Wednesday, February 12, 2014

People don't realise how much sugar there is in Coca-Cola|開心喝可樂的同時,你知道你吃下了幾顆方糖嗎?

The European president of Coca-Cola has admitted that some customers 'don't realise' how much sugar is in the company's drinks.

Speaking on Newsnight, James Quincey also conceded that 'things need to change' and servings had to reduce in size. The admission came after Jeremy Paxman took him to task on the size of servings available in cinemas - some of which contain a staggering 44 teaspoons of sugar.

日前,眾多知名手搖飲料店,被爆出許多飲料含糖量都超標,喝多恐不利健康時,普受全球歡迎的汽水-『可口可樂 Coca-Cola』也傳出內含有過量糖份,引起一陣譁然。普通罐裝可樂含6茶匙糖(約35克,7顆方糖),相當於一杯卡布奇諾,或者半個牛角麵包的糖份,一罐500ml的可樂糖份更高,達10.5顆方糖。

When asked by Mr Paxman what good Coca-Cola did its consumers, Mr Quincey said: 'It does have some sugar in it... it has energy, but is it a necessity? No it's not. But millions of people enjoy it as part of their diet across the UK.'  

Mr Quincey also pointed put that a regular can of the drink - which contains 35g or six teaspoons of sugar - was similar in calories to 'a cappuccino or a half a croissant'. He stressed that the company was working hard to promote the calorie and sugar content of its products so that consumers could make informed choices.

He conceded: 'Things need to change and the bigger cups need to come down,' he said. A 'small' cinema serving is said to contain a 23 teaspoons on sugar, while a large contains 44.

Mr Quincey argued that the company wasn't trying to hide the information and was 'focused on getting the information out there'. 'Then they can make choices and if they don't want to buy one... clearly [these sizes] won't be for everyone,' he added. 

But he agreed that the 'bigger cups need to come down' and there may be 'smaller packages'. 'I don't think we are saying that the world can't change and doesn't need to move on - we do need to recognise that things need to change,' he said.

UK guidelines recommend that ‘added’ sugars - those used to sweeten food, fizzy drinks, honeys, syrups and fruit juices - shouldn’t make up more than 10 per cent of the total energy we get from food.

This is around 50g of sugar a day, equivalent to 10 cubes of sugar for adults and older children, and nine for five to ten-year-olds. But just one 500ml bottle of Coke will send you over this limit, with 10.5 cubes.

Earlier this year Coca-Cola, the parent company of Sprite, announced that the fizzy lemon and lime flavoured drink was to be scrapped in favour of a lower-calorie version that uses a 'natural' sweetener, Stevia.

The new formulation contains 30 per cent fewer calories. The drink was altered as part of Coca-Cola's anti-obesity drive and followed a call by the government to address the issue.

Coca-Cola also began airing anti-obesity TV ads this year to 'remind' viewers that all calories count in managing weight, including those in Coca-Cola's products. Aside from Sprite, the company also said to be exploring more diet options.

可口可樂歐洲區總裁James Quincey日前接受電視訪問時承認,多數消費者並不清楚可口可樂含糖量偏高,且人體並不需要攝取那麼多的糖分。他強調公司並無意打算隱匿實情,日後會告知消費者成分及熱量,讓消費者自行衡量購買,並承諾將改良配方,讓消費者更健康。可口可樂公司在今年開始播出抗肥胖的電視廣告,旗下品牌兩款飲品已改用天然甜味劑,產品比以往降低30%熱量。


  • Concede (v.)(勉強)承認
The candidate conceded that he had lost the election.
  • Staggering (adj.) 驚人的;令人難以置信的
The cost was a staggering $10 million.   
  • Informed (adj.) 明智的;知情的
  • Fizzy drinks (n.) 碳酸飲料
  • Syrup (n.) 糖漿;果汁
  • Equivalent +to (adj.) 相同的;等量的
A meter is equivalent to 39 . 37 inches.   
  • Lime (n.) 萊姆
  • Scrap (v.) 將‥作為廢物;廢棄
It is high time that the old plane was scrapped.   
  • Sweetener (n.) 甜味劑;糖精
No artificial sweeteners are used in this product.   
  • Air (v.) 播送
This program will be aired on CBS.   

Revealed: How Coke compares to other foods on the market.

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