Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Being bilingual could slow down dementia|語言真重要,雙語能力可延緩老年痴呆!

Speaking a second language may delay dementia by up to five years – more than powerful drugs, researchers say.


A study suggests being bilingual exercises the mind, so it has greater reserves when disease takes hold. But there are no additional advantages to speaking any more than two languages, according to the study in the journal Neurology. It was carried out by researchers from the University of Edinburgh and Nizam’s Institute of Medical  Sciences in Hyderabad, India.

Thomas Bak, of Edinburgh University, said: ‘These findings suggest that bilingualism might have a stronger influence on dementia than any currently available drugs.’


這項研究是由愛丁堡大學(the University of Edinburgh)的Thomas Bak和位於印度的醫學科學研究所聯合進行的,Thomas說:「這些發現顯示,雙語可能比任何目前可用的治療老年痴呆症的藥劑更有效。」

  • Bilingual (adj.) 雙語的 (n.) 雙語人士 ﹡bi- 雙數
Their kids are completely bilingual.   他們的孩子能流利地說兩種語言。
  • Monolingual (adj.) 單語的 (n.) 單語人士 ﹡mono- 單一
  • Dementia (n.) (老年)癡呆
  • Up to… 長達‥;多達‥
  • Take hold 紮根
  • Carry out 執行、進行;完成、實現
Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.   對患者進行了多次試驗。
  • Bilingualism (n.) 雙語能力
  • Have an influence on… 對‥有強大的影響力
Since its appearance television has had a great influence on our life .   自從電視出現以來就對我們的生活有巨大的影響。

In the largest study to date on dementia and bilingualism, scientists recorded the age at which almost 650 patients in Hyderabad, of whom 60 per cent were bilingual, had been diagnosed with the condition. 

On average, people who spoke two languages developed dementia 4.5 years later than those who did not. The delay ranged from three years for Alzheimer’s disease to six years for frontotemporal dementia.

Bilingual patients tended to develop dementia at age 65, compared with 61 for the monolingual. Illiterate bilingual people saw the same advantage, proving it is not down to education, scientists said.

They suggest switching between different sounds, concepts and grammar structures trains the brain. But further studies are needed to determine exactly how such training can delay dementia.

Dr Simon Ridley, of charity Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: ‘These findings lend weight to the theory that keeping the brain active may provide a form of “cognitive reserve”, helping to delay the onset of symptoms. It would be useful to see further and larger studies of this type.’




從事阿茲海默症研究的英國慈善機構人員Dr Simon Ridley說:「這些發現給予部分理論重大的影響。保持大腦活躍是一種『認知儲備』,有助於延緩發病的症狀。」

  • Date (v.) 始於 (n.)日期;約會
The castle dates back to the ancient Roman days .  
  • Be diagnosed with 被診斷出…
About a year ago, I was diagnosed with cancer.  
  • Frontotemporal dementia (n.) 【醫】額顳葉失智症
  • Illiterate (adj.) 文盲的;未受教育的 (n.) 文盲
People who have never gone to school are usually illiterate .    
  • Charity (n.) 慈善;慈善機構;寬厚
Several charities sent aid to the flood victims .    
  • Cognitive (adj.) 認知的
  • Onset (n.) 開始;發作
He went to see a doctor at the onset of a fever .   
  • Symptom (n.) 症狀;徵兆
A fever is a symptom of illness . 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2489371/Being-bilingual-slow-dementia-better-effect-strong-drugs.html#ixzz2k1OCmKqo