Thursday, October 3, 2013

Amputee and his wife inspire the world│無懼的愛,感動了全世界!

When love carries you through: Picture of wife giving piggyback to soldier who lost legs to Taliban IED inspires thousands worldwide

A heartwarming picture of a former San Diego Marine who lost his legs to an IED in Afghanistan being carried by his wife has touched tens of thousands of people on Facebook.

Six years after he joined the Marine Corps in 2003, Jesse Cottle was dismantling an explosive device during a deployment when it went off, leaving him a double amputee. But despite his debilitating injuries, he met his beautiful wife Kelly, a swimmer for Boise State, during a competitive meet in San Diego soon after he arrived home, and the pair married a year ago.

The touching photograph of the couple was taken recently while they visited her family in Idaho.

最近,一張溫馨感人的照片感動上萬名臉書網友,照片中的男子Jesse Cottle是美國前海軍陸戰隊的隊員,在阿富汗執行拆解土製炸彈時,不幸遭炸傷、雙腿被迫截肢。儘管這個事實曾讓Jesse跌落谷底,但當他返鄉接受治療時,在一場游泳比賽中他遇見其美麗的妻子Kelly,並於去年兩人攜手步入婚姻的殿堂。這張溫馨的照片是在Kelly位於愛達荷州(Idaho)的娘家拍攝。

  • Carries (v.) 背/提/扛 (carry on 繼續/進行)
  • Piggyback (v.) 把...扛在肩(或背)上
  • Heartwarming (adj.) 溫馨感人的;感動人心的
  • Dismantle (v.) 拆卸;拆除;去掉‥覆蓋物
  • Deployment (n.) 部署;調度
  • Amputee (n.) 被截肢者
  • Debilitating (adj.) 使人衰弱的;削弱力量的

'I was awake the whole time,' said Jesse to KTVB.Com about the aftermath of the detonation which ended his active service career.

'It was tough and it is tough in general, but I just kind of always had the attitude that it's really tough now but things will just be okay, and I had my family around me I had good friends and basically just my faith really helped me to carry me through,' he said.

'I was lucky to be able to go through the tough recovery, and then still live my life, and meet my beautiful wife.'

Indeed, Jesse met Kelly while she was a swimmer for Boise State during a competitive meet in San Diego. 'I just remember being very intrigued by him,' said Kelly. 'He was just very different and not just because of his legs, just who he was.'

The much-shared photo came during a recent visit to Kelly's parents in Idaho and happened very spontaneously. 'It was a normal photo shoot, we finally got together and Jessie had his prosthetic legs on and everything,' said Kelly.




  • Aftermath (n.) 後果;餘波;事情結束後的一段時期
Many people were homeless in the aftermath of the earthquake. 
  • Detonation (n.) 爆炸;引爆
  • Intrigued (adj.) 好奇的;被吸引住了的
  • Spontaneously (adv.) 自然地;自發地;不自主地
  • Prosthetic Legs 義肢

With thousands of shares and hundreds of likes, commentators on Facebook have been inspired. 'God bless the both of you and thank you tremendously for your sacrifice for our freedom, you are a hero.'

Jesse said that the support he and his wife received has been incredible to witness. 'I'm glad that we can have that impact, but you don't expect it,' he said. 'But it's cool because we represent a lot of people, couples that are going through the same thing and so it's just an honor to be able to represent that,' said Kelly. 



  • Tremendously (adv.) 極大地;極端地;極;非常
The experience has been tremendously educational.

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