Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The HenPower project:the OAPs being given CHICKENS to keep them company|「母雞力量」計劃 英老人養雞享晚年

They say that a dog is man's best friend. But for certain elderly people in the North East of England, fur has been swapped for feathers.

The lives of dozens of pensioners have been transformed thanks to a charity scheme that uses hens to counter loneliness.


  • OAP = Old-Age Pension 退休金
  • Swap (v.)【口】交換  = exchange
I'll swap you three of mine for one of yours.   我以我的三個換你一個。
  • Dozens of… 【口】許多…;很多…
We have dozens of things to do now.   我們現在有很多事要做。
  • Thanks to… +N. 由於…;歸因於…
Thanks to your help we were successful.   由於你的幫助我們成功了。
  • Counter (v.) 反對;反擊;反駁
He countered my plan with one of his own.   他用他自己的計畫與我的計畫抗衡。

From bedrooms to beauty salons, there has been an invasion of two-legged friends - with care home residents competing against each other design the best coop and bag the best bird at auction.

Their owners, who have been dubbedhensioners’, are hoping that raising the chickens will improve their health and well-being.

The HenPower project has seen dozens of elderly enthusiasts get involved in the day-to-day care of the poultry, feeding and cleaning them, and even treating them for lice.



  • Invasion (n.) 入侵,侵略  = aggression
  • Compete against 與……競爭
This country is competing against other countries in trade.
  • Coop (n.) 關家禽的籠子、欄舍
  • Bag (v.) 獵獲
That hunter bagged two deer.   那個獵人捕獲兩隻鹿。
  • Auction (n.) 拍賣
  • Dub (v.) 授予...稱號
They dubbed him a traitor.   他們叫他賣國賊。
  • Hensioner 指愛好母雞的老年人
   (事實上並無此字,是由「Pensioner (n.) 領養老金者」引申而來。)
  • Well-being (n.) 安康;福利
She worked for the well-being of the underprivileged.   她為下層貧困民眾的福利而努力。
  • Enthusiast (n.) 熱心者
  • Poultry (n.) 家禽  = fowl
The farm breeds a wide range of poultry.   這個農場飼養各種家禽。
  • Lice = louse的複數 (n.) 虱子 ﹡louse sth. up 【口】搞糟或弄壞某事物
Ex: You've really loused things up this time.   這回你可真把事情搞糟了。

‘When I came here, I felt pretty isolated but then I used to watch the hens and it wasn’t half relaxing. It’s changed my life, to be honest.' ‘Hensioner’ Alan Richards, 76, said: ‘It helps me get out of the house, and instead of sitting in front of the TV drinking and smoking, I’ve been talking at conferences about HenPower in front of 200 people.’

「剛到養老院的時候,我覺得很孤單,但開始養雞後,真的改變了我的人生。」76歲的 Alan Richards 說道:「養雞後我開始會走出屋外,不再只是坐在電視機前喝酒抽菸看電視,我還曾在養雞大會上,在兩百人面前發表演說呢!」

Lynne Walker, a sheltered scheme officer, involved in the scheme, added: ‘I’ve experienced times with the residents that you couldn’t put into words. People go home at the end of the day filled with stories and memories. 

‘Sometimes I go home and I can still be laughing at the antics of the day. I can stand back and just watch and it can make me really emotional to think how much progress they’ve made and how far we have all come.’

The HenPower pensioners are now on a mission to share the chicken love - visiting local schools and nurseries with their hens.

參與計劃的機構人員 Lynne Walker 說:「我和居民所經歷的一切已經超乎言語能形容,人們的每一天都充滿著有趣的故事和回憶。有時我回家,只要腦中一想起那天發生的趣聞,總是不禁發笑。我只是站在後面看,那畫面就足以激起我的感性,想到他們的進步,一路以來,我們走了好遠。」


  • Sheltered (adj.) 為弱者提供方便的
  • Involve in 參加;參與
More cabinet members should be involved in policy-making.
  • Couldn’t put into words 無法言喻
  • Antic (n.) 滑稽的動作,古怪的姿勢

Ossie Creswell, 87, said: ‘I get great pleasure from visiting the other care homes and going to the schools and telling them all about the hens. ‘The kiddies’ faces always light up – they’re a bit shy to begin with but then you can’t get the hens off them!’

Douglas Hunter, Director of Equal Arts, the charity behind the scheme, added: ‘It’s really important for older people to keep busy and if they can, to share the skills and experience they have with different generations.

‘That’s what HenPower is all about, breaking down the stereotypes and celebrating the fact that older people enjoy a positive later life and contribute significantly to their local communities.’

高齡87歲的 Ossie Creswell 說道:「我很高興有機會可以造訪其他的養老院和學校,去分享我對母雞的熱愛。學生們也都很可愛,剛開始有點害羞,後來馬上便跟雞打成一片,對牠們愛不釋手!」

推行此計劃的幕後慈善團體,「平等藝術」的總監 Douglas Hunter 表示:「讓老年人保持忙碌狀態而他們也願意的話,他們就可以向不同世代分享其累積的人生經驗和體悟,這真的很重要!」


  • Kiddy (n.)【口】小孩
  • Light up 容光煥發
Her face lighted up when she saw you.   她見到你的時候面露喜色。