Friday, December 6, 2013

Is this the world's thinnest building?|史上最薄建築?上海「紙片樓」

This house in Shanghai, China could possibly be the world’s thinnest building.

Located on Ningbo Road in the densely populated Chinese city, the home appears to be nothing more than a brick wall, extending down the road.

The house is part of a triangular shaped block, and at its point becomes so thin that residents cannot fit a chair in front of their windows.




  • Densely populated (adj.) 人口密度高的

Some have solved this problem by extending their windows into covered balconies in order to fit their lives into their home.

Several bloggers have pointed out the building resemblance to the famous Flatiron building on New York’s Manhattan.


  • Resemblance  (n.) 相似點  = likeness, sameness, similarity
The children have a great resemblance to their parents.   孩子們和他們的父母親十分相像。
  • Flatiron (n.) 熨斗

The Flatiron Building was originally called the Fuller Building but received its unique moniker due to its shape like a clothes iron.

Located on Fifth Avenue, the building has become a Manhattan landmark and a popular tourist spot. It's value has been estimated at $190million.


  • Moniker (n.)【俚】名字;綽號
  • Iron (n.) 熨斗