Friday, January 16, 2015

'We are here to support freedom. We will not be beaten' |法國330萬人民上街,法國總統:今天巴黎是世界的首都

'We are here to support freedom. We will not be beaten': 3.7MILLION people march across France as world leaders are joined in Paris for moving tribute to 17 terror victims

More than three million people gathered across France today to stage defiant marches in a moving tribute to the 17 people killed in terror attacks across the country last week.


* stage (v) = to organize an event  舉辦,組織
defiant  (a) = proudly refusing to obey authority  對抗的
* march (v/n) 抗議遊行,示威遊行
* tribute (n) = something that you say, write or give which shows your respect and admiration for someone, especially on a formal occasion    表達致意
* terror (n) = (violent action which causes) extreme fear  (暴行引起的) 恐懼,驚駭

With the majority flocking to the capital where cartoonists and passers-by were murdered by Islamic fanatics last week, British Prime Minister David Cameron joined crowds marching in their memory. Arm in arm with President Francois Hollande and a host of other world leaders, he was among an estimated two million people marching through the city. Elsewhere, US Attorney General Eric Holder joined officials, including Home Secretary Theresa Mary, at the Interior Ministry where talks were held about threats posed by Islamist extremism.  Standing in a front-row of world leaders near Place de la Republique shortly before 3pm, President Hollande told crowds: 'Today, Paris is the capital of the world.'

除了群聚在事件發生的首都的大量人民,連各國的領袖也來到了巴黎,加入遊行的隊伍。法國總統Francois Hollande英國首相David Cameron及各國的領袖們一起手挽手,肩並肩地走在遊行隊伍前端。而美國司法部長Eric Holder、英國樞密院國會議員Theresa Mary則在法國內政部談論著伊斯蘭極端分子造成的威脅。

* majority  (n) the larger number or part of something  大多數,大部分
* flock  (v) to move or come together in large numbers 聚集,蜂擁
* Islamic  (a) 伊斯蘭文化/信仰/藝術/律法
* fanatics  (n) 狂熱者;入迷者
* extremism  (n) 極端主義

Protesters wave pencils and flags at Place de la Nation as the rally continued past dusk, with chants of 'Charlie' and the national anthem ringing loudly


* protester (n) 抗議者
* Place de la Nation 民族廣場(位於法國巴黎)
* rally (n)  集會
* chant (n) = a word or phrase that is repeated many times  反覆說或吟唱的詞語
* anthem (n) 國歌,頌歌

French journalists holding up their press cards take part in a hundreds of thousands of French citizens solidarity march


* solidarity (n) 團結一致

Among world leaders taking part in the rally was British Prime Minister David Cameron who described the event as 'extraordinary'. 

After taking part in the Paris rally, Mr Cameron told Sky News: 
‘It was very moving - extraordinary circumstances to be doing it, and an extraordinary set of people to be doing it with.

The memory I will have is people leaning out of their windows of all ages with tricolours - the French flag - incredibly proud of their country, proud of their democracy, proud of freedom of speech, and these great signs saying `I am Charlie. I am a police officer. I am a Jew'.

People of all ages wanting to show real solidarity. I think we should recognise the values that we have in European countries of believing in democracy and free speech, freedom of expression, the right to offend people and be offended.

These are not sources of weakness against this terrorist threat, they are sources of strength.
'They are what make us great economies, great countries, great societies and it was great to see that in action today.’

英國首相卡梅倫在集會中對Sky News說:「非常感人—場面非凡、震撼人心。」



extraordinary (a) = very unusual, special, unexpected or strange
* circumstance (n) = a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
* tricolour (n) 三色旗
* democracy (n) 民主思想,民主政體

小編想分享這句法文: L'amour, plus fort que la haine. 愛比恨更有力量

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