Thursday, April 3, 2014

What happened when 20 complete strangers were asked to lock lips|當你被要求要跟陌生人接吻時…

A first kiss is an intimate and sometimes nerve-wracking moment for any two people, but what happens if they have never met each other before?

That's the theme that Los Angeles-based filmmaker Tatia Pilieva explores in her new video First Kiss, in which she asks 20 complete strangers to lock lips on screen - with some surprising results.

知名作家 Marty Rubin 曾經說過:"人生最美莫過於初吻 The first kiss and the first glass of wine are the best.。也許是當初是那麼的羞澀、單純,以至於初吻永遠是最甜的、最刻骨銘心的,值得一再回味,不過如果這一吻發生在兩個素未謀面的人之間,那麼又將會是怎麼一種情形呢?

帶著這樣一個疑問,短片導演 Tatia Pilieva 邀請二十位互不認識的陌生人來為大家解答。

  • nerve-wracking (adj.) 緊張不安的
   Your first appearance on stage is always a nerve-wracking experience.
  • lock lips 接吻

While most of the participants laugh nervously to fill the awkward silences before their kiss, many of them become passionately lost in the moment when they finally lean in.

The heartwarming video, which was made as an advertisement for clothing company Wren Studio, has already amassed more than 2.5million views. In the beginning of the film, each of the couples is introduced to each other and they giggle apprehensively as they prepare to take part in the experiment.

其實這部溫馨的影片是美國服飾品牌 Wren Studio 的最新廣告,上傳短短幾天內就創下250萬的點擊率!在短片的開端,被安排在同組的人初次見面都顯得有點尷尬與緊張,只能用傻笑來填補沉默,但當兩唇相遇後卻有如天雷勾動地火般,吻得愈發深沉,甚至有些組別自然到會讓人誤以為是情侶的錯覺。Tatia 採用黑白畫面,讓這部短片變得既溫暖又吸引人,觸動到不少人心中的小角落!

  • lean in 挺身而進
  • amass (v.) 積累
    Before he was forty he amassed a large fortune.   他在四十歲之前已積聚了一大筆財富。
  • apprehensively (adv.) 擔心地;憂慮地

Ms Pilieva told Harper's Bazaar that it was difficult to make the video, not least because of all the awkward silences - but that these ended up being some of the best parts.

'I've directed a few sex scenes before - this was a lot harder,' she revealed. 'My first instinct was to call "cut" the moment people finished kissing but I painfully made myself wait and allowed the moments to breathe.

'The most beautiful moments took place when nothing was happening,' she added. The video has attracted a lot of attention, with many viewers commenting on it on YouTube. 'That is awesome in its own beautiful, awkward way,' wrote one fan.

導演 Tatia Pilieva 表示,雖然曾執導過各種場景的拍攝,但仍覺得此支影片拍攝難度高。因為她得在兩人吻完後忍住喊卡的衝動,繼續拍攝兩人­反應。所幸最後的拍攝成果相當浪漫,有網友認為,這支影片最吸引人的地方就是,它保留人們起初緊張、尷尬到後來會心一笑的自然感。