Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Disney Princesses living unhappily ever after│迪士尼系列公主從此過著不快樂的生活?

Fallen Princesses: Cynical photo series shows Disney Princesses living unhappily ever after

Fairy tales would have you believe that every princess has a happy ending, but one photographer's striking series challenges that notion.

Fallen Princesses, a project by Vancouver, Canada-based photographer Dina Goldstein, shows Snow White, Jasmine, Pocahontas and other iconic characters succumbing to tragic fates including cancer, alcoholism and unhappy marriages.

童話故事總讓你相信故事裡的公主們在經過重重困難後,永遠都過著幸福快樂的日子,但有一位加拿大攝影師Dina Goldstein以公主們為主角,拍攝出一系列令人驚艷的作品集《Fallen Princesses》,故事中的代表性人物屈服於悲慘的命運,例如:癌症、酗酒和不幸福的婚姻…等,挑戰我們記憶裡童話故事永遠是美好結局的概念。

Ms Goldstein told that she was inspired to create the images when her daughter first became interested in princesses, and her mother was diagnosed with cancer shortly thereafter.
'The two events collided and made me wonder what a princess would look like if she had to battle a disease, struggle financially or deal with aging,' she said.

  • Cynical (adj.) 憤世嫉俗的;冷嘲熱諷的;悲觀的
  • Striking (adj.) 惹人注目的;顯著的
His striking good looks made him very popular. 他那十分漂亮的相貌使他很受歡迎。
  • Notion (n.) 概念;想法;意圖
  • Iconic (adj.) 代表性的
  • Succumb to 屈服=submit to / yield to
Don't succumb to the temptation to try drug just once. 不要抵擋不住只吸毒一次的誘惑。
  • Be diagnosed with 被診斷出患有
  • Collide (v.) 碰撞;相撞;衝突
Their ship collided with another ship. 他們的船與另一條船相撞。 
She explains her first idea was to depict a modern Rapunzel, who had lost all her precious hair to chemo. The image shows Rapunzel looking forlorn as she sits on a hospital bed, clutching her long blond locks that have been fashioned into a wig.

Dina Goldstein 說她第一個想法是描繪一個現代版的長髮公主,因為化療失去了她的珍貴秀髮。圖片裡的長髮公主淒涼地坐在醫院的病床上,抓著她那已被製成假髮的金黃長髮。
  • Depict (v.) 描繪;描述
  • Forlorn (adj.) 淒涼的;孤獨的;幾乎無望的
She had a forlorn look on her face. 她臉上有一種孤獨的神情。
  • Clutch (v.) 抓住
  • Fashion into 製作;把...塑造成
She fashioned the clay into a pot. 她把黏土製成一個罐子。
A dark image of Cinderella shows her sitting with her head down in a dingy bar, holding a shot glass as a group of men look on.

  • Dingy (adj.) 骯髒的;昏暗的
Obesity epidemic: The modern version of Little Red Riding Hood is more plump than little. She is pictured in the woods sipping on a large fountain drink and cradling a picnic basket of fast food.

  • Obesity (n.) 肥胖;過胖
  • Epidemic (n.)  流行;流行病
  • Plump (adj.) 豐滿的;飽滿的;胖嘟嘟的
  • Sip (v.) 啜飲
  • Cradle (v.) 把...放在籃子內
A desolate Snow White is seen clutching two crying children while another tugs at her dress.
She appears to be the victim of an unhappy marriage, as Prince Charming is seen in the background watching television and drinking beer instead of helping with the kids.

  • Desolate (adj.) 孤寂的;淒涼的;荒蕪的
  • Tug at  用力拉
  • Appear to 似乎;看起來好像
It appears they are right. 看來他們是對的。
He appeared to be talking to himself. 他似乎在自言自語。
And Aladdin's love interest Jasmine is depicted as a modern warrior carrying a huge gun in the middle of a war zone. 'She is a warrior, fighting on the front lines, just as so many women are today in Iraq,' explained Ms Goldstein.

阿拉丁愛的莫莉公主被描繪成一個現代女戰士,背著一把巨大的槍穿梭在戰爭區裡。Goldstein 女士像我們解釋:「茉莉公主是一位在戰爭前線的戰士,如同現今許多在伊拉克的女性一樣。」

'I am a fierce realist so I wanted the Princesses to be in real life situations with problems of their own,' Ms Goldstein explains. She hopes her thought-provoking images will stir the emotions of viewers.

  • Thought-provoking  (adj.) 發人生省的
  • Stir  (v.) 激起;喚起

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2385475/Dina-Goldsteins-Fallen-Princesses-shows-Disneys-Snow-White-Cinderella-unhappily-after.html