Friday, September 5, 2014

He’s got his head in the clouds! Daydreaming artist looks to the heavens and sketches what he sees in the sky. │ 藝術家 Martin Feijoo 把他的頭像放到雲上了!他把想像的東西搬上雲端!

An artist has bought to life the visions he sees in the sky.

In a project called Cloud Shaping, Madrid-based Martin Feijoo sketches quirky interpretations of what he sees when he looks up at the sky.

在一個叫做「Cloud Shaping」的計畫裡,在馬德里畫素描的Martin Feijoo用奇特手法把他抬頭看天空時所看到的景象畫出來。

  • quirky ( adj. ) 多變的
  • interpretation ( n. ) 詮釋

He said: 'I started shaping clouds during my trip to Mexico last summer. I spent a lot of time on the road, so I admired the landscapes very often and for a long time.
'One day I began to notice that cloud shapes was not like the clouds of Madrid. The sky was clear and the clouds were huge, misshapen and always changing.


'At the same time I remembered that idea someone told me when I was a child about the origin of the cloud shapes and, right there, both thoughts merged, so I started photographing clouds that seemed to me like something.
'As I started drawing clouds, I realised that if I added accessories to the characters it would make them funnier and at the same time, every cloud would have a story.'


  • landscape ( n. ) 風景
  • misshapen ( adj. ) 畸形的
  • merge ( v. ) 融合
  • accessories ( n. ) 配件 ; 附件

The artist noticed that the clouds in Mexico were 'huge, misshapen and always changing' in the clear blue skies.

Martin describes this little dog scampering across the sky as a 'rare' breed - and named the mutt 'Rock'.

The artist spent a long time on the road in Mexico and found himself looking at the landscapes for hours on end.

The drawings are influenced by stories Martin was told as a child about the origins of clouds, combined with his own creativity.


Martin realised that if he added accessories to the characters it would make them funnier and at the same time every cloud would have its own story.


Martin uses special transparent paper for his sketches. He places the photographs on light table and draws his creations over the top in black pen.

Martin draws the first thing that comes into his mind when he sees the clouds, and some of the creations are surprisingly intricate.

As a child was told that clouds’ shapes were created by expert balloon twister clowns who live in the sky

The clouds in Mexico served as a constant source of inspiration for Martin to created a weird and wonderful assortment of pictures.

The artist has posted all of the images online on a Tumblr page under the name Shaping Clouds project so fans can view all his creations in one place

Martin 已經把所有圖片上傳到 
Tumblr,以 Shaping Clouds project 命名,所以粉絲就可以看到他所有精采的作品。 
