Thursday, May 22, 2014

Living on a Dollar a Day: 1.6 billion people on earth who live in extreme poverty|全球16億窮人每天生活費不足1美元!

A San Francisco-based law professor who founded an international organization to fight hunger and poverty has teamed up with a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist to compile a collection of shocking images of poverty throughout the world for a new book that puts a face on global poverty and provides a window into the lives of people who survive on little-to-no money.


  • Poverty (n.) 貧窮,貧困 Poverty gap 貧富差距
    Thousands of children live in dire poverty.   成千上萬的兒童生活極為貧困。
  • Team up with 結成一隊;合作
    You can team up with one other class member if you want.
  • Photojournalist (n.) 攝影記者
  • Compile (v.) 匯編;收集  = gather, collect, assemble
    It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.   編纂一部好詞典要花多年心血。

Renee C. Byer, who won the Pulitzer Prize for feature photography in 2007 for a collection of heartbreaking images that show a young boy's battle with cancer and his mother's anguish, traveled to four continents to photograph people living in some of the most extreme poverty on the planet for the new book Living on a Dollar a Day.

'The book is a call to action to eradicate global poverty,' Byer tells.

She says the book is 'the vision' of The Forgotten International founder Tom Nazario, who also is the executive director of the Center for Community Legal Education at the University of San Francisco. 

Byer traveled to places like Ghana, Liberia and several other poverty stricken areas across the globe to find the stories of some of the world's 1.2 billion people who live in extreme poverty.

舊金山法學教授、打擊貧困與饑餓組織『國際被遺忘的角落(The Forgotten International)』創始人,及舊金山大學社區法制教育中心負責人 Tom Nazario 與曾獲普利茲獎的攝影師 Renee C. Byer 合作出了一本新書,彙編全世界令人震撼的貧困饑餓圖片,揭秘全球16億窮人每天不足1美元的艱難生活。

Byer 2007年曾收集許多震撼人心的照片,最為知名的是一名與癌魔抗爭的小男孩及其母親極度痛苦的畫面,並憑此贏得普利茲獎。Byer曾前往4個大陸的數十個國家為新書《每天生活1美元 (Living on a Dollar a Day)》拍攝極端窮困者的照片。


  • Feature photography (n.) 專題攝影
  • Anguish (n.) 極度痛苦
  • Call to action 行動號召
    The call to action tells them exactly what we want them to do.
  • Eradicate (v.) 連根拔除;消滅  = eliminate, extirpate
    The government is making efforts to eradicate racial discriminating.
  • Executive director (n.) 執行董事;常務董事
  • Poverty stricken areas (n.) 貧困地區 stricken (adj.) 受……侵襲的(構成複合詞)
   The program was to help those poverty-stricken families.
