Friday, January 17, 2014

New year, new partner! January revealed as prime time for couples to break up|一月是適合分手的季節?

With a New Year comes resolutions: a more strenuous gym routine, no more doughnuts and... waving goodbye to your partner.

The latest research has revealed that January is the prime break-up period for relationships, with a fifth of those polled citing it as the most common month to end a relationship.



  • Prime time 黃金時間

That actor has been on five prime time programs.   那位演員已經上過五次黃金檔的節目。

  • Resolution (n.) 決心;決定  = determination

Worst of all, he had no hope of shaking her resolution.   最糟的是,他知道無法動搖她的決心。

本文的 new year resolution 是指「新年決定」,也就是「新年新希望」的意思。
Ex: Have you made your new year resolution?   你定下你的新年新希望了嗎?

  • Strenuous (adj.) 艱苦的;繁重的

It takes many years of strenuous training to be an outstanding athlete.

  • Break up (婚姻或男女朋友)關係終止,分手

His heart is broken because his girlfriend broke up with him recently.

The second most common month to split is December, followed by March. Those who claimed to have broken up with a partner in January were asked by researchers whether or not the time of year influenced the breakdown of their relationship, to which 62 per cent said it did.

The top five reasons for this were revealed as the continued impact of Christmas stress, wanting a fresh start in the New Year, financial problems, depressing weather and family pressures pulling partners apart. The study also revealed that, of those polled, 48 per cent were already in a new relationship.



  • Breakdown (n.) 破裂
  • Pull apart 扯斷;撕開

You can easily pull it apart.   你很容易就能把它扯斷。

A spokesperson for Vouchercloud, who carried out the research, said: 'Christmas is a stressful time of year, which can often cause friction in relationships. 

'Combine this with the January blues and a lot of couples may lose direction. It's no surprise that many struggle to get through this period. With fewer distractions, people may look closer at their relationship with their partner and decide that they’re not happy with what they find.

'The fact that it's a new year and a new start, may mean that some people go with the "out with the old, in with the new" approach and decide it’s time to move on and find somebody new.

'Whilst there's no ideal time of year to break-up, at least with it being January the optimists amongst us can accept that they've got a full year ahead to move on, although that might be hard to accept at the time!'


  • carry out 實行,執行,進行
    carry out a promise 實踐諾言
    carry out a plan 實施計劃
    carry out an order 執行命令
    carry out an enquiry 進行查詢
    carry out an investigation 進行調查
  • friction (n.) 摩擦;爭執  = clash, conflict
Restrictions on trade have caused friction between these two nations.
  • go with 同意  = agree
I can't go with you in that.   在這一點上,我不能同意你的看法。
  • out with the old, in with the new 除舊佈新、舊的不去,新的不來
  • optimist (n.) 樂觀主義者 ↔ Pessimist (n.) 悲觀主義者