Friday, February 7, 2014

Astonishing bravery of boy who risked his life to save baby deer|驚人義舉 英勇少年救小鹿

A brave boy fearlessly risked his own life and showed astonishing bravery to save a helpless baby deer from drowning.

The boy, called Belal and believed to be in his early teens, defiantly held the young fawn in one hand above his head as he plunged through the surging river. During the ordeal onlookers were unsure whether the boy was going to appear again.


  • Fearlessly (adv.) 無畏地
He gazed fearlessly at the gunman.   他毫不畏懼地注視著那槍手。
  • Astonishing (adj.) 令人驚訝的;驚人的
It was astonishing to everyone that the court had made such a decision.
  • Bravery (n.) 勇敢,勇氣  = courage
The policeman showed great bravery in the face of danger.
  • Drown (v.) 溺死
  • Defiantly (adv.) 挑戰地;大膽對抗地
  • Fawn (n.)幼鹿
  • Plunge (v.) 投入;跳入
The boys plunged into the river to swim.   男孩們跳入河裡游泳。
  • Ordeal (n.) 嚴峻考驗;苦難
The parents went through a terrible ordeal when their child was kidnapped.
  • Onlooker (n.) 觀眾;旁觀者 = spectator, bystander

When he finally made it to the other side the locals cheered as the deer was reunited with its family.

The incident took place in Noakhali, Bangladesh, when the young fawn became separated from its family during torrential rain and fast-rising floods.

Wildlife photographer Hasibul Wahab captured the brave act while visiting on a photography trip. He said the Noakhali locals lose a lot of deer during the rainy season and that they have to do all they can to protect them.




  • torrential rain 【氣象】豪雨 ﹡torrential (adj.) 奔流的;猛烈的;洶湧的

He said: 'He was such a brave boy - the river was so full of water and it was high tide so we thought he might drown.

'My friend was even ready to jump into the river to save the boy. But he made it, and when he returned, we thanked the boy. 'There were only five to seven people observe this situation but it was a phenomenal sight.'


  • High tide 漲潮 ↔ Low tide 退潮 ﹡tide (n.) 潮汐
  • Phenomenal (adj.) 傑出的;驚人的  = extraordinary, remarkable