Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What's your country famous for?|你的國家在哪方面獨領風騷?另類地圖告訴你!

From making babies to being struck by lightning, a new map has revealed the surprising things that countries are best at. The map is based on statistics gathered from across the internet - ranging from sources as diverse as the World Bank to the Guinness World Records.

Created by online comic and website DogHouse Diaries, the map shows what each country leads the rest of the world in and the words picked - which are written across the country's geographical territory - are in many cases surprising.



  • Strick (v.) 打,擊,攻擊  = hit, knock
  • Gather (v.) 收集;積聚  = collect, assemble
He is gathering materials for a new book.   他正在收集資料準備寫一本新書。
  • Diverse (adj.) 多樣的;多變化的  = various
The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and ancient Greek drama.
  • Territory (n.) 領土,版圖  = region, area, zone

While Peru might make evoke images of Inca monuments and panpipes, according to the map, the country leads the world in sandboarding, a sport that involves surfing mounds of sand.

Other surprising world leaders include Spain and its cocaine use as well as Algeria who leads the way in middle Paeleolithic flake tool techniques.


  • Evoke (v.) 喚起(記憶);引起
That old movie evoked memories of my childhood.   那部舊電影喚起了我童年的記憶。
  • Monument (n.) 歷史遺跡;遺址
The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument, which the government pays money to preserve. 這一城堡廢墟是古代的遺跡,政府出錢加以保存。
  • Panpipe (n.) 排笛
  • Sandboarding (n.) 衝沙運動
  • Mound (n.) 一堆
There's a mound of books on my desk.   我的書桌上有一堆書。
  • Cocaine (n.) 古柯鹼
  • Paeleolithic (adj.) 舊石器時代的 ↔ Neolithic  新石器時代的

However, some statistics confirmed stereotypes such as New Zealand being the best at sheep farming and rugbyThe map, created by three friends based in Washington DC, also shows the Netherlands has the tallest people on average, Canada leads the way in the production of maple syrup and the U.S. eats the most hotdogs.

In terms of natural disasters, Mexico also has the most people who have been struck by lightning, while Canada has endured the most asteroid impacts and Cameroon has the deadliest lakes in the world.



  • Stereotype (n.) 刻板印象
  • Rugby (n.) 英式橄欖球
  • Maple syrup (n.) 楓糖漿
  • Endure (v.) 忍耐,忍受
The old man had to endure a toothache.   這位老人不得不忍受牙痛。
  • Asteroid (n.) 小行星

People in Chile are best at staying married, while those in Chad are the most efficient at not wasting electricity, according to the map. It also shows that Costa Rica leads the way in happiness, while people living in Ireland have the best quality of life.

More sinister findings reveal that Turkmenistan is a world leader in corruption and the UK leads the world in fascist movements.


  • Sinister (adj.) 惡意的,陰險的,邪惡的  = evil
  • Corruption (n.) 腐化;貪汙
The city is riddled with corruption.   這座城市腐敗成風。
  • Fascist (n.) 法西斯黨