Briton, the formidable William Shakespeare, author of Romeo and Juliet and responsible for centuries of unreasonable expectations of love. The only entry on the list which serves as a person of impact ‘lest we forget’ is Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, who is ranked as the seventh most significant person in human history. The is an unmissable absence of women on the list, which the authors explain is a result of centuries of inequality meaning the impact of female figures has not been as great.

In the book Who's Bigger? Where Historical Figures Really Rank, Professor Skiena and Mr Ward compare their ranking to Google’s system of ranking web pages in a search. By collection millions of opinions on famous and infamous figures throughout history they have calculated, how successfully the idea of each person has spread in society through time.

‘We would call Jesus "the most significant person ever",’ Professor Skiena told Pacific Standard. ‘With over two billion followers a full 2,000 years after his death, Jesus is an incredibly successful historical meme.’

The pair use English Wikipedia as a base for their algorithm, which has led to some figures ranking higher than they ‘should,’ Skiena says. ‘Our rankings will continue to evolve with Wikipedia, and people can move up or down over time.

  • formidable (adj.) 巨大的;傑出的
He was one of the most formidable intellects of his time.   他是當時的蓋世奇才。

  • meme (n.) 迷因;爆紅的人事物
These meme pictures made my day.   這些爆紅的網路照片笑死我了。
  • algorithm (n.) 演算法

Steven Skiena 和 Charles Ward 在新書《誰最重要?歷史人物的真實排名 Who's Bigger: Where Historical Figures Really Rank》為歷史名人的重要性排名,只用數據分析,資料來源包括維基百科英文版、數以百萬件已掃描的書籍等。


結果由耶穌、拿破崙和莎士比亞分別排名首三位。Steven Skiena說:「耶穌死了2000年仍有超過20億的追隨者,可說是出奇成功的歷史爆紅人物。」


1. 耶穌基督 Jesus 
2. 法國一代梟雄拿破崙一世 Napoléon Bonaparte
3. 英國大文豪莎士比亞 William Shakespeare
4. 伊斯蘭教先知穆罕默德 Muḥammad
5. 美國第16任總統林肯 Abraham Lincoln
6. 美國開國總統華盛頓 George Washington
7. 德國納粹領袖希特勒 Adolf Hitler
8. 古希臘哲學家亞裏士多德 Aristotle
9. 亞歷山大大帝 Alexander the Great
10. 美國第3任總統傑斐遜 Thomas Jefferson