Friday, December 6, 2013

World's most toxic places|世上受污染最嚴重的10個地方

Some governments are working to make life better but in others, the damage has already been done.

A list of ten filthy sites, from Russia to Indonesia to Ghana, has been amassed by the global environmental group The Blacksmith Institute - which says 200 million people are endangered daily in the top ten places alone.

環保組織-布萊克史密斯研究所 (The Blacksmith Institute) 列出世上受污染最嚴重的10個地方,並表示每天都有約2億左右的人口在這些地方遭受威脅。

  • Filthy (adj.) 污穢的;骯髒的
This is a really filthy oven.   
  • Amass (v.) 積累;堆積
Before he was forty he amassed a large fortune .   他在四十歲之前已積聚了一大筆財富。
  • Endanger (n.) 危及;使遭到危險
The oil spill endangered thousands of birds.   
1: Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin, Buenos Aires.
It is just 37 miles long but its banks are packed with 15,000 industries spewing chemicals like zinc, lead, copper, nickel and chromium into the filthy water.

Dressed in drab red jumpers, two children climb to the top of a rubbish heap a dozen times taller than them. The shocking scene is typical of Buenos Aires' Matanza-Riachuelo river basin, one of the ten most polluted places in the world.

兩個孩子爬上比他們高十倍多的垃圾堆頂,這令人震撼的畫面是位於布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)的馬坦薩河(Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin),是世上受污染最嚴重的10個地方之一。雖然只有37英里長,但河岸卻充滿工廠所排放的化學物質廢水,如鋅、鉛、銅、鎳、鉻…等。有60% 的房屋被評為「不適合人類居住」,且因為安全飲用水源較少,居民較容易罹患腹瀉、呼吸困難和癌症的比率相對高!

2: Norilsk, Siberia.
Once the largest heavy metals smelting complex in the world, Stalin built it and forced gulag prisoners to work there. Life expectancy for factory workers is 10 years below the Russian average.

Others, though, few people have heard of. Deep in the wastes of Siberia is the industrial city of Norislk. Founded by Stalin in 1935 to provide forced labour for the gulags, it was for decades the largest heavy metals mine in the world.

It has leaked millions of tons of copper oxide, nickel oxide and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, causing lung diseases and cancers of the digestive tract.



3: Citarum River Basin, Indonesia.
Some nine million people live along its banks and it provides 80% of Jakarta's drinking water - but scientists have found lead at more than 1,000 times the recommended level.

The most densely-populated area, Indonesia's Citarum River Basin, is home to some nine million people but also countless factories and industrial sites. Despite providing 80% of Jakarta's drinking water it has lead at more than 1,000 times the recommended level and manganese at four times the recommended level. 

人口最稠密的地區-印尼(Indonesia)的Citarum River流域。這裡除了是9百萬個人口的家園,更充斥著無數間的工廠和工業用地。

雖然Citarum River提供印尼首都雅加達(Jakarta)80% 的水源,但科學家發現它的鉛超標1,000倍、錳也比標準值高出4倍。

4: Kabwe, Zambia.

Kabwe, Zambia's second-biggest city, once held one of the world's largest lead mines. Children have up to ten times the recommended level of lead in their blood. The government did not tackle the problem for 90 years.


5: Hazaribagh, Bangladesh,
is home to 270 tanneries for making leather - which together dump 22,000 cubic litres of toxic waste every day including the cancer-causing chemical hexavalent chromium.

Meanwhile Hazaribagh in Bangladesh has a more unexpected source of pollution - it is teeming with almost 300 tanneries to make leather. The process of making leather uses dangerous amounts of the chemical hexavalent chromium, which was made famous as a water pollutant in the Hollywood film Erin Brockovich.

The chemical causes cancer and is almost universally banned throughout Europe, but it is among the 22,000 cubic litres of toxic waste dumped into Hazaribagh's water supply every day.

Tannery workers' homes are built next to contaminated streams, ponds and canals and they suffer horrifying symptoms including skin rashes, acid burns, dizziness and nausea.

位於孟加拉(Bangladesh)的哈扎里巴格(Hazaribagh),其汙染來源一定會讓你感到意外!哈扎里巴格(Hazaribagh)擁有近300間的皮革工廠,皮革的製造過程中使用了有害的化學六價鉻,跟好萊塢電影-《永不妥協Erin Brockovich》中著名的水汙染一樣。


6: Kalimantan, Indonesia,
is a world centre of gold mining - which uses the dangerous chemical mercury and releases 1,000 tons of it a year. Pictured: A coal mine in East Kalimantan province.

In Kalimantan, Indonesia, a long history of gold mining is to blame. The process uses large quantities of the toxic chemical mercury - causing decades of health problems for its residents.

印尼(Indonesia)的加里曼丹(Kalimantan) 是開採金礦的世界的中心,它應因長期開採黃金負起責任。這幾十年來的開採過程,使用大量有毒的汞,使居民的健康暴露在危險之下。

7: Pripyat, Ukraine.

Pripyat, Ukraine, played host to the massive meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in 1986. It is deserted, a ghost town which has become an eerie haunt only for investigators and photographers of its crumbling homes.

烏克蘭(Ukraine)的普里皮亞季(Pripyat) 因為處於1986年車諾比核事故的疏散區內,而成為被廢棄的城市。

8: The Niger River Delta, Nigeria.

The Niger River Delta, Nigeria, is home to some of the world's biggest petrochemical plants and saw almost 7,000 spills from 1976 to 2001 where the oil was never recovered. A quarter of children are starving.

奈及利亞 (Nigeria) 的尼日爾河三角洲 (The Niger River Delta) 擁有世界上最大的石化廠,但1976年到2001年間卻有大量的石油外漏。

9: Dzershinsk, Russia.

Dzershinsk, Russia, a Soviet industrial city where 300,000 tons of chemical waste were put into unsafe forms of landfill - many of them seeping into groundwater. Three of the worst ten are in former Soviet states.

俄羅斯 (Russia) 的捷爾任斯克 (Dzershinsk) 是俄羅斯重要的化工中心,在蘇聯時期還是主要的化學武器生產地。30萬噸的化學廢料以不安全的形式被放進垃圾掩埋場,且許多皆已滲透到地下水中。

10: The Agbogbloshie Dumpsite in Accra, Ghana.
The Agbogbloshie Dumpsite in Accra, Ghana, is where many western computers end up without the resources to process them properly. Styrofoam packaging and rubber-sheathed cables are all burned.

Agbogbloshie垃圾場在加納 (Ghana) 首都阿克拉 (Accra),是已發展國家傾倒電子垃圾的據點。每天 24 小時,每週 7 天,這裡都在焚燒廢舊的電子產品,清掉外面塑膠的部份,獲取內部少量可以回收和銷售的金屬。

  • Basin (n.) 流域
The Amazon Basin is very large .   亞馬遜河流域很大。
  • Gulag (n.) 前蘇聯的勞改營、集中營
  • Digestive tract (n.) 消化管
  • Lead (n.) 【化學】鉛
  • Manganese (n.) 【化學】錳
  • Tannery (n.) 製革廠
  • Hexavalent chromium 六價鉻
  • Dump (v.) 傾倒
He went to dump the garbage .   他去倒垃圾。
  • Contaminated (adj.) 受汙染的
Several outbreaks of infection have been traced to contaminated food .   
  • Rash (n.) 疹子
The girl broke out in a rash today .   今天, 這女孩身上出了疹子。
  • Acid (adj.) 酸的
Lemons have an acid taste .   檸檬有酸味。
  • Nausea  (n.) 噁心
Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea .   懷孕初期常伴有噁心。

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