Thursday, November 7, 2013

She has survived on a diet of JUNK FOOD|不可置信! 英國女吃垃圾食物長大

She weighs less than 10st and wears a dress size ten. So it might be assumed a diet of fruit and vegetables play a part in Faye Campbell’s lifestyle. But she claims she hasn’t touched either for 16 years.

Indeed, the 21-year-old says she has been diagnosed with a fear of fruit and vegetables.

英國一名21歲女子 Faye Campbell,體重約60kg,穿英國尺碼10號的衣服,這樣中等的身材,你或許認為她的飲食生活應該跟一般人沒兩樣,不過事實上,她已有16年沒有碰蔬果類食物,是名「蔬果恐懼症」患者。

She says she has survived on a diet of cheeseburgers, pizza and chips. The only ‘fruit’ she consumes is the flavoring  in sugary fizzy drinks. But remarkably, despite her junk food diet, Miss Campbell, who is 5ft 8in tall, weighs just  9st 12lb.

Faye Campbell 日常食物清單為起司漢堡、披薩和洋芋片等等,而她唯一能接受的水果竟是含糖氣泡飲料當中的調味果汁成分。儘管吃進肚裡的都是不健康的垃圾食物,她依然能保持172cm/60kg這樣中等的身材。

  • Flavoring (n.) 調味劑;香料
  • Fizzy drinks (n.) 碳酸飲料
  • Remarkably (adv.) 明顯地;非常地
He has recovered from the accident remarkably well.   他事故之後恢復得非常好。

The care worker, who lives in Stowmarket, Suffolk, was an extremely fussy eater as a child. At her wits’ end, her mother Carolyn took her to the doctor after failed attempts to hide vegetables in her meals.

She was apparently diagnosed with the digestive disorder gastroesophageal reflux. The condition, which causes chronic indigestion and heartburn, meant she was left in agony after eating. But, although it was possible to cure this, doctors found she had developed lachanophobia – an extremely rare anxiety triggered by eating vegetables.

It is only after seeing a child psychologist that she started to eat foods such as pizza, burgers and cheese.

Faye Campbell 居住在英國東北部的薩福克小鎮(Suffolk),從事護理工作。從小就嚴重挑食,母親曾將蔬菜隱藏在食物中,試圖使她吃下,但還是沒能成功,由於實在是束手無策,便帶她去醫院求診。結果證實她罹患了一種胃食道逆流疾病,造成她長期的消化不良,甚至胃灼熱。雖然這病在醫學上是有辦法治療的,不過醫生發現她的身體機制引發了相當罕見的「懼菜症」。於是求助兒童心理學家後,她開始接受披薩、漢堡和起司等食物。

  • Fussy (adj.) 難以取悅的;挑剔的
He is fussy about his food.   他對食物很挑剔。
  • At her wits’ end 束手無策;全然不知所措

I' m at my wits' end worrying about how to pay the bills.   我完全想不到任何辦法付清這些帳。
  • Digestive disorder gastroesophageal reflux (n.) 胃食道逆流
  • Chronic (adj.) 長期的;慣性的;慢性的
  • Indigestion (n.) 消化不良
  • Heartburn (n.) 胃灼熱
  • Agony (n.) 極度痛苦;苦惱
They went through the agonies of war and famine.   他們經歷了戰爭和饑荒的痛苦。
  • Lachanophobia (n.) 蔬菜恐懼症
  • Trigger (v.) 觸發,引起
A spark triggered the explosion.   一粒火星引起了這場爆炸。

Miss Campbell said: ‘The thought of eating vegetables or any sort of fruit just makes me feel physically sick. Even putting them near my mouth terrifies me.

‘If mum is cooking a roast dinner with vegetables I have to go into a different room because I can’t stand the smell. Sometimes I have to open all the windows to get rid of it. My family wish I could sit with them and have a meal together, but I just can’t.’

Faye Campbell 說道:「一想到蔬菜水果,我就覺得噁心,把它們放在我面前更是要把我嚇壞。如果我媽正在煮菜,我一定得離開廚房,我實在無法忍受那味道。雖然家人都希望我能和他們一起吃飯,但我真的做不到。」

  • Terrify (v.) 使害怕  = frighten, horrify
The thunderstorm terrified the child.   雷雨把那個小孩嚇壞了。
  • Get rid of 擺脫
He tried hard to get rid of the bad habit of smoking.   他盡力除去吸煙這種不良習慣。

Miss Campbell’s typical day starts with toast for breakfast, a large high-calorie pizza from Domino’s take-away for lunch and frozen cheeseburgers with chips for dinner. She can only eat potatoes if they are served as waffles or chips and until she was 15 they were her sole diet.

Faye Campbell 一天吃的食物,從早餐烤土司開始,高熱量的達美樂外帶披薩當午餐,晚餐吃冷凍食品起司漢堡和薯條。她只接受格子餅、薯條或洋芋片的馬鈴薯食品,從15歲開始,這些就是她固定吃的食物清單。
