Friday, December 27, 2013

'#Selfie' beats 'twerking' and 'binge-watch' to become Word of the Year|2013 年度風雲字:Selfie,你今天「自拍」了嗎?

Selfie has been named the word of 2013, beating tough competition from twerk, binge-watch and showrooming. 

Editors from Oxford Dictionaries, which made it their Word of 2013, said the word has evolved from a niche social media tag into a mainstream term for a self-portrait photograph.

隨著智慧型手機的興起,手機自拍風潮席捲全球,不論是美國第一家庭、大明星還是一般的大眾都流行上傳自拍照到社群網站。英國牛津字典選出,2013年度風雲字:Selfie(自拍),擊敗 twerk(電臀舞)、binge-watch(大量觀看電視)和 showrooming(在實體店家內看到某個商品後不購買,反而到網路上用更低的價錢買到同樣的商品。)

牛津字典(Oxford Dictionaries)的編輯表示,「Selfie今年大受歡迎,由社群媒體的時髦標籤用語,躍居為表達自拍的主流簡略用語」,因而獲選年度風雲字。

  • Niche (n.) 【術語】〔特定產品或服務的〕用戶
  • Mainstream (n.) 主流
Environmental ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream of European politics. 

A number of spin-off terms are also in circulation, such as helfie (a picture of someone’s hair), belfie (a picture of someone’s behind), welfie (a picture of someone working out) and drelfie (a drunken selfie).

Selfie也衍生出許多類似的字,如 helfie(自拍頭髮),belfie(自拍臀部),drelfie則是拍下自己「喝茫」的樣子。

最著名的 belfie 莫過於 Kim Kardashian 產後的屁屁自拍照。
Judy Pearsall, editorial director for Oxford Dictionaries, said: 'Using the Oxford Dictionaries language research programme, we can see a phenomenal upward trend in the use of selfie in 2013, and this helped to cement its selection as Word of the Year.'

She added: 'Social media sites helped to popularise the term, with the hashtag selfie appearing on the photo-sharing website Flickr as early as 2004, but usage wasn’t widespread until around 2012, when selfie was being used commonly in mainstream media sources.'

The frequency of the word selfie in the English language has increased by 17,000% since this time last year, according to research conducted by Oxford Dictionaries editors. This figure is calculated by Oxford Dictionaries using a research programme which collects around 150 million English words currently in use from around the web each month.

Selfie has not yet been added to the Oxford English Dictionary, although it is being considered for future inclusion.

牛津字典(Oxford Dictionaries)總編輯Judy Pearsall表示,他們每月收集約1億5千萬個常用單字,發現selfie的使用率呈現上升趨勢,足足比一年前暴增170倍,是獲選為年度風雲字的原因之一。她補充,selfie首度出現在2002年一個澳洲線上論壇,2004年被用在社群網站 flickr 的主題標籤中,但當時並不普遍使用,直到2012年主流媒體大量使用才開始普及。《牛津字典》網路版8月已收錄該字,正考慮將它正式編入《牛津字典》。

  • Phenomenal (adj.) 非凡的; 驚人的
  • Cement (v.) 鞏固
Our object is to further cement trade relations. 我們的目標是進一步加強貿易關係。
  • Popularise (v.) 普及
  • Hashtag (n.) 標籤;標註
  • Widespread (adj.) 普遍的、廣泛的
Computers are now in widespread use.  電腦現在被廣泛應用。

The shortlist for Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2013 included binge-watch (to watch multiple episodes of a television programme in rapid succession), showrooming (the practice of examining a product at a shop before buying it online at a lower price) and twerk (dancing in a sexually provocative manner by thrusting hip movements and adopting a low, squatting stance).

入圍的其他熱門字還包含 twerk(煽情熱舞,也譯電臀舞)。美國歌手 Miley Cyrus 8月在MTV音樂錄影帶大獎(MTV Video Music Awards)大跳煽情電臀舞,更讓這個字爆紅。showrooming(展示廳現象)則意謂在實體店家內檢視某個商品後卻不購買,再到網路上用更低的價錢買商品。

  • Shortlist (n.) 【英】最後的候選名單
  • Provocative (adj.) 挑釁的、挑逗的
  • Thrust (v.) 用力推
  • Squat (v.) 蹲坐
He squatted down under the tree. 他蹲在樹下。

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