Friday, December 27, 2013

My stolen sheepdog turned up 520 miles from home|奇蹟!飼主尋回失蹤七個月愛犬

It's like the plot from a heart-warming family movie. Seven months after Leanda Loosemore’s dog Annah was stolen, she was found bedraggled but unharmed, 500 miles from where she’d disappeared.

After the show dog was kidnapped from outside her home in Newburgh, Scotland, Miss Loosemore spent months appealing on the internet to try to trace her  Shetland sheepdog.


  • Plot (n.) 情節
  • Bedraggled (adj.) 濕漉漉的;又濕又髒的  = shabby
She came in wet and bedraggled.   她又濕又髒地走了進來。

But she had given up all hope of ever seeing the dog again when a call came from Kent, saying Annah was safe, well and ready to come home.

The incredible reunion took place because Annah had been fitted with a pet microchip containing her owner’s details. She said: ‘I was doing my best not to cry, but it was amazing. It was a massive, massive relief when I  actually got my hands on her and picked her up.

‘I had been putting stuff on Facebook for months, but I had given up about six weeks before that. I thought: That’s it. I am not going to get her back now. ‘So it was unbelievable when I heard she had been found.’ 



The six-year-old bitch was on a lead outside her home near Newburgh, close to St Andrews in Fife, when thieves crept in through a broken fence and took her. Annah, whose pups sell for up to £800, was next seen 521 miles away, wandering the outskirts of Ashford, Kent.

Miss Loosemore believes Annah was stolen for breeding purposes and cast aside by the thieves when the plan wasn’t successful, or  perhaps that she escaped from new owners who had bought her from the dognappers.

Although she was dirty when picked up and her fur was matted, Annah was still healthy and had been properly cared for during her seven months of captivity. She had even put on weight. 


  • Pup (n.) 小狗,幼犬
  • Outskirt (n.) 市郊;郊區
He has a farm on the outskirts of town.   他在市郊有一個農場。
  • Cast aside 拋棄

As soon as he got a new TV set, he cast aside the old one.
  • Matted (adj.) 纏結在一起的
His hair was dirty and matted.   他的頭髮很髒﹐而且亂蓬蓬的。
  • Captivity (n.) 囚禁;被俘
These birds are raised in captivity.   這些鳥兒是籠中飼養的。