Friday, October 18, 2013

British traveller 24, spends £125,000 and five years visiting every country on earth|打工度假算什麼,24歲英國青年「打工環遊世界」!

A British traveller has become the youngest person to visit every country in the world.

James Asquith spent a whopping £125,000 to achieve his dream. Over the course of five years the 24-year-old, who now works as banker in London, managed to visit all 196 countries from Australia to Iraq and San Marino to Serbia.

He started travelling in 2008 after his best friends caught the travel bug and decided to pack his bags and see what the fuss was about. Mr Asquith, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, said: 'Vietnam was the first independent country I went to and I spent nearly three months there. 'I also spent about five months in the US and Canada, getting to 27 states from Hawaii to Alaska.'

「環遊世界」可說是每個人的夢想!英國現年24歲的青年 James Asquith,年紀輕輕就完成許多人畢身的夢想,成為達成這一壯舉最年輕的紀錄者。他以5年的時間,花費12萬5000英鎊(約台幣585萬元)遊歷全球196個國家,實現他的夢想。


  • Whopping (adj.) 巨大的;異常的
  • Travel Bug 旅遊狂
I've caught the travel bug after I went on a vacation to Guam.  
  • Fuss (n.) 忙亂;抱怨;緊張不安;爭論
Three soldiers pose with Mr Asquith in Afghanistan.

Spending his university holidays in far-flung destinations, Mr Asquith funded his travels through part-time jobs he's had since the age of 16. He also picked up work along the way in bars and hostels. 

It was only when he arrived in war-torn Egypt he realised he wanted to visit every country on the planet, including the unstable nations. He added: 'I loved the adrenaline that went with it - but I always seemed to pick the worst timing to visit a lot of the countries.

'I went to Libya three weeks after Gaddafi fell, Afghanistan two weeks after the terrorist bombings in Mazar-i-Sharif, but generally I just found a local and tried to get an insight into each country. 'I spent most of my time in Libya with a local man showing me all the war damage, and in Iran I met the hotel owner's son who was my age who gave me a great local insight.



  • Far-flung (adj.) 遙遠的
  • War-torn (adj.) 戰爭摧殘的
  • Adrenaline (n.) 腎上腺素
  • Go with 伴隨…
Happiness doesn't necessarily go with money. 幸福未必伴隨金錢而來。
  • Get an insight into = Have an insight into 對‥深入瞭解
He had an insight into human nature. 他能洞察人性。

Vanuatu: James Asquith, 24, spent a whopping £125,000 to achieve his ambition.

'The longest I spent anywhere was six months in Africa. I travelled overland from Senegal to the Congo and then over back up through the east. 'There were lots of small countries and tricky border crossings, putting trust in some people that drove me as much as three countries a time.

'But I haven't finished yet - I'm excited about Tahiti, Easter island, and Antarctica all of which I am hoping to go to next year.'


「我很期待大溪地(Tahiti)、復活節島(Easter island)和南極洲(Antarctica),我希望明年能造訪這些地方」。

  • Overland (adv.) 經由陸路;橫越大陸地
You travelled overland to India?  你橫越大陸旅行去印度?
  • Tricky (adj.) 棘手的;狡猾的;機警的
  • Border (n.) 邊境;邊緣
They were near the border between France and Germany .   
  • Crossing (n.) 交叉點;十字路口;渡口

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