Friday, September 27, 2013

Sun City Poms:The OAP cheerleaders|太陽城啦啦隊奶奶,人老心不老!

If you think cheerleading is synonymous with overly-peppy wholesome American teenagers, think again. A cheerleading group in Arizona is smashing through age stereotypes as they delight audiences with their acrobatics and high-energy routines, despite all being over 55-years-old.

如果你認為啦啦隊是精力旺盛、朝氣蓬勃青少年的代名詞,那麼你就大錯特錯啦!在亞歷桑納州,1979年成立的啦啦啦隊” Sun City Poms”,隊員平均年齡超過55歲,打破這個年齡刻板印象。
London-based photographer Todd Antony recently spent some time in Sun City, a retirement city with 37,000 residents close to Phoenix, Arizona, where he captured The Sun City Poms in action.
Although their grey and white hair might slightly jar with the tight colourful lycra outfits, these ladies show that despite their age, they don't lack enthusiasm ... or flexibility! 

倫敦攝影師 Todd Antony 最近在太陽城(Sun City)捕捉這群可愛啦啦隊奶奶的照片,儘管隊員們頭髮灰白,身穿鮮艷的緊身隊服略顯奇怪,但年齡不是問題,她們向世人證明她們的熱情與靈活性絲毫不減。

  • Wholesome (adj.) 健康的;有益的;生氣蓬勃的
  • Acrobatics (n.) 雜技
  • Jar With 不一致;不和諧

They were very happy to be photographed striking a pose, with some ladies even raising their legs above their heads, against the backdrop of their sunny paradise.

Antony says: ‘Spending time with these ladies made me consider how Americans view the aging process; at one end of the spectrum are the child beauty pageants with children trying to fast-track their years whilst at the other end are these fabulous pom pom ladies who are successfully and gracefully holding back the years.'


The Sun City Poms were started in 1979 cheering for the Sun City Saints women’s softball team, and now consist of a marching unit and supporting unit along with the main performing unit.

The website states that as well as being over 55, prospective Sun City Poms must also possess: ‘dance skills of rhythm, agility, poise, energy, and showmanship for performing’, while ‘acrobatics and baton twirling are a plus.’

The group perform at over 50 venues a year, ranging from sports centres and high schools to conventions and fundraisers. The Sun City website states: ‘Fry’s Sun City Poms come from all walks of life, and are more than entertainers.  They represent the fulfilment of life at any age. 

並不是任何人都能加入這個團隊,除了年齡必須是55歲以上,還必須具有節奏感、敏捷、沉穩、有活力以及敢秀、敢表演的特質,如果會雜技和指揮棒的特技更好。” Sun City Poms”每年至少有50場的演出,演出地點有運動中心、高中校園以及募款活動上。這些來自各行各業的啦啦隊女郎,她們不單單只是表演,她們還代表著每個階段生命價值的實踐。

  • Possess (v.) 擁有;具有
The country possesses rich mineral deposits.
  • Poise (n.) 鎮定;沉著;泰然自若
  • Showmanship (n.) 表演能力
  • Fundraiser (n.) 募款活動
  • All Walks of Life 各行各業

'Performing with the spunk and energy of their youths, these ladies are having the time of their lives while sharing positive aspects of retirement and ageing, and shattering conventional images of “senior citizens.”’


  • Spunk (n.) 勇氣;精神

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