Wednesday, September 11, 2013

That would have been awkward│當珍妮佛·安妮斯頓遇上安吉麗娜·朱莉將擦出怎樣的火花?

Jennifer Aniston reschedules flight to avoid Angelina Jolie... who was booked in the same first class section

It would have been a rather uncomfortable run-in to say the least. 
But fortunately Jennifer Aniston narrowly avoided an awkward encounter with her ex-husband Brad Pitt's fiancée Angelina Jolie on Sunday. 

The 44-year-old former Friends star changed her flight after learning she and Angelina had both booked first class tickets on the same British Airways flight from Los Angeles International Airport to London Heathrow.
A source explained that the actresses had no idea they were scheduled to take the same 11-hour flight until an airline employee got in touch with Jennifer's assistants to warn her about the potentially awkward situation.

Jennifer, who is engaged to actor Justin Theroux, previously admitted she was heartbroken when her marriage to Brad broke down shortly after he filmed Mr. and Mrs. Smith with Angelina. She is travelling to London to attend the première of her new movie We're The Millers on Wednesday, subsequently decided to change her plans and flew out of LAX on Monday instead. Both actresses also usually stay at The Dorchester hotel in London but neither of them is staying there this week.

Angelina, who now has six children with Brad and recently had a double mastectomy, after she shared details about how they fell in love on set. She explained: 'That stuff about how she [Angelina] couldn't wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool.'

如果Jennifer Aniston與Angelina Jolie真的搭上同班飛機的話,這對兩人而言應該是一趟不太舒服的旅程,但所幸她們僥倖地躲過了這場尷尬的相遇。

現年44歲,因情境喜劇《六人行》走紅的Jennifer Aniston,在得知她和前夫Brad Pitt的未婚妻Angelina Jolie都在同一間航空公司預訂了從洛杉磯國際機場到倫敦希斯羅機場的頭等艙後,便立即更改了其飛行班次。

一位知情人士解釋說,這兩位死對頭完全沒料到她們會預定同一班航班,直到航空公司的員工與Jennifer的經紀人取得聯繫後提醒她,才避免這個長達11小時的尷尬局面。雖然Jennifer Aniston現在已和演員Justin Theroux訂婚,但先前她承認當她和小布的婚姻宣告結束時,她真的傷心了心。



  • First Class Section 頭等艙
  • Run-in (n.) 吵架;爭論
  • Get in touch with 和‥取得聯繫
  • Be engaged to 人 和‥訂婚
David is engaged to Ann. 大衛與安訂了婚。
  • Break down  崩潰;瓦解
  • Première  (n.) 首映會
  • Mastectomy  (n.) 乳房切除手術

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