Friday, September 27, 2013

Rihanna's Instagram selfie with slow loris leads to the arrest of two poachers in Thailand|蕾哈娜泰國抱懶猴自拍 小販遭緝捕

Pop star Rihanna spent a weekend at the beach in Thailand, leaving behind a trail of racy tweets and incriminating Instagram photographs that led police to arrest two people for allegedly peddling protected primates.

On a break from her Diamonds World Tour, Rihanna stopped in Thailand to visit the island of Phuket, where she befriended some local wildlife.

She posted a link on Twitter to an Instagram photo that showed her in sunglasses snuggling up to a furry primate called the slow loris, and tweeted Friday: 'Look who was talkin dirty to me!



  • Slow loris (n.) 懶猴
  • Poacher (n.) 盜獵者
  • Incriminate (v.) 牽連;歸咎於
He refused to speak because he was worried that he would incriminate himself.
  • Allegedly (adv.) 據宣稱
He was allegedly caught shop-lifting in his local supermarket.
  • Peddling (adj.) 走販的
  • Primate (n.) 靈長類動物
  • Snuggle (v.) 依偎
The child snuggled close to its mother.   孩子緊緊偎依著母親。

The slow loris, a squirrel-like animal with big eyes, is native to Southeast Asia and is listed as a protected species.

'I had an order from the Phuket Governor to do a raid today after Rihanna posted a photo of her with the loris,' Awat Nithikil, leader of the patrol officers and senior forest academic at Khao Phra Taew Forest Preserve, told the Phuket News.

'It is very difficult to do the raids because the touts have spies. If someone hears that the police are coming their way, there will be a person who calls the touts and tells them to move,' he said. But this time police were successful and apprehended two louts who were selling pictures with lorises. 



  • Squirrel (n.) 松鼠
  • Raid (v. / n.) 搜捕
The police made a raid on the house looking for drugs.   警方突然搜查這幢房子,尋找毒品。
  • Apprehend (v.) 逮捕 = pinch
The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man believed to be armed with a gun. 
  • Lout (n.) 笨拙的人

Police confiscated two lorises from the pair — a 20-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy — who could face charges of possession of protected animals. The charge carries a penalty of up to four years in prison and a 40,000 baht ($1,300) fine.

Mr Nithikil said it was important to conduct the raid after Rihanna posted the picture because it could affect the country's reputation.


Phuket District Chief Weera Kerdsirimongkon said authorities have tried for years to crack down on the problem of vendors exploiting wildlife, particularly in popular tourist areas where people pay to pose for pictures with elephants, orangutans and other animals.

'It's like a cat-and-mouse game. But this time it's bigger because a celebrity like Rihanna posted the picture, and there were more than 200,000 "likes" from around the world,' he said.



  • Confiscate (v.) 沒收;徵收
The government confiscated the land.   政府徵用了那片土地。
    • Crack down on 制裁;鎮壓
    Police are cracking down on drug dealers.   警方現對販毒分子嚴懲不貸。
      • Orangutan (n.) 猩猩

      Rihanna also posted pictures of herself playing with a herd of elephants in the street Friday night, after which she tweeted: 'They all hail Empress when She walk by.'

      The two lorises will be taken to a national park in Phang Nga.



        • Hail (v.) 歡呼
        The people lined the street to hail the invincible general.   人們排列在街的兩旁向常勝將軍歡呼。
          • Empress (n.) 女皇