Friday, September 13, 2013

A man survived for four months in the Andes on rats|高山失蹤百餘日 男吃老鼠生還

A Uruguayan father who went missing in the Andes four months ago has been found alive after spending a brutal winter eating rats and raisins to survive.

Raul Fernando Gomez Circunegui, 58, was rescued on Sunday after a group of Argentinians who were recording snow levels stumbled across him.


男子 Raul Fernando Gomez Circunegui 現年58歲,他因機車故障,想嘗試徒步橫越從智利到阿根廷的安地斯山脈,不料從此失去音訊。阿根廷聖胡安省的雪量探測人員前天在4500公尺高的登山小屋發現滿臉鬍子的 Circunegui。

  • Andes (n.) 安地斯山
  • Brutal (adj.) 嚴酷的;殘忍的 savage, cruel
We had another brutal winter .   我們又度過了一個嚴冬。
  • Raisin (n.) 葡萄乾
  • Stumble across (v.) 偶然發現 = come across
Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drugs ring.

He lost more than three stone during the ordeal and was extremely malnourished, but doctors said he would be 'back to normal' in the next few days.

He set out to cross the mountains from Chile to Argentina in May but had to take the journey on by foot because his motorcycle broke down. He then lost his way during a snowstorm.

A search party had been launched to try and find Gomez, but it was abandoned in July because of harsh conditions.

  • Ordeal (n.) 苦難
The parents went through a terrible ordeal when their child was kidnapped.
  • Malnourished (adj.) 營養不良的
  • Set out to… 開始…

Officials from the northwestern province of San Juan then found Gomez in a shelter 9,318 feet above sea level.

San Juan Governor Jose Luis Gioja told the local Diario de Cuyo newspaper: 'The truth is that this is a miracle. We still can't believe it. 

'We let him talk to his wife, his mother and his daughter. 'I asked him, "Are you a believer?" He told me, "no, but now I am".

Sugar, raisins, rats and the shelter's leftover supplies kept Gomez alive through the Southern Hemisphere's winter. He lost 44 pounds during the ordeal and is dehydrated, according to media reports.

A doctor who examined Gomez was surprised by the man's resilience, according to Uruguayan newspaper El Pais. The doctor treating him said: 'He's a patient with high blood pressure, a history of smoking and signs of undernourishment.

'But he's going to be fine and in a few days we're going to discharge him.'
  • Leftover (n.) 殘餘物
  • Hemisphere (n.) 半球
What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere?   南半球上哪個城市最大?
  • Dehydrate (v.) 脫水
The substance is dehydrated and stored as powder.   該物質被脫水並以粉末形式儲存。
  • Resilience (n.) 恢復力
  • Undernourishment (n.) 營養不足

聖胡安省長 Jose Luis Gioja 直稱不敢相信,「真是個奇蹟」。Circunegui 被發現當下也和母親、妻女通了電話,Gioja 問他是不是教徒,Circunegui 答:「不是,但現在是了。」 

Circunegui 目前在醫院接受治療,他足足瘦了20公斤,經診斷後發現他有高血壓與營養不良,但醫生表示他的「恢復力驚人」,過幾天後就可出院。