Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Devoted Chinese wife spends 11 years knitting husband a coat and hat using her own HAIR|中國好妻子 耗費11年將髮織成衣獻給丈夫

A Chinese woman has knitted a cardigan and matching hat out of her own hair.

Xiang Renxian, 60, pulled 116,058 strands of hair from her head - she counted every single one - and weaved it into the coat and cap. The 60-year-old from China's Chongqing province spent 11 years collecting hair and working on the clothing.


  • Cardigan  (n.) 羊毛衫
  • Matching (adj.) 相配的,相稱的,一致的
  • Strand (n.) 股;串 ﹡be left stranded 處於困境;束手無策
Ex: He was left stranded in Paris.   他身困巴黎,束手無策。
  • Weave (v.) 編織
Womenfolks in this country are good at weaving rugs.   這個國家的婦女善織地毯。

The retired teacher said: ‘Throughout my youth I was always famous for my wonderful long hair, and as I grew older I realised that, just like my looks, my hair was losing its lustre.

'I wanted to find a way to preserve that, and came up with the idea of using it to create something for my husband. ‘It took a while to perfect the techniques, it was only when I was 49 that I started work on this project.

'Over the next 11 years I counted all the hairs that I collected and used on the coat and so I know that I used 116,058, with the coat weighing 382.3g and the hat weighing 119.5g.

這位退休女教師說道 :「年輕時,人人稱羨我那頭烏黑亮麗的秀髮。隨著年齡增長,我發現髮絲就像外表一樣,終將失去它的光澤,我萌生了用頭髮為丈夫織衣物的想法,來永久保存我的頭髮。直到49歲時,我才開始著手這項計畫,接下來的11年,我每天都記錄掉頭髮的數量。總共用了116,058根頭髮,衣服重382.3克,帽子重119.5克。」

  • Lustre (n.) 光澤
  • Technique (n.) 技巧;技術;方法

They need to learn modern management techniques.   他們還得學習現代管理技術。

‘Once I got into the technique that I developed, it was actually not difficult to do, you just need patience and I knew that I had the time. 'Whatever happens to my hair in the future, I now know that this will always be there as a reminder of my youth and the many good memories my husband and I shared in that time.’

She did not reveal her husband's reaction to the unusual set of gifts. When asked if the next item might be underwear for her husband, she replied: ‘This project is finished now, but I will carry on, I am just wondering what the next item will be.’



  • Reminder (n.) 令人回憶的東西