Thursday, May 8, 2014

Stunning images reveal the beauty of British mammals|英國攝影大賽呈現哺乳動物之美

Incredible images of a beautiful brown hare, a seal gracefully swimming at night and a stoat in a drainpipe are all finalists in an annual photo competition to celebrate British mammals.

The amazing pictures of foxes, ferrets, deer and dormice were snapped in the British Isles and are reminders of the incredible array of mammals which exist around us. They were all selected as finalists in the contest run by The Mammal Society, which is 60 years old this year and aimed to bring awareness of the issues faced by these animals.


  • Hare (n.) 野兔
  • Seal (n.) 海豹
  • Stoat (n.) 白鼬
  • Drainpipe (n.) 排水管
  • Mammal (n.) 哺乳動物
  • Ferret (n.) 雪貂
  • Dormice (n.) 睡鼠 
  • Array (n.) 一系列;一批
The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems.
  • Aim to + VR. 目的在於…
My brother aims to be a novelist.   我弟弟立志當小說家。

The contest also wanted to encourage appreciation for the many species which are often overlooked but essential to the health of our habitats.

‘These thoughtfully chosen winning images have once again brought mammals into the public spotlight, to remind us all of the challenges they face as we develop our towns and cities, and intensify our industrial and agricultural practices,’ said Marina Pacheco, of The Mammal Society.

‘Although many mammals successfully lead the urban way of life with us, including deer, foxes and rodents, others rely on ever-more pressured woodland, marine and farmland habitats.’

The overall winner was a picture of a brown hare on its hind legs, taken by Stuart Scott near his home in Galashiels in the Scottish borders.

Judges Kate MacRae and TV's Mike Dilger said: ‘Changes in farming methods over the last 50 years are likely to have a major impact on hare populations and seeing these beautiful creatures is always special. A moment perfectly captured.’


其中,一隻後腿站立的棕色野兔拔得頭籌,為攝影師 Stuart Scott 贏得總冠軍。大賽的評審 Kate MacRae 和 Mike Dilger 表示獲獎的理由為:「過去50年,由於農業耕作的轉變,使得人們很難在田野中尋覓到野兔的踪跡,而該照片為大家呈現了罕見的一幕。」

  • Overlook (v.) 忽略,﹐忽視
It is easy to overlook a small detail like that.   那樣的細枝末節很容易被忽略。
  • Be essential to 必要的,不可或缺的
Hard work is essential to success.   成功必須努力工作。
  • Thoughtfully (adv.) 考慮周全地;深慮地
  • Intensify (v.) 加強,增強
Police have now intensified the search for the lost child.   警方已加緊尋找那個失蹤的孩子。
  • Rodent (n.) 齧齒動物〈如大老鼠﹑兔子〉
  • Hind legs 後腿

Grant Auton won second prize overall for this incredible image of a swimming common seal. Around five per cent of the world's common seals live in the UK.

Grant Auton 所拍攝的「夜游海豹」榮獲第二名。全世界約5%的常見海豹生活在英國。

Whilst Adrian Hinchiffe won third place for his picture of a cheeky stoat sticking its head out of a drainpipe. (Right) These water voles may look like they haven’t a care in the world - but they  are one of Britain’s most endangered mammals. (Left)

Other highly commended pictures include a fox spying on a bird table, a shy seal shielding its eyes, a deer licking its lips and otters playing in the water.

調皮的白鼬從排水管探出頭的照片獲得第三名,由 Adrian Hinchiffe 所拍攝(右)。別以為這些水鼠沒什麼特別,其實牠們是英國最瀕危的哺乳動物之一。 (左) 


  • Cheeky (adj.)【褒】調皮的,搞笑的 /【口】厚臉皮的;無恥的
﹡cheeky monkey 厚臉皮的人!
  • Stick out 突出, 伸出
Don't stick your head out of the car window.   不要把頭伸出汽車窗外。
  • Water vole (n.) 水鼠
  • Shield (v.) 擋開;掩蓋  = shelter
He held up his hands, shielding his eyes from the sun.   他舉起雙手﹐遮住眼睛免受陽光照射。
  • Otter (n.) 水獺

A fox and pigeon in a garden in East Yorkshire were captured by Maggie Bruce.
Ben Andrew took this picture of a seal on a beach.

Pictured here is a fallow deer at Calke Abbey ark, Ticknall in Derbyshire.

This image by Adrian Hinchliffe shows two otters, believed to be mother and cub in Thetford, Norfolk. Bubbles of air trapped in an otter's fur gives it a silvery appearance.

British mammals are facing a number of modern challenges, including loss of habitat and conflicts with humans. As part of the 60th celebrations, The Mammal Society is urging the public to submit records every time they see a mammal so they can map them and improve their database.

In the UK, there are several species of mammal that have undergone serious decline, or whose status is unknown, but possibly vulnerable. Between 1994 and 1997, 18 terrestrial mammals , and 21 marine mammals, were listed as priority species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.

Ms Pacheco said: ‘We are encouraging everyone to let us know when they spot a mammal or signs of one, so we can build a better picture of how well they're doing, identify vulnerable populations and therefore target conservation more effectively. 



協會的 Pacheco 女士說:「我們鼓勵大家,當你發現哺乳動物時,請及時讓我們知道,以便我們可以建立一個更完善的監視機制,並請大家愛護身邊的動物,保護這些弱勢的群體。」

  • Conflict with 與…衝突
Their opinion on the matter conflicts with ours.   他們對這一問題的看法與我們不一致。
  • Urge sb to do sth 極力勸說
Brown urged her to reconsider her decision.   Brown 極力勸說她重新考慮她的決定。
  • Vulnerable (adj.) 弱勢的;易受傷的
  • Terrestrial (adj.) 陸生的;陸棲的 ↔ aquatic  水生的;水棲的
  • Conservation (n.) 保護